Dec 10, 2018.
The council and Elizabeth II are fighting on all fronts to do their impossible coup and reversing the Brexit and bringing tragedies all around the world, and even on sombre occasion. They attempted today to make a move regarding both points. Their method is simple, they work with equation that they want use as basis to achieve both points. In other words as they are in logic of strength not of right, if they arrived to organise the funeral of George Bush with the attendance of Prince of Wales, the dead usurper, without any disruption as violent action that means they have more power at the second on the monarchists, the British and all those who are for justice. That means on December 11, they will conclude that they have the military superiority on the monarchist and all the others, they will use all means to have the Parliament not to vote the Brexit. And in case it comes to be rejected as they are with Elizabeth II they will do anything necessary to reverse the wish of the British Subjects (Brexit) without any one condemning or opposing it as needed to hav e our Constitution and laws being respected. And in the same confusion they will attempt to do the impossible coup by a way or another.
On the other side they are working actively to kill me as I am their obstacle regarding their impossible coup as the only one Heir to Throne, reason why all those days they were trying to sacrilege my gassing me with chemical weapon things that made every second I am in terrible headache. They were trying to do it in anticipation of today's Bush funeral. Did they succeed doing it, they would attempt making Prince of Wales who attending the funeral or William Bingo, the so called illegally Prince William going back London as the next king. They absolutely refuse to see the mess in which they are plunging the world and for them in a second or another British will abandon fighting for their Kingdom.
Only at today's sinful funeral of a criminal, George Bush who keeps jailed in horrible pain and torture a kid, Prince Charles, the Heir to the Throne; they attempted to do it, before the tragedy comes at the funeral to prevent them going forward in their plan, many persons died, among them the former American President, Jimmy Carter, the former Canadian Prime Minister and Barbara Bush.
Elizabeth II and the council are clearly against the Brexit for the simplest reason that they aim to destroy our Kingdom for keeping it under their arms. Our blood is too pure and too thick to be enslaved and oppressed by any regime, especially when united. So, the council and Elizabeth II knew that in other words to save their regime and their planed impossible coup they need to divide our Kingdom, and to maintain us in the EU. The European Union has been created by them after the World War II in order to change the power repartition in our Kingdom, and the world. It is in this logic that NATO as military institution is created. Contrary to what persons think the reason of existence of NATO is not defending Europe against Russia but against the monarchists. In its soul, it is an institution shaped to defend the council’s interests. Our Kingdom departure from the European Union, it is their separation from their political support and military defence force. That made by no can the council will accept Brexit. Even in 2016, it was their attempts of division of our Kingdom with the Scottish Referendum that forced them to accept the organization of the referendum on Brexit as a mean to seduce the British and also ( the referendum was scheduled to coincide with the American presidential election and they plan to use it as a mean to have their candidate being elected through blackmailing) to secure the control of American leadership, and English specifically which they alienated with the divisive referendum, which by itself did not intend to have an independent Scotland but to motivate the Scottish leaders in supporting them by mirroring them their independence; when it does not go with their interests as well. In other words they can never love the Brexit, the best they can do is tolerating it for years when their interests required it; before reversing it at the first occasion that is their fundamental goal, which is not subject to any change.
The Scottish independence, Northern Ireland place in Great Britain, our membership to the EU, their control of America, the saving of their illegal regime and the organization of their impossible coup all are linked. They intend to use all their conglomerate of conspiracy against our Kingdom in logic of strength knowing that they did not have any right to the throne; and by way will the British letting them destroy their Kingdom and fail saving their regime.
The defeated council only goal now is doing everything to prevent the Parliament voted the Brexit deal and also to reverse it in the short or long term. For that purpose they need the support of Elizabeth II who though mainly in their side, did not automatically share their agenda. It is playing currently to have Elizabeth II helps it to reverse the Parliament not voting Ms. May deal. They intend to exploit this refusal to create a political crisis with which they plan to have Theresa May dismiss from her position by a Parliament a vote of non-confidence. The next step of the plan intends to have Elizabeth II illegally appoint Jeremy Corbyn as the next Prime Minister, knowing that his Party is against Brexit. So he will do everything to reverse the Brexit, they even start talking about a hidden military coup, because a second referendum on Brexist is no more no less than a military coup. Our laws are clear; just as it is a fundamental principle of the democratic system that a referendum adopted point should be implemented and cannot be reversed. For the same reason the Queen, cannot go against the democratic laws of our democracy, against the highest interests of our Kingdom being the Brexit, against the wish our Subjects which clearly voted to leave the EU. Should she do that she will be responsible of many serious high treasons with which each deserves her abdicates as she betrays her mission.
Entering in the political debate such way to designate a Prime Minister that clearly will work to reverse the will of the British Subjects is no more no less than going against the Magma Carter, and the Subjects will not hesitate to ask her to abdicate. With such move, the British Subjects, mainly dominated by Brexiters, and not only them, but all the Brexit movement as the voice of the majority is the voice of the Kingdom and the democracy, and all those persons will not hesitate to take the streets of UK and demanding the application of the Brexit and the abdication of Elizabeth II. It goes without saying that the Queen involving herself in political matter without going it in the sense of the highest interests of the Kingdom (the Brexit), the majority, law and religious duty will simply create the conditions of opposing the British instead of united them as her role required it. By no way will the British accepted, the Queen deprived them of their will. In such matter, the laws of our Kingdom and the nature of her function only allows and obliges her to order the immediate application of the Brexit as it is the wish our Subject, the requirement of democracy. Her religious function requires her, defence of the interests of the Kingdom: the respect of its laws; the wish of its Subject; and its intrinsic interests only defended out of the EU. She should do that especially when any rule of the EU asks a country to negotiate before leaving it. That is the only choice that her duty and function give her in case of Parliament not voting the PM’s deal anything else is a high treason.
