Some migrants trying to climb European walls
Jan 11, 2019.
Yesterday, after sending its fatuah to its mercenaries with white skirts to contest the results of the Presidentiel election, today the EU moves to the next stage of its machiavelian plan: on one hand paying students (Sonia Roley reported that on her twitter handle) to riot and demand the acceptation of Mr Falulu as president when he lost and Mr Tshisekedi won, and on the other hand demanding the CNI to publish the real result, polling station after polling station.
Here is everything the EU is fighting to have in DRC
Quite funny, first of all the EU has any right to interfer in the democratic process of an independent country. Secondly, the CENI has released the result just it should do it according to the laws of the country and even poll station after poll station. Thirdly , the international commuty accepted the principle of victory of Mr Tshisekedi, for saving the fragile peace in the country, the democracy which sees the first alterance in the country (of course the EU does not see it as longer as it is not Mr Falulu the council demands it to fight to impose as winner that is declared President). The entire world is asking itself why didn't the same EU showing the same energy when the Kenyan opposition leader, Mr Rolinga declared winning the election with proofs? Of course, Kenya did not have colbat, which the EU is determined to have through Mr Falulu by even plunging the country in chaos. Quite amazing when you ask the beligerent to calm and dialogue, and challenge the results to courts, you do not have the right, and try to force the CENI to declare false result. It is the relevant person, Mr Falulu to challenge results if he wants, he said he wiil do so. Then, no one understand this inflamatory statement of EU that is exporting the political crisis that is destroying it with its immigrants in another country, on which it has any smallest responsability.
When it is DRC, it is the AU and even this morning the organisation declare accepting the principle of victory of Mr Tshisekedi and demand dialogue and Constitutional challenge of the result if there is. So, the EU has any right to come to destroy the AU effort to pacify the country. The organisation has the responsability to protect its member, by demanding the EU not to meddle in the political process of its member, a process that is going well, despite the sabotage. All around the world, democray is failure, last week it was Bangladesh with the oppostion declared winning, why didn't the EU, meddle to ask the revelation of the real result? The answer is simple, Bangladesh is happy of not having colbat that the council and the EU want.
The EU is only doing the game of President Kabila, who never wants leaving the power, it is like the EU will give him a strong alibi to stay on power. It is more likely the EU wants more immigrants at its shores because this exactly what will happen by sinking more DRC in political crisis.