Never a North Sudan!

Jan 1, 2018.

          We all remember how Sudan has been delved in two countries: Sudan (that keeps its name) and South Sudan, the new country. The world was then full of enthusiasm and impatient to see that part of Sudan and Africa that they said was tortured, impoverished, and oppressed by the Arab leading political elites of the North, becoming independent and giving the happiest people on earth. They quickly find reasons to explain their theory; they said no it is because they are Christians, when the others are Muslims. Some declared it was due to the colour of their skins, one was blacks Africans and the others were mixture of Africans and Arabs. Of course, all that is sacred lying, as it never happened in that beautiful country such thing as racial violence between Arab and African population, all the different violence were simply political. And no one even talk about racial conflict in connection with the conflict.

     We have all seen that since it was lying and exploitive logic behind this division of this country. We see quickly the newly independent country transformed in a no man land or in Africa’s Afghanistan. With fighting between tribes, clans, and political leaders. There are recurrent news also scandals of huge corruption involving the President and its aids. Yes, Mr Salvakir is accused of embezzling the billions of dollar that the country oil industry brought. Underground resources that never go to the people, the valiant Sudanese; dying by ten thousands of hunger. The promise happiest people became exactly the opposite, the most miserable people one earth. The UN’s UNDP ranks South Sudan as the last country on earth in terms of human development index. And what is quite amazing, there is no one around to condemn that. On the other, the council is exploiting the oil of the country.  Thus, the genesis of a failed nation.

    Only one pole of power is capable of creating such chaos, we mean simply the council: they are not for good. Make no mistake John Garangue and his successors Salva Kir, all are mercenaries of the council through the American Systems. We all know that Dr Garangue studies in the US.  And what is quite amazing there is not the daily report of the medias on the suffering of the Sudanese people dying of hunger or the fight of the two political leaders of the country, Salva Kir and Riak Marshal that made thousands of dead, as the medias pupated  by the council do not report them. Here is exactly, where the people should demonstrate for asking their political class to be responsible and their President to resign in the face of the gigantic pain they are living. Whereas, before the division of the country, daily, Medias bother the world population, with sacred lying of North Sudan being the responsible of the South Sudanese suffering. Now, there is no more Sudan over South Sudanese and still more than ever they are suffering and dying of everything: hunger, rape, and bullets.  The anthem is silence we are exploiting! You understand everything, as RDC yesterday, the council after manipulating the country to be independent, now spread violence in order to create the perfect conditions for exploiting its oil.

      As the political conditions seem a little bit calm in South Sudan, thing that is bad for its business. They decided to update the chaos and violence, by attempting to sink Sudan which was remarkably stable. They talk about economic difficulty in the country, in all the countries of the world there are economic difficulties. Can Sudan not having some economic difficulties, with a failed country close to its border, with its current state of civil war, with the hundred thousand South Sudanese refugees in Sudan they left. They entered in the country and took the jobs of the Sudanese. It borders also another failed country, Centre Africa a country that is still in political and economic crisis, just recently it emerged from a civil war. Still, even economically the country is still stable, and President El Bashir is solving the small economic difficulty of the country. And by all means, if Sudan did not do the best under the banner of the monarchists, is it in the banner of the almost defeated council that is only around to plant chaos and desolation that it will do it? Of course no! Do not forget, the monarchists everywhere they are, they set development and peace.

      Where is Nigeria under, Good Luck Jonathan with Boko Haram occupying entire state as Bornu, or with the recurrent religious fight between Muslims and Christians? Boko Haram is not defeated; it still attempted to occupy a small village of Bornu State in vain. But, the terrorist organation did not occupy for months an entire month a Nigerian State. There are still some isolated violence between Christian and Muslims but not the recurrent and great scale ones with thousands dead and cities burn like during Good Luck Jonathan. Remember, during Good Luck the chaos was so big that Nigeria, with the biggest army in the continent (It is the Nigerian army helped by the Chadian, Nigerien, and Malian armies that helped it chased Boko Haram from its territory) could not also chase the terrorists from its country for many reasons as the corruption of its army. Unthinkable, to see that some Nigerians and some people of the world do not give credit for President, Mohamadu Buhari for containing and almost defeating Boko Haram. Still, people do not even noticed, that Boko Haram as Islamist terrorist group is President Good Luck’s creation, as it created the conditions of its emergence. Mr Buhari is not also thanked for reducing dramatically the confessional fight between religious communities. Those are just few huge achievements of Buhari under the guidance of the monarchists. This is just one reason for which he should be re-elected as he will be; because he is the man of the situation and the one loved by the Nigerians.


Where is Rwanda that was stabilized after a blood and devastating genocide that made around 2 million deaths? Currently, it is a model of economic development in Africa, it even joined our Commonwealth (And we Prince Charles asks that Sudan being let enter quickly our Commonwealth as it is asking).Where is China, also, or even Morocco, all successful countries under our banner?  The council will only transform the country in another failed country, so that the beautiful, peaceful and wealthy country that Sudan is now, will be made in another failed nation, sweet for the council exploitation of their oil.