Our Subjects never loved or liked the Europeans Union, even our adhesion was done by the council which then has lot of influence in our Kingdom, combined to the tolerance of the monarchists. Before we even joined it, the EU created by the council to destroy our Kingdom has done lot of progress, though our Kingdom resisted. But didn’t we join it, we would never lose our Super power. Then it was our adhesion to the EU that destroying our Kingdom. As soon as we did enter it, we lost our exclusivity in terms of easiness to sell our products in our former colonies, the other EU countries pupated by the council either directly, or indirectly through America took our Kingdom uncontested power on our former colonies. Our Kingdom becomes a country as any in the EU, as well as in the world. And our Kingdom revival as super powerful nation has been gradually done by the monarchists by gradually emancipated our Kingdom from the EU, especially on the economic side (As all the different companies that they control in the world treat directly with UK instead with the EU). On the political side, our government gradually emancipated itself from the EU, political tutorship. With slowly but surely, we develop our independent diplomacy and that has been very helpful for uprising. In fact currently, the EU economic crisis is mainly due to our Kingdom emergence as world super powerful nation, the key date in this process was 2008. Though the economists and economic institutions they control, do not tell it the UK bailed out American economy hits by a severe economic crisis. That is a secret for no one there was a Hollywood movie, Too Big to Fall that talks about the British banks as Barkley has been central in the resurgence of the American, economy. Though the movie did not go totally in revealing the truth but just hinted it, with the negotiation of Barack Obama’s Administration to have the help of the British banks.
It is a mere lie to link also the economic crisis of the EU countries as Greece to the economic crisis in America; though it contributed. But, it was clear after 9/11, the City becomes the Centre of the world economy. There is not only the terrorist attack that has been fatal to American super power there were especially the Afghanistan, and especially the Iraq war. In fact the factors that allow the uprising of our Kingdom are multiple. Among them there is the huge economic emergence of China in the detriment of America.
The European economy is interconnected to the American economy through endless strings as the banks that nurtured the EU. Most of their headquarter were in America, and to arrange nothing due to those factors American banks were bankrupted. The same America comes to be depending on China in terms of liquidity. It could not be otherwise as the classical supplier of the American economy, stop doing their job, with the 9/11 that deteriorates the relation between the two nations. There are lot persons that accused Saudi Arabia to be behind the attacks, they cited Ben Ladin being a Saudi as the essential of the terrorists that did the attacks, were Saudi Subjects. Many go with the Kingdom being the funder of the terrorist attacks. If UK comes to profit of the crisis it is due mainly to the plurality of our economic partnership that do not rely on America; but on endless countries from our Commonwealth as Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. All those countries were neither from far or close affected by the economic crisis that hits America as the essential of their economic transaction are with UK either directly or even indirectly through America. De facto, the Saudis after feuding with America regarding the attacks reoriented its economy and investment toward our Kingdom. Thus quickly London became the capital of billionaires and wealthy persons that want to invest and live in it. Among those factors, there was the fact that the dynamic of Chinese economy is oriented toward ours in terms of country assess deposits. In this role Hong Kong plays a huge role. There are also the Swiss banks as well, with many wealthy Americans in the confusion of the crisis, transfer their wealth either in them. Those banks are connected to ours in terms of last deposits. There are many more territories of the empire that play the same role. Many Italians and Greeks in the wave of the crisis put their money in our banks and their networks as they also delocalized their businesses and services. It will be long to explain all the reasons that lead to the re-emergence of our Kingdom’s super power, beside even that the context is hardly sweet for it. So, the position of 6thpowerful nation gives to our Kingdom is more than false.
The daily political crisis is no stranger to the growing of our economy, in detriment of the European. But, this process can only be jeopardized if our Kingdom did not leave the EU. Why must you say? The answer is simple the immigrants have made huge progress in destroying the French, German economies after they have made a serious destruction to the Italian economy. In fact a new G7 ranking is needed because after the economic crisis that led to the economic crisis in Italy, the country is no more member of G7. He is kept in it, just for geopolitical considerations. The same EU with its immigrants and refugees and economic crisis has bankrupt one of the greatest and stable country of the EU, Greece. So, currently those immigrants and refugees only aim to enter and settle in our Kingdom that is the all about of the Calais camp. The Brexit vote by our Subjects is not stranger with this unprecedented invasion of our Kingdom by the illegal immigrants, sometimes EU’s countries almost help those immigrants to enter in UK by closing their eyes to them. It was the jobs of our valiant British men they took, no one needs to explain how back our membership to the EU as they live daily its negative impact. It is to be noted the current slowing down of this huge invasion of our Kingdom by those immigrants is linked to the Brexit. Though the Brexit was not applied as it will be formally on March 29, 2019, we toughen our borders, and become vigilant regarding the EU countries tacit complicity in their arrival.
