20 Mar

          Feb 21, 2018.

        As soon as the Brexit is voted the council was stirring up to reverse our people's will clearly expressed through the referundum that gave a clear victory to the Brexit. The logical next step was to organise a second referundum for remaining in the EU and now they want to move to that step.

     They use all the techniques possible to have people panicked about the Brexit and its huge advantages for us. They use scaremongering by declaring that it will lead to a destruction of our economy, when it is the total opposite according to all the independent experts they do not control; and no more wise than our people, the brightest people possible in the world through its endless inventions and discoveries.

    They also use mental manipulation to create a feeling of insecurity in our people mind: they stop Big Ben, the pretext they gave was to repair it. When the reason was they wanted to trick our people to have fear about its future, by disconecting our past to our present, and then creating a fear of the future: forgeting our past power in relying on ourselves as during Queen Victoria epoch.

      Big Ben is also about killing the capitalist spirit of our country with its valueing of time. It is a spacio temporal landmark, wherever you are in London, you see it and it rythems our life, in indicating the time it is, and guiding us to quickly do the current work for moving to the next one.

     But, the greatest trick they use is debating our people's will and vote, by putting the Brexit in logic of giving the same European Union we want to leave a say in commenting and judging severely our people's clear will. The British people voted Brexit, meaning we should leave quickly and definitively the EU, without discussing the term of our departure before doing so.

     We are a free people, who vote leave, and our will should be respected not subject to the others comment. When France rejected the European Constitution, did the French political authorities made as subject of debate the clear will of the French people of not to be part of the project of a common European Constitution, though the political authorities, were against the vote. They accepted the will of their people, and apply it. But, they do not make of it a matter of debate in France and in the European scene for giving the other countries the opportinuty to bully their people and making it doubts with their scaremongering about the choice it made. Neither, did they work to spread rumour of a second referundum hoping to reverse by all means the will of their people. Our voice; our life; and our all.

     The recent declared idea of Nigel Farage of organising a second referundum is a very bad announcement as it gives exactly the council what it was seeking not applying the people's will, reversing it by all means; and organising a second referundum was an option among all.

    The worst of all now, they want to move from a prespective of debating about applying the controled Brexit as they infantilised our people and want to filter its will, by applying a soft Brexit as they created the word, which is no more, no less a non Brexit, in opposition to the people's vote they radicalised by qualifying it of hard Brexit. The European Union through its designated negotiators said as we all know that Great Britain has the total right to leave the EU without any prealable negotiation and will have a China-EU relation, everything is more than good for China as the union was complaining of the country invading it with its cheap products. Moreover, nowhere in the European laws was it written that a country should negotiate the terms of its departure before leaving the union.

       They want to move from the last mentioned prespective to that of questionining even the vote of our people, by doubting if they vote leave either. Of course do not lose of sight that the people, the daily British Subjects do not have audible voice as the political class that they control which have access to outlets, and which in matter of second through both social networks and the medias can express themselves on given matter. The common people do not have this possibility, their only audible mean and voice of expressing themselves is through mainly vote, especially with referundums that gives them the opportinuty to express themselves publicly about the ruling of their country. The plan of the council is simple, using the politicians they controled to set the need and the agenda of a second referundum, by setting the British (English) political debate on that, as soon as they see they succeed doing that, they announce a second referundum.

