The mosque of UAM where Prince Charles sleeps

The mosque close to Science Faculty of UAM where Prince Charles sleeps

Jan 14, 2019.

    It is in that mosque close to both the Science Faculty and the small gate of the campus that I sleep every night in Abdou Moumouni University. Every night between 22pm GMT+ to midnight, I went in the mosque to sleep till between 5-6 am that I left it. 

   It was around 4 am that I was awaking in the mosque by mercenaries sent to kill me, if they receive the order. They ride for minutes in the mosque in waiting the order. It is the French political class, especially Mr Macron government that is behind it, it is over the Gilets Jaunes movement and Saturday 12 attack of the radical members of the movement in Paris that cost the lives of around 200 people.

    It is only students of the university that sleep in this mosque that is under the control of the American System through its owner and its position in the campus (an area controls by American System).

                                                The South gate of the mosque toward the Faculty of Science, the car you see belong to the mercenaries that guard it (Jan 14, 2019 picture shoot by Prince Charles).

   It is currently, the council, the French and American System, and the corrupt leader  of the British side of the monarchist  plot to attempt killing me while I was sleeping in the mosque every night.  For example, last night around 4 am, mercenaries were introduced in the mosque with students security uniform (the red orange of the CASO) under the pretext of checking the cards of those inside it to see if they are students. When, in fact for minutes those mercenaries were riding in the mosque waiting to receive order to kill (sacrilege) me as they did not receive the order, when I woke up and see them, they come to me and asked my card that I show them. Two weeks another mercenary sat closed to me, while I was sleeping in waiting of an order to sacrilege me.

NB: It is mercenaries manupilated by the different Systems relying on the Embassies of those countries that are behind all this

                                                                  "Prince Charles"