Jan 08, 2019.
As we reported it, Prince Charles is jailed in Niger by American mercenaries under the control of the French cercle in the French Embassy and American mercenaries lead by another mercenaries in the American Embassy of Niamey. All those systems are protected by the American and French political classes, for France especially Francois Miterand socialist circle, and in America Ronald Reagan and George Bush GOP's political circle.
Whenever, the American political class are unhappy of UK, or want to torture and humuliate it, they pick up on Prince Charles torturing, humiliating and even trying to kill him. Currently, as the American System is doing everything to have RDC under its control by having Mr Kabila declaring illegally Martin Fayulu winning and destabilize Sudan's regime in vain, with all blocked by the British System, they pick on the Prince trying to kill him by all means. There are days they threaten to kill him with a big mercenary they introduced in the mosque in which he slept just close to Science Faculty. The plan was simple, whenever its accomplices agree, the man sitting close to him while he was sleeping will receive message to kill by axphysiating the Heir to the British Throne.
Currently, they even try to kill him with chemical weapon, yesterday while he was going around 12 pm in Agronomy Faculty under their control, where is the UV, they gassed Prince Charles with a chemical weapon. For hours Charles, has a serious headache and fever, even after taking paracetamol.
This morning they gassed him, also in the campus library surrounding, in the Karate club with another chemical weapon which gave him huge headache.