Jan 14, 2019.
The two last days the movement of the Gilets Jaunes, show contrary to what the council and Macron think it, they cannot hide it or end it by hiding the real figure of the demonstrators as they use to do. The two last times, the demonstrators were so numerous at an extant even with their hindrance it becomes impossible not to accept that the movement is stronger more than ever and will not stop without the demands being satisfied. The last Gilets Jaunes’ Saturday, was the biggest of all as in parallel of the demonstration there was even attack that killed at least 200 persons, that was hidden as the explosion of a bakery in the 9eme Arondissement of Paris. Who has done it, surely part of the radical members of the wider anger movement of which the Gilets Jaunes movement is part of, that is demanding the release of Prince Charles.
Thus Emmanuel Macron wrote an opened letter to the French to open the citizenry debate intending to reform the French democracy. Nonetheless, he refused to rise the real demand of the movement being the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty, with the French political class withdrawing its support of the council. Mr Macron refuses even to name the Gilets Jaunes.
Indeed, when France is clearly sliding in civil war with the last Saturday attack Emmanuel Macron refuses even to raise the real demand of the Gilet Jaunes.