Revised Jun 08, 2018.
The real problem of the European Union is the currency, the Euro, a bizarre currency for a bizarre union. The Euro sank the European dream, a dream according to many erect to counter American hegemony (The EU in its current form, especially regarding the single currency, anything else is to be contextualized). The only problem of that union is that the currency is bigger for all the countries of those unions, even the most wealthily of all. Any of them take individually had a currency which can rival with that of the union. The best barometer of the size of the economy of a country is its currency; it defines the nation more than everything in terms of economic, cultural prosperity and political stability.
Germany is the biggest country of the single currency union, the Dutch Mark is almost half and sometimes third cheaper than the Euro; when France the second country had once a currency the Franc Francais, five times cheaper than the Euro is. The assumption than the currency is the product of the summation of the economic size of the countries that made it, is false. A currency should be the reflect of the nature of an economy in the deep internal economic life of the parts of the country or union. The best illustration of that reality is the American Dollar, or our Pounds. When you consider for example the American Dollar, it goes with the American economy in its soul and dynamism as America is as well a country of importation and exportation. The currency shows the huge industrial and liberal nature of United States, in its smallest Geo-political composition. Of course a State as Montana is not rich as California, but they have in common the huge uniform exportation nature of the country. The two Dakotas or Wisconsin do have the same industrial nature, the only difference for the later is that the nature of its industry which is agro industry, comparing for example to Californian economy, industrial as well in its deep variations from the dream industry Hollywood to computer technology. All the European Union countries do not have such economic homogeneity regarding the nature of their economy. Some until very recently that they joined the EU had communist economic system as Slovenia, or Lithuania. For example countries as Greece, or Spain are not simply industrial countries, but rural and agriculture ones. The Euro is very expensive and fatal for their fragile economy. It is only country as Germany that can somehow feel ok with it, though suffering of it also. The German economic structure is an industrial, and more importantly an exportation economy with its advanced and diversified industries as the car industry. It is, countries as Slovenia, or Greece do not have such industry. Then how can the citizens of those countries with less competitive economic power, produce enough wealth to live with such gigantic currency that determines the price of even the basic goods? Of course no way, as their jobs will bring them less earning, which will not be enough to cover the necessary basic needs as food. We are clocking in the deep soul of the crisis of the European Union single currency; which was set higher to rivalize with the American Dollar or our Pounds, without being convenient for the union.
It is quite logical that our Pound is the highest of all the currency of the world; we have always been a huge industrial country, which gives birth to capitalism and industrialization. London is the center of the world economy for centuries and is currently the city of billionaires who want to vacation and invest in it. Our economy is not only in the geographical boundaries of our country; it is in our planetary Empire, all made of very huge industrial and capitalist countries: Great industrial countries as Canada, Australia, or New Zealand are in our Empire and are economic and political continuation of our country. Most of the great businesses of those countries are ours. Even the American, the Nigerian, or the South African, or even the Indian economies are continuation and third overlapping of ours. That beside our huge planetary corporations as BP, or Shell, which can only be fine regarding their planetary dimension with very expensive currency as our Pound, any highly cheap currency will not be appropriated to them.
We formed with the European Union a bizarre and very incompatible union. We do not have the same currency, ours are very expensive than theirs; they cannot afford our products that destroy the false allegation that being part of the single market is an advantage for us. There is a very powerful invisible barrier that divides people and countries. They do not love our manufacturing and industrial philosophy; when we as an open country consume theirs, and the currency barrier did not prevent us.
They could buy our articles, if we are part of the single currency; but sharing the same currency means turning our back to our Empire. With our currency we could and cannot have not profit of the European single market by having our products being competitive in the European market, when their products were present cheaper in our country, than ours are in theirs. That was a huge factor that leads to the slowing down of our economy, which is behind our backward movement from number 3 in the G7 when we enter in the EU to the current number 4. Still the political elites in our country refuse to see that we have a European problem. The European Union is swallowing the dynamism of our economy. Currently, they made leaving the Brexit as only fine if goes with being part with the single market, the same market that is destroying our businesses.