     But, what is the the council's real motivation behind this new move? It all has to be with the coup they are preparing, they want to create political instability for having the support of the Scottish and Irish governments and people. They have always used such fictive division of English vs Scottish to defend their illegal regime, throughout time, without by no way defending neither the interests of Scotland or England. No, they only manoeuvers for themselves meaning the continueing of their regime, their weak and almost fictive grip on the world (it is quite clear that they lost their average control on the British (English) army, and our British planetary network, the patriots have total control on all that), what only remains them is bargaining words and promises they could not keep, and dividing hoping to bounce back, as the powerful side for carrying on their illegal coup.
      We must not lose of sight that convoking a new referundum is no more no less a coup against Great Britain and its laws, from indirect coup they aim to fulfil the direct one. Because no where in our Constitution and those of the other world's countries it was set convoking a second referundum after a first one gives the clear will of the people, to verify if the people really means their vote. They are endless Constitutions of all kind, but never such one. And it should be the first time in modern democratic history that a country convoke a second referundum after a first one on a matter. So clearly a second referundum on the Brexit after the first clear one is anti Constitutional and is no more no less a coup against our people, that is on the form of even a second referundum. It is anti Constitutional and debating it, is validing the equation of being possible to put aside our fundamental laws and rules that assured our country a social and political stability for centuries.
        In fact, BCST knows clearly that the council does not want our country to stay in the European Union, not for patriotism, or things like this, they only want one thing creating a permanent climate of division, and political instability that will enable them to carry on their coup by doing as satisfying the other parts of the union, especially Scotland. We must not forget as we said it, they defined themselves as English of Scottish ancestry. They always said it clearly, they are not Scottish for sure for being born in England, and having all the priviligies of the country that enables them the power they have, they are not English only for having Scottish ancestry. But, who they are? If not the fruit of their imaginations, or the fruit of their self created identity that only goes with their sole aim of maintaining their control on our country and the world. That is who they are caught people, caught by their identity, their origin and interests that required to support or defend any side's interests if not theirs. Who are they? They are anything else if not people of interests, exploiting the power and influence of a country that go all to it; but which bring to only themselves. Because currently, our country is the most powerful country on earth, but their fictive and self created identity, and their defense of their sole interets made that our country is not profiting of its power, influences and wealth, all are in their hands, all go only to them, never to the country, that they maintain divide and in eternal political crisis for maintaining themselves on power.
      We said it, they want a second referundum for having the support of Scotland and Ireland and their Systems and all who in the union are against the Brexit, knowing them for supporting the remain side regarding our country membership to the EU. Their supports is needed for the council in its plan to carry on the coup against our country, rememeber Queen, Elizabeth II is dead, and they want to control the throne by designated a new King, though which does not have any right to the throne. In fact their political and military situation is more than ever desperate. They lost their control on our power, reason why the first time, they voted Brexist, they lost their control on our British (English) army, they lost their control on our planetary network of influence. The worst of all, the greatest lost that puts them in a very desperate state of mind and situation, is the the death of their pupates with already a very tiny and contested legitimacy in the Royal Family. From Prince of Wales, to his false sons Prince Harry, and William and the later son Princess Charlotes, and Prince George, and his optional wife Kate Middleton, who by imself is not who is portrayed to be, but a person of false identity.

    They have only a very tiny contested legitimacy, we know Prince of Wales is neither son of Queen Elizabeth,nor Prince of Charles. He is the son of my father, King George VI, though that did not give him the right to succeed Elizabeth II as not her son; but they expected to divide and use this false argument which is anti Constitutional to carry on their coup. But, now he is dead, that ruin everything; they found themselves without even a contested legitimacy to use for carrying on their coup. Before even waking up from that nightmare of the worst kind, Prince William was dead also. Their situation became highly desperate because Prince William is not son of Prince of Wales, but son of Iren John (Diana Spencer) with his former driver a Congolese who later became naturalised Canadian. He even sued them to have the recognizition of William as his son, and said ready for a DNA test. They later corrupt the man not to go forward with his demand of his fathership recognition.

    Before even waking up with this one, they continue acting irresponsibly till Prince Harry was dead, that was their latest ready resort, though he does not have the right to the throne as well, he is not grandson of Queen Elizabeth, but son of Princess Margaret.See, he does not have the right to the throne Constitutionally just Prince of Wales, Prince William because not son or grandsons of Queen, Elizabeth II who even has her own unique son, Prince Charles.

