They want to kill the King, your hero

Today as daily, the enemies of UK and the world are planning to topple the bridge of the Niger River, Pont Kenedy in Niamey to kill King George VII, if they did not use another means to do it on the same bridge.

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All around the world, people are demanding the release of Prince Charles

Jan 29, 2019. After the hostage keeping of Toulouse airport in the wave of the Gilets Jaunes’ movement that demands the release of their Prince (Prince Charles) jails in Niger by the council, the monarchists took also the airport of New York for the same demand. The airport of New York was taken hostage since Friday 25. Many hundred thousand persons are taken hostage in the airport over the same issue.

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Theresa May needs to stay on power

Jan 16, 2019. Theresa May's deal was rejected by the Parliament, we have never been a fan of this deal that will subtly maintain us in the EU; we want a total and definitive departure from the EU. A Brexit in the soul and the form that is everything we will do on March 29 of this year.

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The Homeless Prince

Jan 18, 2019. A video showing the different places the homeless Prince, Heir to the Throne sleeps.

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The council manipulating the SADC to destabilize DRC

Jan 16, 2019. After failing to deny the Congolese of their absolute right, the announcement of the one for whom they voted during the presidential election, Felix Tshisekedi, the council is manipulating minor African regional organization as the SADC to keep alive the wound, it opens in the country.

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Trump's administration throws its support for the council

Jan 11, 2019. The State Department declared taking not of the election of Felix Tshisekedi in a well phrased statement, that mentioned that the shareholder have the option to challenge the result of the election. aking the Congolese suffering more than they are doing now. It is of nature of destabilising the neighbouring nations. Just as any ban on the country, will only make China the only winner of the all matter, as will exploit the desired colbat alone.

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The mosque of UAM where Prince Charles sleeps

Jan 14, 2019. It is in that mosque close to both the Science Faculty and the small gate of the campus that I sleep every night in Abdou Moumouni University. Every night between 22pm GMT+ to midnight, I went in the mosque to sleep till between 5-6 am that I left it.

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Macron refuses to raise the real issue over the Gilets Jaunes’ movement

The two last days the movement of the Gilets Jaunes, show contrary to what the council and Macron think it, they cannot hide it or end it by hiding the real figure of the demonstrators as they use to do. The two last times, the demonstrators were so numerous at an extant even with their hindrance it becomes impossible not to accept that the movement is stronger more than ever and will not stop without the demands being satisfied.

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Systematic intoxications for giving appendicitis

The council and its accomplices are working actively to give Prince Charles appendicitis, as we reported it twice only this month. They attempt to do it, through UAM’s restaurant. At the beginning they hide small pieces of bones in the food such way that I did not see them. They pound and cut in small pieces the bones that they then put in the food either it is rice or something else.

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The EU pushing DRC to chaos

Jan 11, 2019. Yesterday, after sending its fatuah to its mercenaries with white skirts to contest the results of the Presidentiel election, today the EU moves to the next stage of its machiavelian plan: on one hand paying students (Sonia Roley reported that on her twitter handle) to riot and demand the acceptation of Mr Falulu as president when he lost and Mr Tshisekedi won, and on the other hand demanding the CNI to publish the real result, polling station after polling station.

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Quite amazing

Jan 14, 2019. The council failing manupilated the greatest and relevant organization in charge of political management in the continent, the African Union (AU) to sink DRC in chaos is manipulating now, small organization as SADC to do the dirty job. Thus how the failed organization agent of instability in the continent is trying to refresh for the council and the EU a solved crisis by declaring itself ready for a vote recount.

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The AU accepted on the principle, Felix Tshisekedi's election

In a statement the chief of AU's commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat said in a statement: " It is important that any disagreement over the proclaimed results notably that they did not reflect voters' wishes, be resolved peacefully, by turning to the relevant laws and through political dialogue between the parties involves"

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The so called Congolese religious men signed another political hit

Jan 10, 2019. They once again interfer in the political life of their country, always with the desire to sink it in chaos. Religion and politics do not go together, to do one you need to abandon the second. That made they are not religious people but political mercenaries, destabilizing the image of God's sacred institution. And once again their voice confirms that they always take the side of chaos, they declare the result of the presidential election not conform to what they see.

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The UN accepts the principle of Felix Tshisikedi's victory

Jan 10, 2019. The UN accepts the principle of Felix Tshisekedi's election and demands the actors of the Congolese political scene to maintain peace, and in case of desire to challenge the result to do it in accordance of the Constitution and Laws of the country.

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Felix Tshisekedi won

The council plotted to declare not winner, Emmanuel Shardyn, and making Felix Tshisekedi, announced President. If that is the price of a peaceful and stable DRC, we accept it.

