Dec 20, 2018.

        The worldwide moment named ‘Gillet Jaunes’ that started months back to demand the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty is taking a dangerous shift in France. The movement that is oppressed by Emanuel Macron’s regime is slowly but surely sided toward a civil war as the oppression and denied of right to demonstration obliged them in radicalization.

         The movement is in the same logic of people of the entire world during the Apartheid ‘s regime demonstrate to demand the end of Apartheid, and the release of its champion, the release of the leader of South African fight for their independence and the end of the discrimination against them. Thus, people of the entire world refused to close their eyes, when such huge crime against humanity and injustice is done in or by their countries, or in the world, on Prince Charles for 35 years in row. His only wrong is being the one through whom his Kingdom and the world will be saved, and especially when those injustices and crimes against our humanity every single second are threatening sinking the world in a planetary conflict.  Weapons that are used on any human being in this world, or even when used on one even in conflict zone as Syria leads to huge condemnations, sanctions and military actions. Regularly, he is gassed with chemical weapon with the clear intention to kill him. He does not have any single second of health, happiness seems stranger, and joy looks to hate him: every single second the council and its accomplices sickened him through flue contamination or gassing. The Heir to the British Throne is living a pretty and charming hell.

       France is the second country in Prince Charles’ imprisonment if not at many regards the first country as the supreme circle leading his imprisonment was founded by the French former President, François Mitterrand, and is located in the French Embassy of Niamey. The mercenaries leading this imprisonment are occupying official positions in the Embassy, as protected by French political elites, who regardless their Parties, have in their great majority backed the council illegal and criminal imprisonment of Prince Charles, against even the will of the French people, a sister people of Great Britain, to which fight to its freedom they backed. The greatest majority of articles advertising Prince Charles’ usurpation of identity and title either on internet with Wikipedia’s pages on Prince of Wales, just as in the world are written in French languages and many published in France.

      It is the same French people that in their striking for currently one month and almost for two weeks walked and demonstrated to demand their political elites stopping jailing for the council Prince Charles and that they by the way, that the political elites do not represent. Those valiant men and women, walk by namingly demand Prince Charles’ release by even used images, and plastic masks of him as this video of the last days’ demonstrations; I have watched on Daily Mail UK one of the independent and professional newspaper in the world. In the video appear a group of ‘Gillet Jaunes’ demonstrators of all ages, of all sex standing on the street in big group, and one among them, the symbolic leader of the  group climb a gate to let fall a plastic mask of Prince Charles. France is showing to the world that it is the land of freedom and human rights: The spirit of the French revolution never dies. The man did the same gestures, many times as the direct message of the real reason of their demonstration and under the relax and cool look of the group in which there is at the first line a kid in yellow Gillet, who was looking delight. Currently, all of them are fighting for the same cause; along with the French domestics political matter. But the council uses its influence to have the French political authorities to attempt bringing the demonstrations to domestic claim, secondary comparing to the primary and real reason of the demonstrations being the stopping of the French political elites, helping the council jailing Prince Charles.

   As the movement is growing hugely, the French political authorities decided to prevent this peaceful demonstrator to walk as the rule of democracy and their country’s laws gives them the right. Since the act 4 of this peaceful demonstrations (Charlian revolution), the French political authorities sent the French army, 10 thousands soldiers under the order of the council to crush in blood this pacific demonstration. Soldiers were sent to massacre pacific demonstrators demanding justice, and demanding that their country’s leaders serve them, but not to serve themselves. Thus how that Act 4 of the ‘Gillets Jaunes’ demonstrations led to the fight between the French army and the peaceful demonstrators who were obliged to fight for their absolute right  to demonstration. In that black Saturday of the Act 4 at least 200 persons dead in France wide. I have seen on Le a video of soldiers’ corpses being burn on the street, meaning clearly there are many dead on both side. That day there was at least 700,000 Gillets Jaunes demonstrated. Because to have one soldier die in a fight against unarmed civilian demonstrating, imagine how many innocent civilians lost their lives. But, only on few Medias can you see those videos of the atrocities happening on innocent civilians being reported, shot by the same army who is supposed to defend them. Of course on internet there are endless videos showing the intimate details of the atrocities. From that day the demonstration takes a radical shift always in increasing as the French refused to be silenced. They said it is their country, and they will fight for justice, fight to free it, against the terrorist organization (the council) that takes it hostage.

    Since the beginning of the movement the demonstrators do not only demonstrate on Saturdays but all days there are in the entire French territory, hundred thousand demonstrate to demand Prince Charles’ release. The Saturdays, they only organize a big demonstration. In fact there are even hundred thousands who even camped on high ways, there are thousands places like this.  They  refuse to leave those places as longer as their demand of the release of the Prince is not met. Many times the army is sent to chase them, and as soon as they left they come back and resettle again: a revolution is happening in France.

    The council having seen that clearly by no way will the demonstrations stop before the release of the Prince asked the French political authorities to satisfy their secondary demand, being the social claims in order to end the demonstrations along with the oppression so that Prince Charles’ claims will be abandoned by them. Thus Macron under the influence of the council made the past weeks speech to promise some social measures. As soon as the speech was done, they announced the movement over, and even declared that the ‘Gillet Jaunes’ will not demonstrate the next Saturday along with mobilizing ten thousand soldiers. That day with all those soldiers on the streets, the valiant French citizens did not accept to be silenced and demand the release of Prince Charles. Failing to stop the demonstration by satisfying the secondary demand, the council used its influence to put pressure on medias not to report the demonstrations, still the independent medias are reported them.

  On that day of last, Saturday December 16 at least 850000 persons demonstrated, despite the 69,000 soldiers sent to chase and oppressed them brutally. There were many dead that day. And many persons were even denying right to enter  in cities and going in places to demonstrate as they have the right. As Figaro reported it, many buses filled with Gillet Jaunes militants where prevented by the army to go in place to demonstrate, they were obliged to go back during last December 16 demonstration. The tendency of the movement that clearly is sinking in civil war reached a stage, as on Friday December 15, the airport of Toulouse was taken by Gillet Jaunes movement militants who still hold it. Of course, the new is censured, there many strategic places in France as this airport that is occupied by the gillets Jaunes.

     Now the council continues in the same politics of declaring in word the demonstrations over by using its mediatic power to have the Medias not reported the daily hundred thousand demonstrations of Gillet Jaunes. Only today the union of policemen joined the movement by launching a strike. Only yesterday the high way between Marseille and Paris has been toppled, the two cities are isolated.

   Meanwhile when the country is slowly leading toward a civil war, Emanuel Macron’s government refused the demand of his people, the end of French political elites supports to the council and the release of the Prince, and continues playing the same council dictated politics of making concessions on the secondary points of the movement  and decreed unilaterally that the movement is over. Whereas on the ground it is turning in civil war.

   This Charlian revolution did not only touch France but many countries of Europe. For example last week Gillet Jaunes blocked Westminster’s bridge in London; demanding the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty. On Saturday 16 when France was occupied by the Gillet Jaunes, monarchist and Gillet Jaunes radicals banned of demonstrating have put fire on Chester museum in Great Britain, many persons and animals die. That same day, Brussels was occupied by the same persons demanding the release of Prince Charles. Those demonstrations that they qualify through their corrupt aMedias as of few radical demonstrators, ends by forcing the Belgium Prime Minister, Charles Michel to resign as he refused to withdraw his support of the council: hiding demonstrations and revolutions do not end them but inflame them. That is the law Charles Michel discovers. The terrorist organization has always used proxy countries to do its high treasons against our Kingdom and attempt to do the impossible coup.