Prince Charles’ Current Enemies

   Dec 31, 2018.

        Contrary to the beliefs of some, the current enemy of Prince Charles is not the council1; but the day’s leader of the British Side of the monarchists2 . Since months back his main enemies are the leaders of the System3; the same network founded by his grandfather to continue the fight to free him, and the Kingdom. King George VI gave a part of his power, and influence to the British side of the monarchists.


                                 What is the British side of the monarchist?


        Simply, because there are many sides of the King George VI’s Systems. As King of UK and the continuity of thousands years monarchy (he is the continuity of the British monarchy and the heir of hundreds British Kings and Queens); he has a planetary networks of influence connected, and also different in terms of hierarchy that makes them independent networks, though they have some connections. The different mains networks are: the American, British, Irish, Scottish, Israeli, Russian, Chinese, Iranian, Saudi, and so on and so forth. Nevertheless, the main Systems are the American, English, Irish, and Scottish. They are the oldest, the most influential and can gather all the different Systems, though some are largely independent. It is to be noted that the Israelis and Russians Systems are also very powerful can gather lot of countries. Though recent comparing to the four main networks, the Israeli’s has as much as more power like them, regarding the place of the country in the concert of nation (A country that has planetary influence).

     In terms of dynamism there are endless King George VI’s Systems as there are powerful countries or different and independent countries former British colony or not. Thus, the French, the Russians or the Belgians Systems of King George VI through decades becomes powerful and logically independent at great extent in relation with the others. The only one that can gather all this planetary network with lot of autonomy is Prince Charles and the ideology. Each of the 5 Systems can gather and control them through Prince Charles, being the King of this empire. Before, 2017 there are 3 crowns, and King George VI has his own side of the crown whose King is King George VII (Prince Charles decides in honnour of his grandfather to rule as King George VII). By the time, he did reached the majority, and become leader of his empire, it was Stuart Atha that led the British network. The other networks were led by the same leaders King George VI appointed and their successors were designated by their boards. They led them, never compactly,  regarding the main ideologies: Prince Charles, the monarchy, the Kingdom and the Conservatives ideology (the Systems though mainly Conservatives are even in the far left). In the soul and principle the monarchists spouse all ideologies, by never abandoning theirs though contradicting with the ones they defend. In reality the monarchists, no matter where they are, they have one country, one identity, one ideology, and one goal; again and again: having the throne through Prince Charles.

         In terms of leadership the English, Scottish, Irish, American, and Israeli Systems are made of only made of British Subjects, which though in the case of America and Israel immigrated to the US or Israel (the British Jews); they never adopted the nationalities of the new country, though sometimes they have the dual nationalities for matter of practicality.


                                             The monarchists during King George VI’s lifetime 


       King George VI inherited his network of influence from his father, King George V, who also has his from his father. The same monarchical power and influence is transmitted and further generations after generations. During his reign King George VI had developed hugely the monarchical power through the second World War, which is not only a war that in the long run has been fatal to our Kingdom super power. It cannot be denied, it has been an opportunity to have influence for our Kingdom, in places we did not have one. The creation of the State of Israel has been done by King George VI, just as the current drawing of the Middle East and the world was done by him along with the other winners of the war. Drawing does not mean definitive control, in a changing world ruled by failed democracies. In all cases the power of our monarchical Systems grows from the monarchical system to the failed classical democracy. 

     With the monarchical countries under our influence, we have increased with years of drawing of the political scene, our control and become the only holder of power in countries as Morocco or China. Even in countries where there is classical democracy with possible alternation of ruling, our influence remains the same because it derives of our control of the armies in all its different aspects. The constant changing of the leadership of a country did not change, the general repartition of power in the army or in the country: controlling the head of an army did not mean controlling it. And we control also hierarchically lot of armies in all fashion. In fact, in context of failed classical democracies, it is the side of the armies that has the greatest power that designates the winner, of the election. Democracy is just a concept coined by the council to hide armies’ control of the world. The votes of the people have never mattered, only the will of the political and military elites that counts.