     Dead, they did not what to do, then they find a kind of fictive consolation in Zara Tindal AKA Princess Anne. Oh! Yes in the cover up propaganda of replacing me as the rightful Prince Charles, heir to the throne, they named her with the name of her mother. They even made her a 3 Queen, or Queen of their share of the throne as there were then 3 thrones. Then, she was dead again. They are more than ever desperate.

   They then turn back to Prince George and Princess Charlotte, or let say simply Prince George, they tried to use him as cover up of their coup, whereas when their fatherrince William did not have the smallest right to the throne for reasons, we mentioned above,the children did not have it either. And, before they where killed,they even stirred up to announce an engagement between Meghan Markle and the man that carries a plastic mask of the dead Prince Harry. They wanted to use the weeding and its preparation as a mean to advertize their coup, by kind of cleaning the image of the two kids; whose father was black Congolese, they feared that may handicapped them and the British (English)public may not love having a king or Queen with black root. Then they use the engagement and the weeding preparation of Markle and Harry as a mean to clean their image because clearly they chose the bride Markle because for her black root that they put forward by even emphasing his grandparents' slave roots. To advertize more the same weeding preparation they are discussing inviting the former American President, Barack Obama and the current one, Donald Trump. With the dead of the two kids, they are lost iremediably lost. That two probable invitations, or keeps rumour of invitation intends to advertize both the weeding preparation and the weeding, all needed for the coup they want to carry one. And all those evoked people do not have any right to the throne,the only one to have right to it, is Prince Charles, the real one, the only one son of Queen Elizabeth II who is currently maintained hostage by the same council in Niamey, Niger.

It comes to them the idea of stirring for creating the condition of a new referundum on Brexit for having the support of Scotland and Ireland in the coup want they want to do, and of which currently they do have any smallest legitimacy even a contested one. They play this idea of second referundum for kind of blackmailing the Scottish and Irish, support us to carry on the coup, we will call a second referundum for having the remaining wining this time, everything you want. They planed everything, to have their desired created debate on the second referundum or the second referundum conciding with the time they are planing to do their coup, that can never do. That same referundum is not strange to the patriots refusal to let them pay tens billion of pounds to the European Union, when nowhere in the EU's laws it was written that a country to leave the union should pay a given money. They put great hope in this money which they intend to have through their influence in it. They need the money for their coup. The money being refused to them, the Brexit is no more profitable for them economically.

   It is important to know either they succeed created the debate on a second referundum, or convoking it, does not mean Great Britain,or its parts England, Scotland or Ireland interests or goal will be fulfilled; they plan and expect to be the only one winner in this game of do and undoing that aims dividing for having supports of their coup. They hate Brixit because it goes against their interests, because the Scottish, and Irish people and Governments hate it, when they do want to have their supports.

  They hate more the remain, because that will frustate and anger the English, when they need their tacite love or at least complicity to carry on their coup, or even when they arrive impossibly to do it, for ruling. Beside, even the fact that remaining in the European Union diffuse their power, with the European Institutions though they have huge control on them as international cartle and fictive country, ruling the world, the country of Scottish-English-Americans rulling the world, which defended and fulfilled the interests of any of all those countries, because such country does not exist and will never exist. What exists is in revanche the cartel that takes all those countries and the entire world hostage, and is dividing and ruining them, for assuring the interests of this kind of militaro and political secret society's interests, which interests and their offsprings' they want to protects. I have read few days ago, on Wikepedia page of the leader of this cartle calls it as you want, I mean the wikepedia page of John Andriagham. In his page he described himself neither English, Scottish, or American, but citizen of their fictive summation of all those countries without defending the interests of any. He wrote clearly, that he has if my memory is good 2 children, just in the next sentence he cited his hobbies, football, tenis fishing etc. Meaning, he has two childen, but fine, he defends the interests of a council, a cartel, a secret society, at this title childen look to him as those hobies that you do just for pleasure, and can stop when you want. In one word, he does not have children, and does not allow himself to love something neither a son, or a country if not his interests, that of the cartel, and end of all: understand what you want. That is the reality of the ideology behind the council, defending any basic rules, laws, or countries, only criminal interests. Because in our Western societies loving his family and children and then his country is the most important thing above everything. And a good leader, is judged by quality of being a good father, and husband. When a person declars seeing the usefulness of a family and country affialiation, he is extremely dangerous, and aim to destroy not to develop any country. Here is exactly the kind of persons which divide for leading the world to a world war only for defending their interests. They have already done it with the last two world wars.

