Congolese soldiers, reports declare that the arm forces are on the streets of the country
Jan 08, 2019.
We received credible information that with the iminent announced of the result of the Congolese presidential election that Joseph Kabila, the President is about to cede to the threat of the council and make Martin Fayuluy at 50% President, Emanuel Shardy with 30%, and Tchisekidi for the remaining.
For example Reuters one of the medias of the council's accomplices in the American network, is fighting to impose its own victory ranking with soldiers with guns in the articles, in meaning for us it has to be first, Martin Fayulu or Tsekedi that they class respectively first and second, and evidently they place the real winner, and the only who has ground to win Emmanuel Shardyn. How can a media, without any proof posting articles to say here is the ranking of an election which results were not even announced? How can a famous media as Reuters violated rudely the Constitutional rules of a sovereign country, DRC that wants only the CENI to announce the results? Like you see, the world, the almost defeated council wants to set is one without law or justice. Where is the international community when such thing happen, without it condemning them.
As we wrote it, Mr Kabila met the opposition's leaders regarding handing them illegally the power. Then the perspective is giving illegally the power to the opposition regardless the will and votes of the valiant Congoles that voted Mr Shardyn.
We are very vigilant and ask the international community to be the guardian of the respect of the will of the Congolese, for avoid any further conflict that will be too bad for the country.
Read an impartial and free media, Africa News reporting on the imminent announcement of the result.
We are vigilant...