It is not only the immigrants that are invaded our Kingdom, but there is also the inner EU immigration, with people coming from EU countries in economic difficulties, or with less prosperous economy as Poland. There are millions Polish in our Kingdom, who were as much numerous as to redesign for several years the electoral landscape of our Kingdom. Their immigration is more devastative than any, as it is essentially made of educated persons; they have the same qualification as our Subjects, and the laws of the EU made that they have all rights to work in UK than any of our Subjects. The worst of all is that we cannot even balance that by having comparable number of our Subjects working in EU countries. Then, we do not know between the illegal immigrants and the EU immigrants which one is even harmful?
Personally, we, Prince Charles are not great fan of this deal regarding its details; but the greatest mistakes we can do as British Subjects; as one defending Great Britain and its interest is not voted it. How can I be fan of it when it contains lot of dispositions that tie us to the EU. Among those points there are the one regarding the backstop, not keeping the same checking policy at the border between the two Irelands and somehow maintaining the freedom of movement of persons and goods come to the same than remaining in the EU: the invasion of our Kingdom by illegal immigrants was one of the main reasons for which we decided to leave the EU. It quite clearly that endless illegal immigrants and even refugees will make the risky detour to the Republic of Ireland for entering in our Kingdom. It must be said, with such scenario it is not even England that will be the first target of the immigrants as it is now, but Scotland a part of Union less affected by our membership to the EU as many immigrants stop to England (London). We do not want them to create problems to Scotland though officially it has a welcoming position toward them; but not any, but qualified workers. It will have it in quantity as their will be surely lot of EU workers that will be tempted moving to Edinburgh or Aberdeen. That is a point of worries.
The second points of my reservation regarding the deal were regarding our Kingdom remaining in the European justice. That point is very challenging to the Brexit and the socio political stability of our Kingdom. In the way clearly it will be used to bring back our Kingdom in it, through legislation. The EU will also use it to take measures that will ruin our economy. And how can you being judged by a court, on which geopolitical body you are not part of, and do not have control. For example at the scale of a country, if the Supreme Court or a court, rule within its border- it is because it is based and applied the laws of the country, all coming from a political rapport de force. But by leaving the EU, we will be not part of the political interactions that will supply and managed the laws of European courts for them to be applied on us. Such way, laws which do not agree and do not go with our interests will be applied on us and that will be very bad for our economy.
In the political world, there is hardly perfect deal that only goes totally with your interests, you have to make concessions, and we have to think about the consequences of not having a deal. Why? Because there are Elizabeth II and her accomplices (the council) they are fundamentally against Brexit, as they can never accept as it as fatal to their interests and they will do everything to reverse it, though risking putting our Kingdom in political crisis and chaos. The best example is that we all know that any rule or law stipules for a country to leave the organization it has to negotiate with it. The principle is clear, you want to leave, your citizens decide to do so, then you leave. But as soon as the Brexit voted they work actively to impose on us, the principle of negotiation on a deal for leaving the EU. When the principle of the Brexit as it was with any referendum is to be applied as voted but not being discussed. It was clear to everyone that in 2016, every British voted either to remain or leave knowing clearly, both choices will be applied fully, not in negotiated form. We do not vote to authorize the form of Brexit to be applied but we voted to have it applied that means totally. But, the council with political conspiracy and its influence in the British political class, arrived to impose on us, the principle of negotiating with the EU, for leaving it, when we shouldn’t do so. The terrorist organization controls many MPs and use its control to have applied its wishes. That made it is a matter of pragmatism than accepting this deal, because not accepting it will sink our Kingdom in a political uncertainty that combined with their attempt to do their impossible which; they mix to everything they are engaged in may sink our Kingdom to a civil war and the world to a planetary conflict. By no way will the monarchists, the British and the world accept to see UK and the world rule by them.
Not accepting Theresa May’s deal is risking not having Brexit at all for many reasons. First of all the council and Elizabeth II have used their influence to divide our Kingdom not to accept even the fundamental basis of democracy, to speak of the rule of the majority, and the irreversibility of the Referendum. Thus how the Remainers who were defeated by the Brexiters, refuse to accept their defeat and the reject of their policy by the British. They start publicly talk about reversing the Brexit the purest and first degree wish of our Subjects, not the so called wish of our Subjects as expressed by their corrupt representatives, with a given number of them control by the council. And everything that goes to the council is lost to the British. The same council has pupated British Subjects and mercenaries, to create a so called People’s vote (as our Kingdom is a republic) that is asking the organization of a second referendum after the result of the first one is clear and is more than ever supported by the British. The terrorist organization did not have accepted the principle of a second referendum which is no more no less than a military coup. When a referendum is done one a point, the vote should be applied and it is simply anti-democratic to even contest the result of the referendum regarding its application, not even asking for the organization of a new one that can be assimilated to a high treason, and a call for the dismantlement of the democratic institutions and principle of the Kingdom. And largely the terrorist organization arrived to make as a trite evoking organizing a new referendum. That underlines clearly they (Elizabeth II, the council and their accomplices) are in logic of force, and they did not have any respect for our Kingdom, its democracy and laws. If organizing a second referendum was rejected that is due mainly to the monarchists but after how many fights of all natures.