     The same council to make the country not have its full economic capacity is blocking the country’s integration of our Commonwealth. There are years that the country is asking to join the Commonwealth. With the Brexit in few months, it is in our Kingdom highest interests to let the Sudan enters the organisation and brings its contribution to the development of our common world and having its share of its greatness. It is a holly lying than thinking that a crisis in South Sudan will not affect us, when it is our former colony. We have historic responsibility toward it. We have historic responsibility toward Sierra Leon, just as we have toward Sudan. By the same way we stand for Sierra Leon by even sending hundreds of our soldiers to pacify the country, we have the responsibility to be the agents and guardians of peace and development in the country.

       Make no mistake the monarchists are fighting for nothing if not developing our Kingdom, and creating the conditions of peace and love in the world. That is everything the council hates, seeing us (UK) keeping contact with our former colonies. Because if impossibly we let it sabotage the regime of El Bashir, we lose the country. Though they are just dreaming, even though Omar Hassan El Bashir leaves the power, it will be the Vice President that will be the new President, and he has all the chances to win the presidential election that he will organise. They have to face the hard reality of the failed classical democracy without divine and monarchical checks, especially in a continent in which democracy never made success (Africa), he will be elected as the new President. Let not fall in an intellectual fault, democracy made success nowhere in the world: everywhere there is political crisis and demonstrations (Currently in France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Hungary and even in our Kingdom there are political crisis, having one named the irrelevance of democracy to rule a human society and its fertility to create the conditions of the huge injustices Prince Charles is living that is behind those crisis). In our Kingdom only the monarchical and the divine check limits the devastating size of the political crisis.

       We all have in mind the example of Togo. It is another African country, with Niasimbé Eyaedema, died after 40 years of ruling the country; and after paving the way for his son, Ford Eyadema to succeed him as President. Recently for almost 40 years, Paul Biya is consistently re-elected, President of Cameroon in conditions that we all know. There was everything, but not credible election, with parts of the country as the North, our English speaking regions demanding their independence and which did not even vote. Let say, Paul Biya has been simple imposed on the Cameroonians; who powerless, see their country sinks in civil war.

     These days, it is RDC with the presidential election, that will surely be won by the candidate of the President, Joseph Kabila, Emmanuel Shardarin Ramazani that is at the head of Newspapers. Few months back it was Kenya with the incumbent President, Uhuru Kenyatta that was beaten by the opposition leader Raila Odinga, who refused to recognize his defeat. He demonstrated to have his right, there are tens dead, and helped by the council, the President looks likely as got away with all. Mr Kenyatta is currently leading the country. Whereas, Mr Odinga refuses that and declared himself the President. There are currently, two Presidents in Kenya. That is the environment in which Sudan is.

        Beside all that Omar Hassan El Bechir’s Party is rooted in the country’s blood. It is the most popular Party in the country; by no way can it fail, having his candidate being re-elected. President Bashir is candidate for his succession in 2020. He has all the chances to be re-elected for stabilizing a country, victim of the painful division it lives. We all know that the 2/3 of the oil resources of Sudan are exactly in South Sudan that became independent. There is no miracle solution; the country has to compensate this loss, by applying a new economic model not relying on oil. That is everything, President El Bashir is doing. Then, replacing a President, will change nothing- the economic difficulty is proper to the country real politics, with the independence of the South. And no matter the President, the economic problem will take some time, to be controlled. Then the economic difficulties have absolutely nothing to do with President El Bashir. It is illogical and quite curious that a demonstration of hundred people broke to ask as first demand, the resignation of Mr El Bashir. That sounds as they are not in logic of defending the highest interests of their country, and their interests as well by negotiating and offering solutions instead of making such extremist demand at first hand that will only complicate the economic situation of the country by sinking Sudan in a political crisis.

       Thus on December 19, the council sent hundred mercenaries  enrolled for the essential in South Sudan and Somalia; walking on the street of Khartoum by killing each other, demanding the resignation of  the President, Omar Hassane al Bashir.  There are reliable sources that declared that the people that died were originally enrolled by the council for being extremely sick though capable of walking so that at the first shot of tear gas they will die of the gas.  Thus, the UN, which apparently only exists to defend the interests of the almost defeated council, and creating chaos, adopted resolution to criticise the President of violence. The UN and any person did any investigations to see if it is the policemen of the country, or the so called demonstrators that kill each other, or initially the people were made walking knowing that they were weak physically to support the pressure of a demonstration that were behind the death of those mercenaries. In addition, where is the same UN when Prince Charles for currently 35 years is jailing in Niger in horrible conditions, things that created political motif of tension like that of Sudan.

      We must never forget that kamikaze attack as a political tool is recurrent; everywhere people are as pupating to kill each other for dramatizing a staged political crisis.

        In France also; there are demonstrations policemen use tear gas and hundred people were killed. No one reported their death; no one criticized the use of tear gas by the policemen. Then people should not criticise also.

After all, no one criticized has ever accused, President El Bashir of oppressing or killing his opponents, but they (the council and its accomplices accused him of violence in a part of Sudan that they already see as not part of the country (Of course all that is part of the council political conspiracy.) No one can accuse him, of violence on his citizens, thing he never did.  

   One must not forget that Omar Hassan El Bashir has been elected democratically. And even in Africa Sudan is a stable country politically.

       In fact, Sudan has one wrong being in the influence of the monarchists and United Kingdom and that the council hates it. We all remember it was behind the loss of our empire. It manipulated our former colonies to become independent.

    The council has to know by no way will we let it destroy this beautiful county.

                                     “Prince Charles writes”