     King George VI during his life was the one that rules his pole of power. Why the appellation monarchist? In our Kingdom there are two main poles of power during the reign and life of this great British King. He rules on one crown, and Queen Elizabeth II and the council rules on the other. But, the later though relying on royal power, are ideologically republican and liberal in terms of values. They have any other goal than destroying our monarchy and transforming it in a republic. 2006 marks a new era in our Kingdom’s history, with the emancipation of Queen Elizabeth II from the republicans. With this new era she forms her own side of the crown, which is essentially and logically for the monarchy and its continuation, when her partners the council was for transforming it in republic. She kept their liberal ideology but did not back the republican side of the ideology. In 2008, after the council is almost defeated, phagotized by Queen Elizabeth. She has the full control of her side and the council side of the crown; still she collaborated with what remains of the council. Moreover, than ever Queen Elizabeth II, is in words and deeds the Queen, as her son’s side of the crown, accompanies her in her ruling. All have of you have seen, how confident, strong, and blossoming, she was in the footage of her Christmas Message. We are far of the era of the drama Queen, weak, hesitating and lack of confidence that appear in the Medias, bossing by the council. We have achieved a great deal in our fight of freeing our Kingdom- you are the hero of this fight. 

       During, his lifetime, King George VI extended and developed his network. He was behind the ascension of Colonel Qadhafi on power, and the huge development of the country. He conquered the power in China, gives it an ideology and gives it a goal of super greatness. Thank to George VI today China is one of the greatest world super power, if not the world super power. In America he initiated the enrolment of many politicians that his networks educate, trained and promoted their political careers, among them there is Barack Obama, the former American President. He was behind also the enrolment in the American army of many soldiers and officers that his network promoted the military careers. He mad promoted to high rank military and strategic positions many officers. With dedications and determinations, he took the real politics control of America from the council.

      King George VI initiated also lot successful and super powerful companies and corporations as Apple, Coca Cola or Amazon. He did that not only in America, but in all the countries of the world, especially those under his influence. Such is how he developed his own network, more; he could have done by even remaining on power. Before his death he was clearly the shadow ruler of the world. Elizabeth II and the council have lot of power but never more than his, being the continuation of the British monarchy.

     Before his death in 1998, it was to Ben Stuart that he gave the control of the British side of the monarchy. Of his living, he puts all his wealth and power to free his grandson Prince Charles, and give that same power to Mr Stuart so that he continues the fight to free his son, and gives him his absolute right of heir to the throne. Leaders were appointed by him on the top of his other planetary networks.  


              King George VI post death years and the pre-awareness of Prince Charles stage

        After the death of King George VI, each network continues with its internal organisation, and collaborated with the other networks. Thus, all the different Systems globally remain faithful to King George VI- Prince Charles, the ideology and the Kingdom. It is only the British side of the monarchists that under the leadership of Ben Stuart attempted to do an impossible coup by abandoning his vow to King George VI (He swore to continue the fight for the release of Prince Charles his grandson, and the resumption of his duty as heir to throne, and being loyal to him as well as the King of the side of the crown, and Prince Heir to the throne that he is.)

     As soon as King George VI is dead, Mr Stuart did a radical shift that gave a serious blow to his vow, he abandons one may say at 100% his defence of Prince Charles. He stopped fighting publicly for the release of Prince Charles jailed in Niger by the council by signing a deal consisting of usurping Prince Charles’ name and title in favour of Prince of Wales that wore both of them, and as bonus he is even qualified of son of Queen Elizabeth II. In fact the deal consists of declaring Prince Charles jailed in Niger, as in coma and hospitalised in Wellington hospital of London in 1998. The council exploited that deal to build and activate, his long times plan of usurpation of Prince Charles in favour of Prince of Wales. Ben Stuart did that by a time, Prince Charles is aged 17 did not reach his majority and his memory was cleaned (He is not aware of his identity). That is betrayal of his vow, betrayal of King George VI to whom he promised to free his grandson and made him have his absolute right to the throne.