On the other hands there are the majority of the British that are for the Brexit and that voted for it and is demanding the application of their vote and wish. This majority will never accept any deal which even alters at the smallest extent their vote, their wish, their Brexit. That same group as the first is decided at all cost to see its vote being voted, if they did not demonstrate and riot it is only because they are giving time to see their Brexit being applied. They are demonstrating just as the Remainers.
The essential of the Brexiters are monarchists, the same who at all cost swear to defend their monarchy and democracy. It was the Brexiters’ MPs that made the previous resignation in cascade to mark their oppositions to all the different deals that they see altering, degrading and destroying their wish, their votes. It is this same group of monarchists that defends British values, British Church and Monarchy that is against the first group that is destroying those values making homosexuality the norm in our Kingdom, transforming our Subjects in atheists, brainwashing them through medias and mass culture to embrace and see human being as simple ‘individual’ as fitted Darwin’s theory of evolution, describing man as cousin of animals. It is the same group that is not only for the defence of the monarchy, but also the respect of its laws and charts that want Prince Charles, the only son of Queen Elizabeth II succeeding her as he has the absolute right. It is this group that is fighting for UK, preventing its destruction by the council and fighting for its constant and perpetual development. As you can see it is not only the Brexit that opposed the two sides, but endless other points all linked that made that by no way will they come to agree or tolerate each other. It is this side ( the monarchists) that is backed by the British in their striking majority; who want to have jobs, who want to live with their British identity, their religion, their monarchy, and their laws that regulate the succession and that want the release and resumption of his duty by their only Prince Heir to the Throne, Prince Charles. Just as the majority of the world subjects back this side as it is the side of justice, peace, love, friendship, and the rule of values in the world. Largely the world is conservatives, it is against the wedding of LGBT, it is against the destruction of their sexual behaviour, and they are for the prosperity and the survival of their religion. It is exactly this side which has the favour and the unconditional backing of not only British army but the world armies in their striking majority; they have their favour for having the legality, the legitimacy and fighting values.
On the other hand, there is the British government which is balloted between the two irreconcilable sides, a cabinet which is not only made of Brexiters, but which has the duty to apply the Brexit, the result of the referendum which does not only bind the Tories that militate mainly for it, but all the British who voted it. Because a referendum by the moment that is voted by a country, a Kingdom it is not more the property of the ones that propose it, but of all, and engaged all as that is the rule of democracy. So, from that day of Jun 2016, it was voted it does not belong to them, but to all. It is this same government handling by both sides that refuse to apply the Brexit straight without any hesitation regarding the form of it to be applied, as there are many forms as soft and hard, when there is only one form Brexit, meaning leaving simply and definitely the EU, without any previoud negation: It is our Kingdom and our votes. Simple.
It is this same government that then started negotiating with the EU, regarding the leaving, hoping to also find time to reverse it for the council for that purpose Big Ben was stopped and dismantled under the pretext of making some reparations. When it appears by way, will the British accept their vote being stolen from them, they attempted to have a deal with the EU. The process failed on endless issues as the single market and the custom union that was the initial pretext the council finds to delay the application of the Brexit by arguing leaving the single market will be devastative for our economy. The EU, the same pupated by the council refused as the all was to gain time also for reversing the Brexit as they could do it. The EU argued for the UK to have access to the single market, has to accept the free movement of persons thing that British will not accept as among the main reasons for which they voted leave. Then the EU sees it’s in its interest to have the EU staying in the single market. Then quickly they find, a new point of blockade, they found was making the British government paying a bill, the huge sum of £39 billion; when any text of the Union said it. That was simply a mean of having few coins from us for not being broken after our departure. Then our Kingdom after a long hesitation as wanted to have the deal, and not poor accept to pay the ransom.
Then, the point of contention comes on the border between the two Irelands. It was hardly after months of hard negotiations that the PM arrived to have deal as both parties accept the principle of the deal. Whereas for months Theresa May failed to have a deal on the Brexit, when the set time of the Brexit is more than near (March 29). Seeing the difficulty to have even the principle of deal accepted, when a deal is found once, it is better will say every wise and pragmatic person to accept it. It was in extremist that this deal is found, when almost both parties even lose heart in finding a common ground of agreements, and for the Brexit to survive hundred thousand persons lost their lives, some to defend it, but most of them to destroy. There were moments, when the differences between both sides are so great, it looks quite impossible to have a deal. The end of last September was one of those moments, we remember the Prime Minister, Theresa May made speech in which; she clearly puts forward that without a deal, we go without deal: her last proposition for a deal has been ridiculed. It has been a nonstop fights of all kinds: political, philosophical and military fight that allow the Brexit to survive and the deal to be found. It did not come like this, the enemy though falsely declaring being republican does not know or respect any rule, and find democracy as non-sense, if not the mean to hide its rule based on rapport of military force instead of democratic discourse. For them there are neither right or wrong, good or evil, legal or illegal: they live in a world of relativity the easy readymade pretext to hide their only method which is the rapport of force. To defeat them, you do not have any other choice than fighting them on this front. So the current deal is the fruit of a rapport de force in a Kingdom, of Subjects and the world as one to have their vote, and wish being implemented. Elizabeth II and the council only know military force. In their logic you have right only what you can defend with your weapon. Anyway to speak trivially for them democracy is for kids, and naive. Sorry, ladies and gentlemen to disappoint you in your certitude, there is not democracy in this world has political system consisting of the rule by the people for the people; it is just a lie they develop to have the power in our Kingdom and rule the world. Divine Monarchy is only form of governance that mankind knows and that it is sweet for it.
