Through the noble cause we defend, we have partners as Prince Charles (he is one of the leaders of our movement) that have access to the highest confidential information that the classical outlets do not have or cannot publish because either control by the council, or under the classical establishment control by a way or another control logically by the council. So do not be surprised by the news we give here, or by no way categorized our exclusive information as coming of conspiracy theory group that we are not, BCST is not;  when we defend the noblest cause possible being freed our Kingdom and having the normal Constitutional order to the throne being restored with the proclamation of Prince Charles as King George VII of United Kingdom.    All the information we post or announce through our sacred organisation you can verify them as we always posted everything we said with its proofs or provide you ways of verifying its accuracy.
   Our Kingdom needs to be saved, no one if not you can do so, you the Subjects, you the people. You are our strength, you are our power, and you are the proud of United Kingdom. Get here, the best exact and accurate information about our Kingdom and stand up to free it.
   Here history is written, here love and friendship between nations is a reality. Here pass the way of a Great Great Britain, Great of you, Great of your rightful dreams and aspirations, all ours. God we serve that is why we served you faithfully.                                