      King George VI of his living stirs sky and land to free his grandson. For that purpose World War III was fought between the Soviet Union and the West. Endless wars, rebellion etc. were done all aiming to free his grandson, whose childhood has complicated the task for him. It was in fighting to free Prince Charles that he dies, he refused to neither abandon him, nor let the council replace him by Prince of Wales as that was the demand of the terrorist organisation to free him.

        Stuart Atha signed the deal with the council and attempted to make the British side of the monarchists as his. In an effort to give a superficial legitimacy to his crime, he attempted to promote Brooklyn Beckham who is not even members of the Royal Family, as the one for whom he puts the part of the British side of monarchists to fight to promote as King. Whereas,  Brooklyn rumour mother was Zara Philips daughter of Princess Anne. Nevertheless, Mrs Zara is not member of the Royal Family (she does not have any royal title) for her progenitors to be members of the Royal Family. Furthermore, Brooklyn’s father was reported being Mark Philip who is neither member of nobility or the Royal Family. Then, he has any smallest right to the throne. In fact, Mr Stuart was no more no less than fighting to transform our Kingdom in a republic; he shares the same goal with the council.

      Hence, in the pursue of his illegal and criminal ambition, he ended by leaguing with the council to maintain Prince Charles jailed in Niger. Because, more freeing Prince Charles was hard during the lifetime of his grandfather because he was child, adolescent, do not know his identity, or even fighting to be free by creating opportunities as he did in 1999 when he got the brevet and want to have a scholarship of a foreign country with which he could free him. Unfortunately, his grandfather was dead, few months back before the availability of this golden opportunity. Mr Stuart saw the freedom of the Prince as a threat to his ambition of making the System his and fight to transform the Kingdom in republic. He simply and systematically sided with the council to maintain Prince Charles jailed.

          Ben Stuart reckless gesture has condemned Charles Arthur to endless pain. The logic of the council is simple by the moment Ben Stuart abandons him with the deal, he would surely participated in the next move to end with him. All are aware they will not succeed in their plan of their impossible coup, and do not have rest as longer as he who is the only one to have the absolute right to the throne is alive. The next move was to create the conditions to end with him, to do that they close the British High Commission in Niger. The representation in endless ways challenge them from all sides and was globally doing its duty which is preventing Prince Charles’s tortures, humiliations and killing attempts. The building of a well-trained emergency police unite (Police Secour du quartier Wadata in French) kind of 911; less than 2 miles from the jail, Prince Charles was then kept, epitomised this success. The worthy British staffs of the Embassy were fighting valiantly to end definitely, the Prince’s imprisonment, when it was closed. Alone the council could not close the High Commission as there are two crowns, with the participation of the British side of the Systems they gather at little extent the two crowns (with the persons that were loyal to Mr Stuart, and the essential part of the System only swear of Prince Charles). The representation was replaced by an insular Consulate locates in and under the authority of the French Embassy in Niger since 1998. As matter of fact, the British Subjects were dramatically reduced in their defence of their Prince and the doing of their duty.

      With the closure of the representation, there are no single totally British secret agents, and totally British interests. All the British secret agents are primarily French secret agents, the same France that is the primary pole of Prince Charles’ imprisonment, with the socialist circle created by Francois Mitterrand. Then theoretically and practically all the British agents in Niger backs the imprisonment of their Prince, thing that they did not want to do, and that the politico-administrative decision obliged them to do.  The few, who were secret agents secretly in Niger, are limited as did not have access to the Prince’s imprisonment circle, dedicated to only those who are under the British Consulate. In fact, all the direct British secret agents and staffs of the High Commission were transferred to Mali where was relocated the representation. Then new network has been built by the council and Ben Stuart. Logically, it has a minimum feeling possible for Prince Charles. It is only this year that a rumour, spread a moment, making case of the opening of a British Embassy in Niamey. Currently, I cannot tell you if the representation is built or not because though opened they can hide to the jail Prince.