Accepting this deal is more than a matter of pragmatism than it. To have full Brexit applied needs two methods to have the full Brexit being applied. The first one consists of defeating them totally on the military base not on the political, the political debate is just the visible convenient debate to represent the real one. Military power is used to further the political goal. The second method required many more dead; it takes more than some hundred thousands dead. And thought the full Brexit is implemented, if the monarchists, the British do not have the rule of their Kingdom, partly in the hands of Elizabeth II and the council they will work actively to reverse it. Brexit, the independent of the British, and their salvation voice is fatal to their reign, and made impossible, their already impossible coup. Indeed because in their eyes both are connected. In the same way, the monarchists will fight at all cost to maintain the Brexit, fundamental for our Kingdom’s interests and independence.
Logically, though the current deal is voted and applied; both sides will fight to defend its interests, right or wrong: the council to reverse it, and the monarchists to have the full Brexit being applied. British and world interests (Brexit) are only saved with monarchists having their absolute right with Prince Charles King George VII.
The Queen as the supreme leader should assure that the highest interests of the Kingdom’s interest is protected: peace and stability. As the defender of the faith, and the head of the Church, she has the duty to protect the values of the Kingdom that made possible the leaving together possible. She should assure that the Kingdom’s Subjects wishes are enforced (justice). As commander in chief of arm forces she should do such way that there is rule of law in our Kingdom, and that no part of our army is used to oppressed, torture and deprive of their rights the Subjects. She should do that mercenaries do not infiltrate and taking the role of our soldiers. She should put discipline in our Kingdom by having the military do their sacred duty of protecting the Kingdom, its Royal Family, its Supreme leaders: the Queen and the Heir to the throne, the Subjects, our friends and allies interests.
The Queen; has miserably fail doing her sacred duty that is why currently our Kingdom is in a so very delicate situation, with all the potential of a civil war to underline how deep the divisions are in the UK. First of all the Queen should have as soon as the Brexit is voted, and the government started talking about negotiating about a form of Brexit (deal), made a speech to ask the respect of the British vote being applied. That is wh at her duty as Queen, supreme leader, head of church and commander in chief of arm forces demands. She remains silent, when down sided, with the enemies of the Kingdom (the council) and latter playing their role in secrete as currently, because the council is almost defeated; it is Elizabeth II that has their power. She was the one who laughed totally of her duty by doing everything the greatest enemy of our Kingdom can do, working to reverse the British vote, their hope, their life their vote carrying their hope supporting their lives. For 35 years in row; she is jailing Prince Charles, the only heir to the throne.
Elizabeth II used mercenaries to replace our arm forces in our Kingdom, and most of those mercenaries are strangers. They are the ones hired, and paid to attempt depriving British of their aspirations, of their rights (the Brexit). She has made our armies infiltrated by those mercenaries. The worst of all, through her division and her attempt to do the impossible coup (sacrilege Prince Charles, for either changing our Kingdom in republic or putting in the throne someone who does not have right to it) she created the conditions of fight between soldiers and officers: a great part of our army trained and experienced officers were killed. Our army is in delicate position at an extent it is a usurper that is ruling on the name the army, the current army chief of staff is Nick Carter, when he is dead and replaced by a usurper. How can the head of the Church tolerated and accepted the illegal and criminal replacement of a person by another, especially when this person is dead. This is a serious offence on religious principles. By the end of March 2017, there were shootings in Westminster that killed almost the 60% of the MPs; the dead are replaced by usurpers.
Elizabeth II and the council have created division also that led to the death of a huge number of members of the Royal Family all replaced by hired persons who wore superficial plastics masks. Never, did our Kingdom and the world lost all its moral compass at an extant something unthinkable by its size, its illegality decades back is used at great scale and become dismal. Elizabeth II did not only close her eyes for them to happen, she participated in them and even did some of them. The situation is so serious at an extent that our Kingdom is no more ruling by laws and moral values but rapport of military strength sets by young and sickly ambitious military officers. That is extremely dangerous for our Kingdom stability. It is the same ruled of illegally with usurpers with lot of countries of the world; especially the greatest one. Nothing shows the failure of the Queen than this state. She should have been the guardian of the respect of our laws and values; she flouted a great deal of them.
