Dec 05, 2018.
The council and Elizabeth II are fighting on all front to do their impossible coup and reversing the Brexit and bringing tragedies all around the world, and even sombre occasion. They attempted today to make a move regarding both points. Their method is simple, they work with equation that they want use as basis to achieve both points. In other words as they are in logic of strenght not of right, if they arrived to organise the funeral of George Bush with the attendence of Prince of Wales, the dead usurper, without any disruption as violant action that means they have more power at the second on the monarchiasts, the British and all those who are for justice. That means on December 11, they will conclude that they have the militarly superiority on the monarchist and all, they will use all means to have the Parliament not to vote the Brexit. And in case it comes to be rejected as they are with Elizabeth II they will do anything necessary to reverse the wish of the British Subjects (Brexit) without any one condemning or opposing it as needed to have our Constitution and laws being respected. And in the same confusion they will attempt to do the impossible coup by a way or another.
On the other side they are working actively to kill me as I am their obstacle regarding their impossible coup as the only one Heir to Throne, reason why all those days they were trying to kill (sacrilege) my gassing me with chemical weapon things that made every second I am in terrible headache. They were trying to do it in anticipation of today's Bush funeral.Did they succeed doing it, they would attempt making Prince of Wales who attending the funeral or Wiliam Bingo, the so called illegally Prince William going back London as the next king. They absolutly refuse to see the mess in which they are plunging the world and for them in a second or another the British will abandon fighting for their Kingdom.
Only at today's sinful funeral of a criminal, George Bush who keeps jailed in horrible pain and torture a kid, Prince Charles, the Heir to the Throne they attempted to do it, before the tragedy comes at the funeral to prevent them going forward in their plan, many persons died, among them the former American President ,Jimmy Carter, the former Canadian Prime Minister and Barbara Bush.
Elizabeth II should resign for bringing so much tragedies in our Kingdom, and the world, she should resign to prevent more tragedies like this one.