                                                                            Simon Ballom

                                                                                                                            Mr Ballom

      Abandoned by the British side of the Systems, the council plotted to transport Prince Charles in Aeroport, a country side-suburb of Niamey on Jun 5, 2001, where they hope the harsh imprisonment conditions would help them killing him. The new jail did not neither have electricity nor water, or any modem house tools. It is plainly a cave and Prince Charles was literally caved in it. Quickly he falls in a serious depression, anxiety and repeating sickness; all born from the horrible jailing conditions combined with the chemical weapon (bismuth) intoxication. After the closure of the British High Commission the council has huge power to jail Prince Charles and attempted to kill him. The American sides of the monarchists are limited by the fact that it was W. George Bush, the son of the former American President that was President. George Bush, the father enrolled, trained and led the mercenaries that were jailing the Heir to the Throne in Niger. Few years, he would be replaced in the role by Bush, the junior.

        If Prince Charles is alive; it is only due to the remaining parts of the monarchists: the American, the Israeli, the Scottish and Irish networks of the monarchists that were not part of the deal with the council that declared Prince Charles in coma and kept in Wellington hospital of London. In compliance of the deal, Mr Stuart the leader, of the British side of the monarchists, gradually stopped demanding the release of Prince Charles, as the medias were demanding it publicly then. The council and its accomplices current stopping of the report on the Gatwick hostage keeping that is still going on is an example.  There were lot of UN resolutions demanding the release of Prince Charles. They did not accept the imprisonment and the optional usurpation of Prince Charles’ identity and tittle. It was in retaliation of the tortures and killing attempts against their Prince that they do the 9/11 attack that was wrongly put in the account of Al Qaida.

       Nevertheless, Ben Stuart though he abandons Prince Charles sometimes he strives to defend the jailed Prince more in an effort of balancing his abandonment of him than something else. In other, words showing to the members of the monarchists that he did not totally abandon him. Without King George VI other Systems, especially the American ones (Coca Cola is banner of those Systems), Prince Charles is surely dead. Many times, Charles Arthur George Philip all along his imprisonment in Niger, there is only one constancy: the Coca Cola trucks that pass regularly close to him, and especially during important moment of his life. Then he did not understand the meaning of the passing of the trucks, he tends to assimilate it as part of his daily life. It is only after recalling his history that he understands the brand is part of his American System and that it is defending and protecting Prince Charles, its Prince. Of his 37 years, 35 are marked by his imprisonment. Nelson Mandela has done 27; he is in his 8 years of jail more than him. Prince of Edinburgh is the longest political prisoner in the world.

     Having abandoned Prince Charles, whose memory has been cleaned with many substances, Mr Stuart never tries to help the Prince recalls his memory, of course doing so goes with him tried to free himself, and that means back in London and the resumption of his duty everything that ruins his plan. And through the French network of influence in Niger, he had the power to free Prince Charles. As years go on, in Niger the monarchists come to have the power. It controls all the different sectors of the country, from the army to the economy, especially with China, the first economic partner of the country, and through countries as Morocco or Saudi Arabia. I am exactly saying that Prince Charles is jailed, tortured, and humiliated in Niger, when Mr Stuart controlled at his name and title the country. He takes care to put at the strategic position persons that are loyal to him (though the same persons are from the network and never abandon the core ideology: freeing the Prince). From 2009, when the monarchists become the most influential network in the country, Stuart has totally the mean to free Prince Charles, should he want it. Charles Arthur even went in the Moroccan Embassy for asking a sponsoring of a book he wanted to publish in 2011; in the North African country. 

        It is together that the three crowns in Great Britain is defending The Heir to the Throne’s imprisonment. They constantly performed brain washing operation intending to prevent him recalling his memories of his history and identity. When alone, challenged by all of them, he fought to recall heroically his identity. They league to prevent him recalling his memories and are working actively to maintain him jailed through the British Consulate (the council alone did not control the British Consulate) by working on him mentally to tolerate, the heart-breaking imprisonment.