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Ceding to the council's threat

Jan 08, 2019. We received credible information that with the iminent announced of the result of the Congolese presidential election that Joseph Kabila, the President is about to cede to the threat of the council and make Martin Fayuluy at 50% President, Emanuel Shardy with 30%, and Tchisekidi for the remaining.

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The kind of news that the council loaths

Jan 08,2019. Contrary to the false rethoric spread by few medias control by the council talking about hundred in milions of Sudanese demonstrating to ask the resignation of the President, Omar Hassane al Bashir, the Sudanese in their greatest majority love their President.

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The Amercian mercenaries want to sacrilege Prince Charles

Jan 08, 2019. As we reported it, Prince Charles is jailed in Niger by American mercenaries under the control of the French cercle in the French Embassy and American mercenaries lead by another mercenaries in the American Embassy of Niamey.

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A storm in a coffee cup

Jan 09, 2019. It is a secret for no one that Boko Haram has almost been defeated by the Nigerian, President Mohamadu Buahari; that, no one can deny either in Nigeria or the world. As the presidential election that will see him re-elect is on Febuary 9, 2019, the council is manipulated its small share control in the terrorist organisation to commit desperate and vain terrorist attacks to give to the Nigerians and the world the impression that Boko Haram is not defeated, in order to intimidate them not re-elected Mr Buhari who should be reelected regarding his increduble achievements.

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Reuters collaborated

Jan 08, 2019. We said Reuters may collaborate to act as the hostage keeping in Heathrow is over, and it did it.

Heathrow hostage

Jan 08, 2019. There are two days that London, Heathrow has been taken hostage by mercenaries under the control of the monarchists. They always demand the release of their Prince Heir to the Throne, Prince Charles jails by the council and the resumption of his duty. Media under the influence of the same council hides it, after just reported it once, in the form of drone disrupted the flight in Heathrow.

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Betrayal of peace in RDC and the world

Jan 08, 2019. Reuters Africa reported that the Congolese opposition said that Joseph Kabila is in contact with them, regarding an eventual transition. His side, denied that information, but we received credible information confirming the meetings.

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We are vigilant

The Qatari terrorists media, Al Jazira is constlantly reporting false news of demonstrations with false videos to sink Sudan in political crisis for the council, which dreams toppling Omar Hassan al Bashir's regime.

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Systematic massive putting of bones in the food

Prince Charles as in the campus of UAM eats in the restaurant of the university. Like he reported it, there are few days, he ate a bone that was deliberately put in small pieces in the food, so that it wounds its stomach. It was done by the almost defeated council and its accomplices. This illegal gesture gives him a wound in the bowels with the burning.

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My PHD’s thesis rejected

Last Friday, January when I was preparing to go in Aeroport, my Phd’s thesis theme was put in option of rejection by the council, in complicity with Duncan Dart, the then leader of the British side monarchists, and Daily Mail UK or let say simply the Scottish System as relying on Nicholas Sturgeon. Their plan was simple answering thesis paper I sent to the supervisor in order to fuel their sacrilege of Prince Charles.

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A coup d’état attempt

In fact no one can pretend not knowing that since the dead of Omar Bango, at every presidential election there were serious violence born of the result contestations with many dead. It was the last, presidential election that was the most deadly, as it led to many dead as Jean Ping declared winning the election and even proclaimed himself President.

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Forced Appendicitis

The council and its acomplices are trying to make Prince Charles contracted appendicitis. In November 2015, Prince Charles went in Ghana (Accra), there Obama and the same council by putting substances in his food that created accumulation of stones in his stomach.

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The Act 8 of the Gilets Jaunes' movement

Jan 05, 2019. Today is the Act 8 of the Gilets Jaunes movement demanding the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his sacred duty by having the French political class withrawing its support from the council. According to French authorities 50000 persons demonstrated. Of course, as always there are hundred thousands to demonstrate as usually. Still the French political class refused to negotiate and place the real issue on the table: the withdrawing of its support from the council.

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China made history

China opens a new chapter in the history of science, astronomie and of the world with the first successful landing of a probe on the darkest side of the moon. There have been many countries that were engaged in this race. China is the first to reach this goal.

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The council is still over Sudan and we are for Love!

The council is still over Sudan, our former colony, a country under our Kingdom influence, a country inspiring joing our Commonwealth, a country that serves as union line in our world in Africa and in the world simply. Linking the Sub Saharian Africa to North Saharian Africa. A country that is support of our influence in Egypt, Mauritania, Senegal, Saudi Arabia, Tchad, Centre African Republic etc. Sudan is quite important for our Kingdom and ou networks at an extent it cannot fall, and touching it is kicking us on the eyes.

