A storm in a coffee cup

Jan 09, 2019.

   It is a secret for no one that Boko Haram has almost been defeated by the Nigerian, President Mohamadu Buahari; that, no one can deny either in Nigeria or the world. As the presidential election that will see him re-elect is on Febuary 9, 2019, the council is manipulated its small share control in the terrorist organisation to commit desperate and vain terrorist attacks to give to the Nigerians and the world the impression that Boko Haram is not defeated, in order to intimidate them not re-elected Mr Buhari who should be reelected regarding his increduble achievements.

    Every Nigerian, and world ciitzen with little sense and critical faculties know that though they continue the attacks that it is no more no less than for interfering in the electoral process. Anyway, those attacks should be one more reason to re-elect Mr Buhari who shows himself capable of defeated them, and show that he needs a second term to defeat them completly.