           Worst Mr Stuart did not act to have Prince Charles knows that there is a network of power that essence is to serving him, and helping him to be free. It is Charles Arthur who in his fight to be free, make his researches finds it and goes to it by the end of 2017, for help. Until now, he never receives the help he was seeking.

      When he enters in contact with it, without knowing it, he was legitimizing Mr Stuart illegal ruling as at many regards, he abandons the Prince and was only serving himself. Without, the Prince helps, he only controls few members of the System, but not all, that is linked to the position of neutral position of the Prince. With the help of the Prince he consolidated his grip on the British side of the monarchists by pretending to fight to release Prince Charles. The network is so great, decentralized, scattered all around the around; with agents and leaders which is not in daily contact with the Kingdom, though doing their duty. Mr Stuart has almost any influence of the members placed by King George VI and was behind stable and long-time regimes as in China, Morocco, Sudan and Rwanda. Though, there is few which continues collaborate with him.

        Those sediment members created their own network in the country and powerful all around the world and are only loyal to Prince Charles. They develop their own leaderships. Many of those leaders emancipated themselves from Ben Stuart that many do not recognize from the moment he abandons Prince Charles. Nevertheless, they are in tight contact with all the different members of the monarchists, either in the British, American, Israeli, Scottish, Irish and English Systems. Without Prince Charles supports, Stuart after his abandonment process, faces problem of leadership. Thus how Colonel Gadhafi one of the greatest members of the monarchists System, refused to recognize his leadership, he who for the grandfather, has done everything to free the grandson: he visited many times Niger. And then, asked by Stuart to abandon Prince Charles the same for whom he did all kind of sacrifice, as the different embargos resulting from his pressure actions. Of course, he refuses to do so. Gradually, he normalized hi relation with the council, before being seduced by it in 2007 and made the fatal mistake of joining them. You know the remaining, the same council plotted to end his reign.

         With the blessing of Prince Charles that he did kind once supported in being free, and resumes his duty he gathered the monarchists Systems all over the world, and conquered back all the different countries that were under the network influence before his rebellion; and he even added new countries. He even with the help of Prince Charles comes to lead the council. With the help of Prince of Edinburgh, Stuart has the control on all the greatest countries of the world: China, America, France and Russia through the network. But, instead of keeping his word of freeing the Prince as he promised it; he let once again the illusion of super power that Charles Arthur gives him- fooled himself. He refused to keep his word and free the Prince, when £100-200 is enough to free him.

        After he realized without the Prince’s agreement, he could not lead the System with the different agents and members seeing that he is not keeping his word, and is even siding with the enemies (before 2017, if he was leading even hardly the network, it is only because Prince Charles was not mature and with years aware of his duty, that gives him a default control though hard. He exploited even his imprisonment and not being aware of his identity and title, and even claiming doing everything to free him).  With the Prince recalling his identity and title and even go in contact and ask Mr Stuart to free him, and if he did not do it that means simply that he abandons him. As without the Prince’s support he remarks that it becomes hard and seeing impossible to lead the System, he proposes Charles Arthur to give him a part of the royal power as condition to do his duty, and keep his word freeing him. The Prince of Edinburgh refuses seeing that it would be very harmful for the Kingdom the perpetuation of the practice of sharing the Royal power as the council did it to destroy our Kingdom. Later, Prince Charles even accepted to see if he is honest, but he refused to keep his word. And his leadership of the council, the enemies of Prince Charles, made that he could no more do his duty regarding him, he even attempted to kill him with the terrorist organization.

       Thus, he started to lose the control of the different countries that was put in the British side of the monarchists’ perspective, and few days later an internal rebellion of the System killed him.