In case the deal is not adopted by the Parliament, the PM has the total right to ask a new vote on the deal, after doing for example some amendments if needed. In case the second deal is not voted, still nothing changes our democracy and its laws are clear the vote of a referendum should be applied, and the British in their greatest majority express their greatest support for the Brexit, when they mean Brexit they mean leaving definitely it. Of course not adopted the vote, refuse accepting the consensus by giving say on the Subjects’ vote on the Brexit, means the Remainers refuse to take a second chance; when it is not only odd and anti-democratic to alter the Subjects’ vote, but it is also contradictory and absurd. Because, if they do not take in account the Subjects’ vote, then why even asked their position regarding it; they should have gone straight by asking the Parliament to adopt it, (though for matter such as the Brexit only the Subjects have the power to vote it). Should the Remainers refuse to vote the deal, they have nothing more to say, as saying anything else is anti-democratic: debating the purest vote and will of the Subjects, for such serious crimes the persons should face justice for trying to create the condition of political crisis in our Kingdom. So, if the Parliament comes to reject the deal; there is in the principle any political crisis as longer as the vote is applied in other words leaving the EU on March 29, 2019 as planned. And any one can blame the PM and accused him of not doing his job, the only think can be reproached to her was even why did she accept the principle of debating the purest vote of our Subjects.
Nevertheless, in case after the rejection of the deal there was a vote of no confidence that will be voted against the PM, the Tory Party designated a new leader that will replace her in the role. It is the same scenario in case of resignation of the PM, a new leader that will automatically take the power will be elected. But, the Queen has any right to intervene in such matter as the Constitutional order is respected. But, should the refusal of the deal by the Parliament is found hard to cope by some; the Queen has the absolute duty for protecting civil peace, and the highest interest of the Kingdom (democracy) to speak and demand the immediate application of the Brexit; and cannot by any way even in case of the PM’s resignation, or non-confidence vote, nominated the opposition leader as a new leader, knowing he and his Party are against the Brexit and will work actively to reverse it. By the moment the Queen did hazardous designation, she is automatically guilty of high treason, because the British in their overwhelming majority voted Brexit and it should be applied.
Elizabeth II and the council against the deal and the Brexit, they have already pupated a group of mercenaries to form a so called group of Leave Means Leave, who declared being ready for campaigning for Brexit in a referendum. Its leader, Richard Tice imagining that in case of the reject of Theresa May’s deal, she may call for the organization of a second referendum. It must be said organizing a new referendum on the same matter after the first clearly and democratically voted Brexit is totally anti democratic and is no more no less than a coup d’état. The same Elizabeth II and her accomplices have already created an illegal and anti-democratic organization named People’s Vote asking a new referendum. Both illegal organisations aim only to create all the conditions for preventing the application of the Brexit, the will of our Subjects.
This movement is created by Elizabeth II as any democrat and Brexiter will asks the organization of a second referendum, after a first one gives its clear verdict. Beside that the Brexiters are democrats. The logic wants a Brexiter to demand the application of the vote as the laws demand it, and by no way accepting a military coup which is no more a less, the organization of a second referendum. The PM Theresa May from the day one of her taking office to now, has always said that ‘Brexit means Brexit…’ in other the Brexit will be applied. Mrs May as she has the duty says consistently there will not be a second referendum, and even in case of no deal the Brexit will be applied in a historic speech in September. In fact the goal of the council is clear creating the conditions of a chaos thinking being capable of doing its impossible coup, and in this agenda the Brexit is just the alibi, beside even its determination to reverse the Brexit. Already on a newspaper controls by Elizabeth II, they started anticipated the scenario of the Parliament rejecting the PM’s deal. The newspaper clearly said that in such scenario the Queen may interfere to designate a new PM. We did not deny, the monarch this prerogative, but she can only use it in case of a deep political crisis in case. Even then she has the absolute duty to infer to bring stability and order in other words to designate a new Tory PM that will apply the Brexit, that she the Queen has the duty to declare apply even in no deal scenario. Because it is the Brexit that is behind the political tension, and the laws of our Kingdom and its democracy are clear, the result of a referendum should be applied without altering it, by any way. Any other interference to designate a non-Tory’s PM will only deepen the deal: peace cannot be had by satisfying the minority over the majority. Such scenario means no more no less, that the Queen and her accomplices as the council want to reverse the Brexit, the will of our Subject, and sinking our Kingdom for hoping doing their impossible coup. For them both are extremely tied, and they work with equation; reversing the Brexit will give them the impression of having more power than the monarchists (as they are in logic of military strength instead of respect of democratic laws) and that will push to move attempted doing the impossible coup, thing will sink our Kingdom in a civil war (the monarchists and the British by no way will accept that), and the world faces a World War IV.
By the way that the British, the monarchists and the real Brexiters are determined, any attempt of organizing a second referendum will sink clearly our Kingdom in a civil war, and one does not need a diploma in political science to foresee that. Among the endless scenarios possible, they will be two groups of demonstrations one asking the organization of the referendum and the second refusing it and demanding the application of the Brexit as the laws required it. Already, the Elizabeth II had the chief of army staff, the usurper of Nick Carter occupying the role to declare that the army will send troops on streets in case of disorder creating by a no deal or the application of the Brexit. They plan to use a chaos they will create by exploiting the no deal to do the impossible coup. In such scenario, there will be a direct military fight between the side of the armies in favour of them and the monarchists’ side in the British army. That will clearly sink our Kingdom in a civil and the world in WWIV. Even with those scenarios will lose the wars, they lost their control on our army; the British Subjects in their striking majority support the monarchy, and demand the release of Prince Charles, their Heir to the Throne and the resumption of his sacred duty.