     That is the reality behind the council. So, if they arrive to convoke the second referundum that did not mean they will make either the remaining or the leaving win. For them there is only one victory carrying their coup, and securing their regime that is all, they will exploit the referendum only under the angle to create opportinuty to do the coup, by making false promises to have supports. In case it is the Brexit that win, as fit their interests, or do not control the dynamism of the votes, the patriots having lot of power; they will first of all grind to show to the Scottish and Irish, they are not to be faulted, they have nothing to do with it; it is the other side, the English haters, they are bad and bad. To prove you that we will work for not having the Brexit not applied and we will even call a new referundum. In case of the opposite scenario with a victory of the remain, it will be the same they will political game. First of all they will show to the English it is not them but the Scottish and Irish haters, they are just bad and bad, and to prove you that, we will work for a new referundum for having the Brexit win. It will be again and again the same process. The beautiful and great Island called Great Britain, or England, Scotland, Ireland Wales or UK will never know peace, and being powerful as longer they are leading our country, or have big power to sabotage it. In such context, our people, united, have the sacred interests, to defeat their last and very smallest grip on power, coming to normal Constiotutional order, by making the absolute rightful heir to throne, Prince Charles succeeds his mother as he has the absolute right. And defeated with time, the smallest power that remains them. That should be the duty and life objective of every British, not English, Scottish, or Irish, or Welsh, no British, with our differences and particularities, together we are stronger and powerful, together our interests are defended and our goal fulfilled; if you doubt about that look the past, as eternity, and look the present and worldwide to see the power of our country and people have and that the council made his; and look the future opens to us as great as the past, as the present should be, and the future will be. We have the power, the genius and inteligence to do, so. We have done it, endless times and we will do.

 Every ponderate and rational British (English) see why did they accept the Brexit? 

Or let formulate well the question, the calling of the Brexit referundum as the Brexit victory do not only depend on them, though they facilated it. Because we all know that our people, never accepted being part of the EU, this strange and patching patchy of countries with latine origins. We have always been proud of our particularity, proud of being Islanders, proud of being different and separate from the continental Europeans not only by sea, but by differences of religion, culture, identity, history and philosophy. It is with this British civilasitional particularity that we have conquested and rule the world, that we have set our values, philosophy,and arrive to be the greatest nation on earth providing all the developing and enlighting ideas, and values to the world. All that has been possible through our insularity, that they targeted to topple by having us being part of the European Union, our people never accepts it, they [the council members]impose it. It is in this context, as their grip on our country is weaking that they use radical means, as great divisiveness to hope staying on power.

  Here is how the Scottish referundum happened, the Scottish has the right to question their citizens if they see needed about their happiness in the union because it is an union of free will, but that will be good and very salutory, if it comes from the will of the Scottish people. But, it was not and only comes as a radical mean of saving a sinking boat, that lead the council to use its influence for having the Scottish referundum did in 2014. But a referundum for a referundum as politicians we think in 1960 or 1970 or in that period of time it would have a great chance to lead to the victory, not because we take for granted that the Scottish wanted it, but because they created the political ground for it, of the independence side to win as they arrive to divide considerably our country during that period. But, why didn't they call a referundum during that time? They didn't simply because their goal was not the independence of Scotland but to divide our union for defending the continuty of their illegal regime. Everything that did not go with an independent Scotland, as the division and the defending of this division is the mean they use to maintain their illegal regime. They claim defending Scottish interests, but never did so, what they did is divided a united union, for coming on power and maintaining themselves, even at the cost of the tsufferings of Scotland, England and Great Britain in word. That is the real reason, why did not call for the referundum during that time.