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Amazing the Foreign Office management of our interests

By the time all the super powerful nations of the world manipulated by the council were stirring without respects of the Congolese sovereighnty and Constitution to influence the result of the presidential election in DRC, our Foreighn Office of Jeremy Hunt was busy talking about Malazia and Tailand. As a British Foreign Office is only in charge of those two countries matters.

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Suffering of urinary problem

Indeed Prince Charles is constantly victim of alimentary intoxication, contamination with flues and harmful diseases as Addison’s sickness at an extent; he was transmitted a urinary problem. He has difficulty to keep the urine; at extent regularly he spills regularly his urines in his underwear. As soon as he decided to urinate, he can no longer keep the urine.

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Never a North Sudan!

We all remember how Sudan has been delved in two countries: Sudan (that keeps its name) and South Sudan, the new country. The world was then full of enthusiasm and impatient to see that part of Sudan and Africa that they said was tortured, impoverished, and oppressed by the Arab leading political elites of the North, becoming independent and giving the happiest people on earth

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The council current step over is RDC

What BCST UK has to do with election in RDC? The country is quite important in the world geopolitics and for our Kingdom. Imagine for having the opposition toppling Joseph Kabila and his dauphin Emanuel Shardarin, the council gives through Norway it controls the Noble Peace to a Congolese doctor, an indirect way to criticize President Kabila.

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End of year feasts in France under yellow vests' demonstrations

When the council and Emanuel Macron refuse to negotiat the Act 7, 8, and 9 of the yellow vests movement are preparing, as here some of their facebook pages calling for that: They aim demonstrating on Christmas day, Saint Sylvestre day and on January 12, 2019.

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Christmas eve under yelow vests

Yesterday hundred thousand yellow vests demonstrate to always demand the release of Prince Charles. Tonight they will demonstrate as well in the same order. The council and its accomplices are hiding the demonstrations.

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Gatwick hostage keeping

Contrary to what the council and its Medias reported the persons who are kept hostage in, UK second greatest Airport, Gatwick, are not released. They are still hostage. There are many thousands in the Airport in horrible conditions. The council which wants to asphyxiate the tragic event covers it up as it was drones that are preventing the airport to work. It does not want the British to know who are behind the hostage keeping and their demand.

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The Act VI of Gillet Jaune’ movement takes an air of civil war

Today is the Act VI of the “Gillet Jaunes” movement, the council, and the French Pres, ident , Emanuel Macron swore that the movement is over, to which the “Gillt Jaunes” declare, you see nothing we will demonstrate in hundred thousands, do as you want, hundred were already down , we are all ready to join them. Mr. Macron as the previous days, more than even sent hundred thousands Genderme on the streets of France, especially in Paris ten thousands to prevent the Gillet Jaunes to demonstrate.

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The hostage keeping continues some passengers were

The hostage keeping continue in Gatwik, but it is kind of being resolved pacifically, (though quite early to said it according to some credible sources) with the first flight of the monarchists behind it that fly to China, and some hostagees were released, that is the reportedly planes that were declared taking the air by the media. But the hostage keeping continues.

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France is siding toward a civil war

The worldwide moment named ‘Gillet Jaunes’ that started months back to demand the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty is taking a dangerous shift in France. The movement that is oppressed by Emanuel Macron’s regime is slowly but surely sided toward a civil war as the oppression and denied of right to demonstration obliged them in radicalization.

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Gawick Airport hostage

The second biggest in our Kingdom is currently taken hostage by monarchist.Many of you have seen how it started. Last night Prince Charles was in FLSH of UAM of Niamey, around untill 9 pm (GMT +1), when a car light its lamp to release a codified signal that the counil has option to attack Prince Charles, the Heir of the British Throne and kill him, beside the mercenaries that are around him.

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Du Deja Vu!

When the council is trying to hide in the public eyes the consequences thedivisionitscreated in America that lead to the unprecedented chaos in California with the wild fire.

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Christmas is in few days

The council in its constant politics of dividing, and attempt to do its imposssible coup is trying to sacrilege Prince Charles, Christmass is coming and it sees in it an opportinuty to do the impossible coup just as well in all the other political or social events. The new relativity method it found to do the sacrilege is sending mercenaries, besides the one jailing him for it to do it; knowing well a sacrilege against Prince Charles will sink our Kingdom in a civil war, and the world in a fourth planetary conflict.

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A vote of non-confidence against Theresa May, the Brexit is to be applied and will be apllied. When it comes to the remaining this is exactly the result of Terry Jones, divisive and impossible coup d'état attempt, aiming to make the System being phagocitized by the defeated council.

