Dec 22, 2018.
Today is the Act VI of the “Gillet Jaunes” movement, the council, and the French Pres, ident , Emanuel Macron swore that the movement is over, to which the “Gillt Jaunes” declare, you see nothing we will demonstrate in hundred thousands, do as you want, hundred were already down , we are all ready to join them. Mr. Macron as the previous days, more than even sent hundred thousands Genderme on the streets of France, especially in Paris ten thousands to prevent the Gillet Jaunes to demonstrate. It is a secret for no one that France is in State of emergency though not declare officially.
Still as the “Gillet Jaunes” swore it more than ever there are currently in hundred thousand in the streets of France. The council and Mr. Macron swore that the demonstration is over, medias would not report it and they would send hundred thousand Gendarmes to prevent it. Thus with the media they control do not report it, and they are threatening the independent medias not report those demonstrations. Still there are endless free and independent medias covering and reporting in live the demonstrations, among them there is Figaro: . The newspaper with this article gives an idea, a simple glance, summing up the huge and violent demonstration that are taking place right now in France. You can see in the articles there are places asVersailles, Emanuel Macron think they might demonstrate, sent hundred thousand Gendarmes with guns, and secret agents occupy and block the entrance of the place that is surrounding by the. In the article a simple glance is giving you to the scene.
There are places also in article that you can see hundred thousand persons as Montmartre. There are some places where there are ten dead both sides at the crossing of the street Saint Augustain and Saint Anne, where tens thousands of demonstrators trapped and circle tens Gendarmes who with their guns do not what to do . It is clear that having made dead among the Gillet Jaunes before they attacked them, they would kill all of them and having tens of them killed by their billets. In that place at least 40 died.
When by this moment, Emanuel Macron is reporting visiting Tchad. Let say clearly, he trips to hide himself knowing the chaos that might break today regarding the bras de fer, he initiated with the Gillet Jaunes that he declared he would prevent to demonstrate with the army.