Trump's administration throws its support for the council

Jan 11, 2019.

   The State Department declared taking not of the election of Felix Tshisekedi in a well phrased statement, that mentioned that the shareholder have the option to challenge the result of the election. This statement releases at the demand of the council, is a clear violation of DRC's sovereingnity, France, Belgium, and America expecially  do not have any right to interfer in the democratic process of an independent country, by asking its opposition to challenge the result that they think not clear as their candidate is not elected. First of all, the declaration came after they attempted all yesterday to sink the country in chaos, causing 11 dead. As that plan failed they come with this declaration that come lately to accept the principle of election of Mr Tshisekedi and urging their mercenaries to continue the fight on the legal ground. We have all seen, during the presidential elections in Congo or Camroon, or even Kenya the oppositions as many observers declared not agree with the results announced, still France, Belgian and America did not ask the opposition to challenge the results, because those regimes are ruled by their mercenaries. In Kenya there is even currently two Presidents, as Mr Rodinga support by many credible persons and organisations, said that  he won the election, and sworn himself as President. Why didn't those countries also support them, for not only toppling their mercenaries, but also for not sinking those countries in civil war. Then their logic with DRC, is either they control the regime or they sink it in chaos.

Read the statement here.

    It is clear this State Department's stament is of nature of pushing the opposition manupilated by the council to maintain their division of the country, everything that also goes with the interests of President Kabila who did not want to leave the power, which may declare the election nul, and staying on power for endless years. He will play the clock as he did it for two years. He will even claim it is impossible to organise a presidential eleciton in the country. 

    America as one of the super powerful nations on earth has duty to work for stability and peace in the world, without doubt this statement is of nature of maintaining the division. Though it accepts the principle of the election of Tshisekedi. Today, they are planning under the influence of the same terrorists organisation (the council) about how they will do the impossible making Mr Falulu President, by putting pressures or sanction on the country.  It is quite clear, regarding the importance of the country such kind of decision is of nature of creating a Fourth World War. It is of nature in making the Congolese suffering more than they are doing now. It is of nature of destabilising the neighbouring nations.  Just as any ban on the country, will only make China the only winner of the all matter, as will exploit the desired colbat alone. 

    We are against such discussion or meeting on DRC, a President has been elected from the UN, to all the different organisations accept the election of the new President on the principle as they do usually. Then any meeting is needed. The remaining belongs to the Congolese opposition to challenge the result or not. But, any UN intervention through a discussion, or any action is of nature of creating stability and chaos in the country, region and the world, everything that goes against the goal of the organization which is supposed to maintain peace in the world. And we are totally against such meeting, in the UN and elsewhere. We call Martin Falulu to put as Mr Rolinga, or Mr Chamisa, or Cameroonians opposition's leaders have done to put the interests of his country first, by not doing a contestation of the results which may be exploited to maintain the division of the country.

. First of all, the declaration came after they attempted all yesterday to sink the country in chaos, causing 11 dead. As that plan failed they come with this declaration that come lately to accept the principle of election of Mr Tshisekedi and urging their mercenaries to continue the fight on the legal ground. We have all seen, during the presidential elections in Congo or Camroon, or even Kenya the oppositions as many observers declared not agree with the results announced, still France, Belgian and America did not ask the opposition to challenge the results, because those regimes are ruled by their mercenaries. In Kenya there is even currently two Presidents, as Mr Rodinga support by many credible persons and organisations, said that  he won the election, and sworn himself as President. Why didn't those countries also support them, for not only toppling their mercenaries, but also for not sinking those countries in civil war. Then their logic with DRC, is either they control the regime or they sink it in chaos.

    It is clear this State Department's stament is of nature of pushing the opposition manupilated by the council to maintain their division of the country, everything that also goes with the interests of President Kabila who did not want to leave the power, which may declare the election nul, and staying on power for endless years. He will play the clock as he did it for two years. He will even claim it is impossible to organise a presidential eleciton in the country. 

    America as one of the super powerful nations on earth has duty to work for stability and peace in the world, without doubt this statement is of nature of maintaining the division. Though it accepts the principle of the election of Tshisekedi. Today, they are planning under the influence of the same terrorists organisation (the council) about how they will do the impossible making Mr Falulu President, by putting pressures or sanction on the country.  It is quite clear, regarding the importance of the country such kind of decision is of nature of creating a Fourth World War. It is of nature in making the Congolese suffering more than they are doing now. It is of nature of destabilising the neighbouring nations.  Just as any ban on the country, will only make China the only winner of the all matter, as will exploit the desired colbat alone. 

    We are against such discussion or meeting on DRC, a President has been elected from the UN, to all the different organisations accept the election of the new President on the principle as they do usually. Then any meeting is needed. The remaining belongs to the Congolese opposition to challenge the result or not. But, any UN intervention through a discussion, or any action is of nature of creating stability and chaos in the country, region and the world, everything that goes against the goal of the organization which is supposed to maintain peace in the world. And we are totally against such meeting, in the UN and elsewhere. We call Martin Falulu to put as Mr Rolinga, or Mr Chamisa, or Cameroonians opposition's leaders have done to put the interests of his country first, by not doing a contestation of the results which may be exploited to maintain the division of the country.