A demonstrator wearing a Prince Charles' flat mask to demand his release.
Jan 05, 2019.
Today is the Act 8 of the Gilets Jaunes movement demanding the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his sacred duty by having the French political class withrawing its support from the council.
According to French authorities 50000 persons demonstrated. Of course, as always there are hundred thousands to demonstrate as usually. Still the French political class refused to negotiate and place the real issue on the table: the withdrawing of its support from the council.
There are mercenaries of the council that infiltrates the movement to do irresponsible things.
More than ever Prince Charles is jailed in horrible conditions gases, contaminated and burn. Imagine a Prince Heir to the Throne born in a Palace, sleeping in a mosque as a homeless. Prince of Edinburgh has a Master II and is currently a Phd student, studying in UAM homeless.