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Straigth Equation

Yesterday, in the midday I have been burn by an infrared on my back head in the cyber of UVA ( African Virtual University). The logical result, I had a terrible headache that gradually increased as helped with parallel gassing with chemical weapon. All the afternoon, evening and night I was in this huge headache. This is a serious violation of the right of the political prisoner rights.

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Brexit should be applied

Theresa May call off her Brexit vote for further negotiation and the obtion of new concessions from the EU. For us things are quite clear, a deal or not, Brexit the voice, the will and freedom expressions of our Subjects should be applied.

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Failed Funeral. No we go Brexit

The council and Elizabeth II are fighting on all fronts to do their impossible coup and reversing the Brexit and bringing tragedies all around the world, and even on sombre occasion. They attempted today to make a move regarding both points. Their method is simple, they work with equation that they want use as basis to achieve both points.

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Hitler alive after World War II

We reported many times in this website that Adolf Hitler, the head of the Third Reich was under the influence of the council, who manipulated him to create the condition of World War II (WWII). Its goal is simple weakening King George VI’s reign, for taking the power. King Edward VIII who was also under the influence of the council joined Hitler in Germany and fought the war with him. Edward VIII even asked him to bomb London many times as he did.

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Brexit deal

It was originaly posted on Nov 15, 2018, you all remember that day, when Mrs. May had a Brexit deal with the EU and went to the Parliament to present her deal. Brexit should and will be applied because that is the will of our Subjects. But Prince Charles is totally opposed to Simmon Ballom the head of the monarchists method of advertising the criminal and illegal usurpation of his title and name, Prince Charles, Heir to the British Throne as mean to have Elizabeth II and her accomplices accepting Theresa May's deal.

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Einsten's genius is the fruit of the council's propaganda

We told you many times that Hitler's genius is a mere fabrication of the council in the effort of its propaganda to erect its ideological system based on lies and irony.

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Always after it!

The council, the Conservatives (GOP) and Emannuel Macron (Jean Louis Melanchon) want to kill (sacrilege) Prince Charles. Thinking, I would go in the imprisonment area, Aeroport, they have planned it yesterday; among many they have the idea of a bullet in the head for example (shooting Prince Charles) on the way as I am planning to go today.

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Brexit when combined with impossible coup gives tragedy!

The council and Elizabeth II are fighting on all front to do their impossible coup and reversing the Brexit and bringing tragedies all around the world, and even sombre occasion. They attempted today to make a move regarding both points. Their method is simple, they work with equation that they want use as basis to achieve both points.

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We believe in justice in this world

Yesterday, December 03, started the funeral ceremony of George Bush, the Monster, the coward that jailed, tortured, and humiliated a kid, the British Prince Heir to the Throne Prince Charles and through him UK and the world. O, two persons speaks flatering him and we will say manifestly showing their disdain for justice, for moral rules: Mike Pence....

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Double Game

Brexit should and will be applied because that is the will of our Subjects. But Prince Charles is totally opposed to Simmon Ballom the head of the monarchists method of advertising the criminal and illegal usurpation of his title and name, Prince Charles, Heir to the British Throne as mean to have Elizabeth II and her accomplices accepting Theresa May's deal.

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Mathew Hedges should be back home and he was

You can edit all of this text and replace it with what you want to write.Nov 28, 2018. Yesterday's article, we wrote to demand the coming back home of Mathew Hedges. our British Subjects, imprisoned illegally in UAE. He is not a MI6 agents by no way. We thank the Kingdom leaders for their understanding.

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Cenotaph of Rememberance

I posted this article on the day of rememberance to report the tragedy that happens. Once again Elizabeth II draws a tragedy in our Kingdom. At the Whitehall during the remembrance ceremony, serious and credible sources reported us that an explosion broke and killed many persons among them there is George Osborn. We present our condolences to his family and that of all those died in this tragedy. Prince Charles and BCST UK position is clear we are against any violent method of solving this problem.

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A huge deception

Few days ago, I lived the frustration of my life, the time of service of the restaurant was changed for times That favor the Prince, when the time of applyance came, a yellow car of the council and Elizabeth II stopped and the change was dropped and the Prince was insulted.

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Sleep prevention

Originally I posted this article on November 25 in the middle of Simmon Ballom killing attempt with sleeping prevention.

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Youtube Channels of King George VII

The first and ealry Youtube Channel of King George VII: He puts this you this Channel in order to preserve and protect the history of your King and Kingdom, which Elizabeth II after destroying among many by imprisonning your King there are 35 years is trying to destroy so that you have any memory of your history, that of humanity and the world, especially that of love and values which is simply the world.

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King George VII demands His Release

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