To the funeral of George Bush that was even dead since December 2017, Elizabeth II and her accomplices have attended the German Chancellor Angela Markel the illegal and criminal funeral. Illegal and criminal for three reasons: 1) George Bush is the one created a system that since 1983 is jailing the British Prince Heir to the throne in Niger in horrible conditions and had done endless high treason on his country; 2) Elizabeth II planned to use this funeral to have the Parliament rejected the Brexit deal; 3) She planned to use do the impossible coup by in parallel sacriliging Prince Charles, the only legitimate and legal Heir to the British Throne (see above for the explanation of all three points). Then, Angela Markel by attending the funeral did no more no less than expressing her support to Elizabeth II in the impossible coup, and reverse of the Brexit, (killing our democracy) that is the symbolic of her attending the referendum. You may ask yourself why did she attend the funeral knowing the symbolic and that it did not go without risk? As by no way will the British accept their monarchy being replaced by a republic as their fundamental laws regarding the succession being put in bracket, and their democracy being killed with a reversing of the Brexit; by no way also will the Americans by themselves accepting the British monarchy the symbol of the stability of their country and cultural identity as being colonized by Great Britain being destroyed, beside that the monarchists have lot of power in America. If Mrs Markel attended the funeral it is mainly because she is under the control of Elizabeth II and her accomplices especially a part of the American political class, the corrupted part of it in favour of them. They were the ones behind her regime then it is for this reason, she decided to participate to the illegal funeral for supporting them. Of course, there is a force factor, in other words, though she can refuse to follow their orders, they had forced her to attend it by threatening her. Instead of refusing to attend the illegal funeral as some world rulers that they control do, all threatened as she was; she chooses to attend it as she wanted them to help her stay on power after 2021 that she declared leaving the power.
You may say it is all inappropriate and highly disrespectful and against the interests of a country and citizens than using its ruler as a human shield to do an illegal and criminal funeral with the cited implications. That is not the first times they have used rulers of great country; American and French Presidents respectively Ronald Reagan and Francois Mitterrand are used decades back in 1983 for bringing and jailed Prince Charles in Niger. Then they have hid the visit as the attendance of British Queen, the American and French Presidents to the Cure Salé Festival in Niger.
Only this year many times they have used rulers of other countries as shields to attempt doing their impossible coup. On October 12 they forced Jordan King attended the illegal and criminal wedding of Princess Beatrice and Jack Brooksbank; he died in the tragedy that prevented the wedding. That sank the Kingdom in a political crisis, with many persons refusing to be ruled by a usurper after he was killed. The refusal of being ruled by a usurper creates a politic crisis that leads to a silent civil war that is going on in Jordan with many fights and attacks. The political crisis is not even over in the Kingdom that brought the same usurper to the illegal funeral. On October 23, after the failed wedding with which they planned to build to do the impossible coup, in an attempt to rise their head from their loss of face (their method is using coup de force for advancing their political agenda being the impossible coup), they purse the same illegal coup by receiving the Netherland King and his wife in a State visit in London, another tragedy happened that kill both of them. As that is not in enough on November 02, they made their usurper Prince of Wales ( Prince of Wales is dead and replaced by a person carrying a plastic mask of him. ) Visiting Ghana and in always logic of exploiting it to the do the impossible coup. The Ghanaian President was killed in the tragedy that day. Then continue they try to validate their false, irrelevant and stupid equation by having the German President, Frank Stein Mayer attended the Cenotaph of Remembrance ceremony with which for the second times in vain they tried to have the usurper of Prince Wales replacing the Queen whose double attended it standing on the balcony of a building. An explosion happens that killed many persons as the German President. It is after that they organize the anniversary of Prince of Wales; till the last second, they hide the attendance of Norway and other countries dignitaries that they control primarily. O, if they made their first class controlled country’s rulers attended it, it is only because they know there is no reason for the ceremony being prevented by a tragedy as Prince of Wales, though it is usurper has the right to celebrate his anniversary and the fact that is not connected with their impossible coup made that, the British let it happen; though a dead person does not celebrate anniversary. With the ruined funeral they attempted to verify if their anniversary organization without a tragedy validates their equation. And all those countries whose rulers, Elizabeth II and her accomplices have pupated to attend a so criminal and illegal ceremony went down in political crisis.
In fact their naivety is quite amazing they did refuse to see that the Presidents or rulers of a country that attended such illegal and criminal ceremony with a so huge destructive symbol automatically do not represent its country for it to feel concern by anything that happen to him (beside their loss of control of the world armies, and their hate by the world population). He or she just attended the illegal event as a person, not a ruler, and then it did not involve the country. The country and its citizens automatically see him as a corrupt ruler who has done a high treason in pursing his criminal interest.
Mrs Markel has been clearly used as a human shield. For them since she lost the leadership of her Party, and declared retiring from the political arena in 2021, she is useless. Sorry to use the word, but that is exactly how they think and conceive human, in other words as individual who has any values. In their mind, though she came to die as it is predicable, it does not matter, as any way she was on the leave. But will say you, how about the Germans, they do not care about them, or what they think regarding their impossible coup. They are in logic of force not of right.
As foreseen, a tragedy happens at the funeral in Washington on December 05 during which the German Chancellor lost her life. They have already planed the scenario and replaced her with a person that carries a plastic mask of her. Nevertheless, the Germans political class and poles of power refused to be rules by a usurper; they declared her resigned and changed days back by a new Chancellor. Here is how Elizabeth II has sunk Germany in a political crisis.
