21 Mar

March 22, 2018. Revised on Jun 08, 2018.

       BCST presents you a new series named: The Council and the Ruling of Illegality and the Promotion of Unethical. This new series aims to inform you, dear British Subjects and the entire world as well about the crimes, the high treasons and the different destruction of our country by the council. If until now the council succeeds maintaining itself on power and destroying our country, it is simply because it succeeds hiding its crimes, high treasons and destructions of our country. Our fellow British do not know what inhuman human rights crimes and destroying high treasons and the extent of the destructions that have been achieved by the council to make it ends them.

    Below, follows the first part of this series:

The Council and Rules of Illegality; the Promotion of the Unethical

          Indeed the council has set an organised and tight dictatorial rule in our country, by putting in bracket all the fundamental laws, rules, conventions and customs. We are an old country, the most oldest country in the world, we are the country which has the oldest blood in the world that has always been our strength, the council made it our weakness. We are the only one country in the world to have a non codified constitution, and still we were and have always been the most stable country politically in the world, which never know constitutional crisis, a word never existed in our country before the rising and setting of the council. Our socio political stability without any single codified constitution relies in the orderness of our mind, in the culture of respect of customs, traditions, conventions that guaranteed for endless centuries political stability in our country. We are a country that refuses to separate the past, the present and the future, we let them connect, we are proud of them; they made our past greatness, they are the elements of our present greatness all stolen from us by the council dark, secret and corrupted system, and they are the promises of shining and more great future at the only one condition we solved the problem of the council, and reset our beautiful virtuous mind.

       Jun 15, 1215 was the central year, we have our first and fundamental written forms of social convention, that could be qualified of the premises of a codified constitution, though it isn't because the Magma Carta could not be qualified of a proper constitution, but the first attempt to reduce and control any temptation of abuses of power from a corrupted or a dictatorial tendencies of unwise monarch. Before John I, we never needed any written convention, or agreement, written or unwritten as the kings that preceded know the sacredness of their divine mission, as in our country, religion and politics have never been separated, Anglicanism is our religion, even before that we were pious Christian, which made cultivation of virtues, the central cornerstones of our character and country. That factor reduces any tendency of the monarch to abuse his sacred power. And the monarch by himself does not rule, if not rule in consultation and advised by his Privy Council. That made before even the development of the people rule to be linked to the monarch reign through the Parliament, the monarch reigns and rules through his Privy Council that is properly a government.  Here is the genius system that has guaranteed for millennium the political stability in our country.
     Through centuries, we continued to use the same sense of collective goodness, combined with the Magma Carta, and historical Charters and Acts that we adopted unanimously as the juridical basis and conditions of the living together to be respected by all. It was only at particular moments of great mutations, or at the faces of great political and social challenges that we adopted those additional Charters and Conventions. For there were many successive centuries in our country history in which we rule in harmony, greatness and political stability without adopting a single Act or Charter, the previous were enough to guarantee peace and stability.

         Then, coming the council which decided to transform those uncodified constitution made of unwritten conventions and charters organised in a single constitution in the sense of setting an organised dictatorship flouting all the central values of our countries, which destroyed the trust we have in our monarchy and rulers (Parliament) in ruling us with wiseness and working not to betrayed our truth.