22 Mar

 March 22, 2018. Revision Jun 08, 2018.
        But did the council did not operate to take hostage our country and put in bracket the solidest constitution because our uncodified constitution through its charters, conventions and customs were the greatest in the world that fits the best our people in its essence. The hostage taking techniques is simple it consists of placing the Parliament above our charters and conventions which until their arrival were uncontested laws and above all powers either from the crown or the Parliament. Our constitution is above all, as nurtured by all the greatest challenges our ancestors have faced during the millennium of living together which that constitution reflects. Of course the council juridical mercenaries through their smart propaganda will say that any generation can tie another with its laws. But it our country is different of all because we never faced a major/constitutional crisis that led to change radically a new constitution with new laws. We work with the same constitution that through time we amend to make it the perfect possible at an extent that they needed any amendment minor or great, just as they should be put above all laws as all the different generations before us have done no matter the political challenges they have faced. And from all time man is a creature with given attributes as ambition, and discord still that constitution succeed preventing them ruin our living together. We have seen during millennium all kind of ambitious men possible with all possible ambitions. The uncodified constitution prevents their ambitions to ruin our country. The constitution has solved all the different political crisis, and fulfill all its promises and answered all the different needs of all kind of our country, either of economic development or cultural ones. It was with it that we came to conquer and rule the world, with it  we came to set our values on the world; it came to make us the most loved and respected  people on earth, in which all the different elements are perfectly combined and placed.

    The council to take our country hostage and set its dictatorship on our people by suspending smartly our constitution has declared the Parliament as the supreme power, the supreme constitution. Hardly when you challenge them they will say the Queen or  the monarch in Parliament is the supreme constitution, by the way they avoid even mentioning our real constitution being the Magma Carter and the other charters and conventions that together make our constitution which is clearly concise and limited for any people who is an expert in the field, or who has a rudimentary knowledge of our laws.  The Queen in the Parliament or not it does not change something in the Magma Carter and its charters are our constitution they are the will of our people past, present and future through its laws and rules. They are the assurance of our democracy, without them there is any democracy in our country.  

    Declaring the Parliament above all law, the council moved through political maneuver of all vilest form, arrived to control the Parliament tightly at an extent it is no more a Parliament but an assembly of the council puppets bumbling and  chatting around everything and nothing such way to create an opposition and majority in defending and implementing the council's will. Westminster is making of MPs which do not represent any faction of our people to talk of a constituency. Behind every  candidate to the position of MP of every constituency is the council who enrolled, trained and made running for the position of MP of every constituency. Then, it makes its own inquiry to see which one seems to be loved by the people that it controls in its love and hate, or the other major political forces in our country, if they did not decide before all consideration being made that a given candidate was the one they decided by all mean to make represent the people of a constituency as he or she was the best to defend their interests, or the constituency is important for not controlling through their singlest will. Otherwise, they manipulated all to display their programs and themselves and manipulates the people in their humors and in the simplest and smallest choice that were given them to choose one candidate among the all they control. In such case the candidate was elected by them as they can force the people not to choose any if not the one they love, or ruin the image of any serious candidate to the one they choose.
    Indeed all the different actors [candidates] are given baggages of scandals the council used to control them or use to make them do anything it wants bad or good, or it will destroy the image of the person with the scandal bag, such way the person is obliged to go with its will only his own. No, we do not talk about any other will, beside theirs above all. Of what is made that bag of scandals? It is always made of a very dirty scandal or crime. They push the people they recruit for being key politicians to make a crime that they will use their power to hide, but will expose them in public and having the person arrested if he tried to revolt from their authorities. They push those person to prostitute themselves, with people they control. They film the intercourses, and ask their clients mercenaries to keep secret the all matter, until l they ask them to reveal it, if they did not reveal through another person by spreading on social networks and Internet pictures and videos of the intercourses. They also ask those people to do very reprehensible sexual behavior, by forcing them to have intercourses with their closest family members, sister-brother intercourses, father-daughter intercourses; or even father and son raping their daughter and brother, etc. They forced to do them, day and night and they film them, and threaten  to expose them publicly if the person did not obey to their orders. The goal of this sexual inappropriate relation was to break the moral and proud of the person and made them incapable to revolt to their authority. Moreover, it made the person being capable of doing every single kind of high treason, crimes when place at a position of leadership, political leadership or others. Because such person has any proud, any values, any virtues, any ethics religious or social that made the person the ideal person for the council enterprise of destroying our country.
         It is to be underlined that is the techniques the council find to corrupt our people behaviour and ethics because that have made through millennium the strength of our country and its people  on all fields of life- is our pure character, our strong ethics, our deep and rooted religious values, that discipline us not to need a codified constitution or behave as the perfect citizens, and political leaders, and made us having love for our country and not do deeds that will destroy it or divide it. Because the genius and solidness of our political system is the crown and the faith have been always united, religion and politics have always been tightly together. Religion gives good leadership values to the political leader, and good behavouring values to the subjects to behave such way to secure the political stability and development in our country. It is the council, has launched this operation of cutting the very solid feet that support our political stability, and economic development by corrupting our political class and subjects. All the different candidates to the position of MPs in all constituencies were people, men and women who have done those inappropriate sexual deeds and crimes, and even when the council uses its power to make them elected MPs, they force them to continue the same practices of rape sexual intercourse with their relatives, and to prostitute them, to keep them in a constant climate of mental instability, and to give them rogue criminal values as those people live with a constant mentality of guilty that made lost the values landmark, they cannot distinguish what is wrong or good, they do not have love neither for their relatives, nor for their country. They became heartless, and brainless robots in the hands of the council that manipulated them to do any kind of high treasons to our people, by adopting laws that destroy our country. That is one aspect of the making of our Parliament since the council ascension on powe

      Please, be freed to send us your views regarding this Manifesto. It is posted in the blog section for the purpose of creating a constructive debate regarding your vision of Great Britain under King George VII. With BCST the Subjects are always at the center of everything. Your voice matter, let it known.


The Council and the Ruling of Illegality and the Promotion of Unethical Part 3