End of March 2017 shouting in Westminster resulted in the death of the 50% of the MPs. What are you say? I said everything you have read: more than half of the members of the British Parliament are dead and replaced by usurpers (people wearing superficial plastic mask to play their role). There is a record our Kingdom has beaten. What is it, ladies and gentlemen? We have the more corrupt Parliament in the world. We have the greatest dictatorship hide in hypocritical democratic skin. We do not live in Constitutional Monarchy but will I say in Dictatorial Monarchy. By practice, we legalize usurpation of identity. From now, you can use someone else’s identity, live his life, live with his wife, keeping his children, doing his work, taking his money. That is not a joke this exactly what is going on with more than half of the members of our Parliament. Ladies and Gentlemen, you have a mission freeing our Kingdom, do it with determination by sacrificing whatever needed to be, and following the laws; the same laws which we fight to restore.
Whereas, the problem with MPs (the real MPs living their lives) is that they never represent even at greater extent realistically the persons, the region, they are supposed to represent. They were presented to be elected by lobbyists groups who fund at the level of billions their campaigns and intend them to serve them, instead of serving those who voted them. That is one of the main problems of the classical democracy. In our Kingdom it is the very one (Elizabeth II, through her shared of power), who is supposed to defend the integrity of our democracy that is corrupting it. Thus the usurpation of identity was not only done by Elizabeth II and the council with the family of the dead persons under their influence, it is done with the partnership of the entire political case. In other words for the case of those MPs it is not only their Party that participate, but the other Parties who close their eyes, as they themselves are under their control, and have usurpations to have the other consume. The other parts of our Kingdom (Scotland, Ireland, and Wales) participated on the same. That is a serious problem that is undermining the stability of our Kingdom and creating endless problems. Beware; ladies and gentlemen we are becoming more corrupt than the Roman Empire. It is a secret for no one: it is the limitless and illegal ambitions of Romans Politicians that lead to their huge corruption cause of the fall of one of the greatest empire of mankind’s history. To hide the death and the usurpations of those MPs, the Medias also do participate to prevent the Subjects being informed regarding them. In other words a non-marginal number of the British and world citizens are not aware of the huge corruptions, unprecedented crimes and dramas that are going under their eyes and that are responsible of their pain.
Nevertheless, the solidity of the monarchical system made that we have the best ruling system with which one part cannot destroy the geopolitical entity. For proofs Elizabeth II and her accomplices did not have the power to make their impossible coup, the British will not accept it. Just as the monarchists, should the Queen alive, and in the spirit of limited miss of duty, and high treason cannot topple end her reign. Any country or kingdom has such balance and stable constant power than ours. Here is everything Elizabeth II and her accomplices are fighting to destroy. Here is everything you have to protect.
Who control those ghosts MPs? They are first of all control by the pole of power that promote their political career, and there are once three poles of power (Elizabeth II and the council, and the monarchists) but currently there are two (Elizabeth II who have phagocytized, the almost defeated council, and the monarchists). Then comes the Party those poles use to make the MP elected and already the families of those persons are controlled by the same network of influence. But, who has the reality of power on those MPs, if not the first pole, it is an organised power. In fact the Subjects, and the persons of the Constituency those MPs are supposed to represent are lost in this anti-democratic political and organized corruption ring. They do not care about the voters. Democracy that the council promoted being the rule of relativities and lies; they always used lies and false information to hide their enticement of those MPs. It is a matter of the first importance and urgency to remove all those dead MPs for having a Parliament that at it least in the spirit represents our Subject. The problems of those MPs before everything they are criminals as usurpers, they do not have any moral, any value (dignity and honour are strange concept for them) they only do what the power network asks them to do either good or evil, they just do. Those MPs have any contract with the Subjects that elected them; their contract is with the pole that hired them. So, how can we asked those MPs to pronounce themselves on the British wish of the first degree? This is no more no less than a systematic way of stealing the British from their vote and will. It is no more no less than giving the opportunity to Elizabeth II and her accomplices, to reverse the vote of the Subjects, to bring under control our Kingdom.
The worst of all not only the British Subjects, the British army has limited control on those MPs as we all know Elizabeth II and the council military and civil apparatus are controlled by lot of foreign mercenaries most of the times from their countries of first control as Sweden and Norway. Furthermore, there is a total rupture between them and the British Subjects and the military. It cannot be otherwise as they aim to destroy our Kingdom. We all remember how they give the invention of our fellow British, Kennedy Laurie Dicking to Thomas Edison as they swore to humiliate Great Britain, and denied it any worth and pride; just as by the same way they give Prince Charles, the Heir to the British Throne to be jailed by the enemies of our Kingdom, and humiliating the later through it.
Then what to expect Ladies and Gentlemen on December 11? Nothing if not Elizabeth II and her accomplices accepting Theresa May’s deal or initiating the process of reversing the Brexit. The interests of UK require that if the deal is rejected that we apply the full Brexit as we voted it. If they choose the first option we help them through it for serving and defending our Kingdom by continuing fighting to have applied the Brexit for which we voted; if they happen to choose the last option they will have us blocking their ways.