Our people that is supposed to elect those MPs that the council erects as supreme power in our country, are not exempt of the same values corruption. In this age of huge development of secret agency, and technological tools relevant to the monitoring of the people, almost all the people in our country were under their control. They made poor or rich who they want as fitting their interests, they shape the society at their criminal will. There is almost any single British subject who is either under their control or under the other control, but theirs is the bad control through their crimes and moral crimes they put those under their control to do. If in the past they arrive to keep hostage our country it is simply because they control the majority of our subjects. The same people were under control, before the rising of technological tools of monitoring people through secret agents, they used men in every street, area, hamlet, or constituency to do that. The invention of satellites,cameras, spying phones easier the implementation of large planetary system of people monitoring as prism that the NSA develops in collaboration with the same council. In a matter of second they watch people, control their lives, and make them do very harmful deed to our country.
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