    In 2014, they almost lose their comprehensive power, has they lose their control on the army. So, the time was not good for the independence victory knowing it has any chance to succeed as the country was strong then, and independentist feeling was more than weak due to this same reason. But, their agenda required a referundum and it should be done, for dividing, having it not be voted and using the same failure as instrument for having the Scottish support, but showing them they are for their interests.

As their division, more than ever weakened them as it gives the opposite goal for which they call the referundum because they continue losing power. Then the American Presidential Election comes, they cannot afford to lose the control of the supreme power in America, being that of President of United States of America. The President should be a person under their direct control, Queen Elizabeth II was old, and they need to do their long time planed illegal coup, so they should do everything to have a person on which they have direct influence win. The Presidential Election was to be between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump, and they supported Hilary, and Trump was supported by the Scottish System. If they defend Scottish interests any rational person, will expect them to bee happy to see the country they prentend being part, and defended the interests having its man being elected President of United States, after not having for a very long a person of so close Scottish root and affliation candidate to the Presidential Election(Donald Trump's mother was Scottish, born and grow in Scotland). But they were not and could not accept that as they do not defend by no way the Scottish interests, so they use more than ever division to reach their goal, here was how they accepted the idea and the long call of a referundum on our country membership to the European Union. Here is how in Jun of last year, few months before the American Presidential Election they set the referundum such way to concide with the final stage of the American Presidential Election.

     The Brexit referundum was no more no less a mean to have by all means their person being elected President of the US, the referundum as by all ways regarding the Scottish and Irish Systems power and their attachement to the EU would be an important factor they could use to have their man win and fulfilled the goal of consolidating their weak power. As they planed the election would oppose the two sides candidates. Before the referundum their goal is simple demanding the Scottish System to let their candidate won so that the result of the referundum would be in the sense of their interests which is staying the EU. But, Scotland refused, and the debate even created more unespected division of the kind they never planed it, it led to the killing of the MP Joe Cox. The Scottish System refusal leads to a punitive vote, which is victory of the Brexit, though it did not depend only on them, but they were for it and that easined it.

  They have used the same vote of the Brexit as a mean for further division for winning the American Presidential Election, and even for consolading their direct goal, saving their weakening grip on power. So, they auto proclaimed themselves defenders of English interests, and put the American Presidential Election under the banner of clash between Scotland and England, and their influence in the world. And in paralel they tried to cash their investement by in the same time declared Jacob Wetterlingdead which is the third degree report of Prince Charles kidnapment in the American context (it is an indirect militating for Prince Charles liberation from his hostage keeping). More after, Trump won, they tried to cash more, by declaring Queen, Elizabeth dead in their media when she was alive, and tried to have Prince of Wales of replacing her in the same logic of exploiting their division and fruit it led to with Trump victory; without the patriots oppositons, they would have done it. That was in January 2017.

Already before even the election they tried by all mean to cash their created division by trying to kill Prince Charles then . We have the reports from one of our sources them, they attempted killing him through plane crash on his flat, poisoining , burning with infrared,gun shooting, with viper in his flat while sleeping, through car hitting, through even sending men to enter in the flat and killing him, they used all means without the patriots and even the Scottish System they would have done it. That is a case example of how they use division to fulfill their goal. Now their new planed division to reach their goal, was a second referundum. They are digging deep to see how they can divide our country and cashing the division to fulfill their goal, the coup.

How then should we call the new referundum as the last one was Brexit did with the prespective of leaving, and the new one with the prespective of coming back in the EU? The appropriate name is certainly Brexin. And without any inch of doubt, BCST is against any debate on commenting the validity or the truthness of our people's sacred will, or any second referundum that is anti Constitutional. We affirm with the strongest energy, no, to Brexin and yes to Brexit, the sacred will of our country that should be applied, quickly.

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