 The Succession Of Endless Leaders At The Head Of The British Side Of The Monarchist


      After, the death of Ben Stuart many leaders were designated after the previous refused to be loyal to Prince Charles and the System. Each of them that came only want to do exactly the impossible coup as Ben Stuart, transforming our Kingdom in republic for hiding their military rule in the skin of false royalty. Since Mr Stuart there are around 10 leaders that were killed by the members of the System over the same reason, they want to do the impossible coup. They do not only abandon Prince Charles, they consistently work with the council to maintain him jailed; they collaborate with it to sacrilege him. With their own initiatives they even attempted to sacrilege the Prince of Edinburg, the same they had the duty to protect and defend the interests.

       Clearly, all of them declared that they hate the monarchy (the very soul of the monarchists Systems) and that they prefer republic with the failed classical democracy, where democracy is just a mean of hiding military officers’ rule of a country. They never take in account the vote of people (a word that even means individual or just a number among endless).

   All those leaders are particular in their hate of King George VI, Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II. The council had a very bad influence on our British army, high rank officers. They come to hate everything that is symbol of Britishness, and source of greatness of our Kingdom. We all remember, Victor Chavez one of the leaders of the System among many, he leads it in the month of July of this year. All of you have seen how for France that is under the influence of the System through the same Prince Charles that helped have it; he lobbied to have our Team England lost against Croatia, so that France would not face a great team at the final of the World Cup. Indeed, this is something utterly serious that happened under your eyes. Here are exactly the same men who are friends and allies in hating our Kingdom, and wanting to destroy it, for making happy a country under their domination in virtue of the strength, legality and legitimacy of Prince Charles. Prince of Edinburgh cannot accept such thing, and here is exactly his difference with Chavez. He is politicians as any in the form and sacred in the soul; but for him it is UK first, the British first. Every other thing beside is useless.

    Whenever, those corrupted leaders see Prince Charles, they see an opportunity to have from him the authorization to conquer a new country to put in the banner of the System and right under their leadership, and use the same country to torture , humiliate and trying to kill Prince Charles. They know themselves, that without him, they cannot conquer any country, and even keep any country. Still, they do not care, they want attempt to kill him, though knowing it will be fatal to their rule. Their politics is simply, ‘Get rich or die trying…’. They said it clearly, but each of them thinks himself different of the one that precedes him who may even have more experience and power than him. They have all in common a roman bondless ambition caged in sheep body that they take as that of a lion. For the same impossible coup more than 10 leaders have been killed, and every new one is ready to continue exactly the same thing, saying after all “I am different of that man who was killed…”, and that he is him and end of the story.

      Of Chavez what the Prince recalled chiefly is the final of the world cup between France and Croatia. He did not want to attend the match; he was very unhappy of the way the French let any British attended the Three Lions match, when every European nation match was attended by many of its citizen. In thousands of British in Niger, any attended the match of the Team England, when in Niger; UK is represented by the French Embassy. That was the reason of his refusal to attend the France vs. Belgium match.

       Mr Chavez prayed him to attend the match for advertising the event with his influence and mediatic power. On the way of CCFN somewhere between Grand Marché of Niamey and CCFN a car was used by the council to threaten him. At CCFN around 7am, he was not let in, when normally the centre opened all the day, especially for especial occasion as that one. Mr Chavez after Charles Arthur insisted it is the council threat that was behind the refusal of his entrance in the centre; he said ‘For you we will not that the risk of losing France…”. Whereas it is exactly the same Prince Charles who gives France to the British side of the monarchists, which without him by no way can it have it. The equation requires the participation of the American, Scottish, Irish, Russian and Israeli Systems things that only Prince Charles has the authority to do, coming from his legality, legitimacy and loyalty.  Without the same decision of the same Prince of Edinburgh, the System cannot keep France even for a second. That was the reason of his rupture with Victor Chavez.  Few days later, he was killed for betraying the System, abandoning him (he denied the Prince the 2018 baccalaureate’s correction) and attempting to kill the Heir to the Throne.  After him, another leader was nominated more pompous and even stupid; he is for sure, enough arrogant to kill you of only listening to him. He asks Charles Arthur to give him the authorization to put under the System’s influence America; after he refuses, he told him, “As longer I am alive, you will not be free…” in other words he controls France and then its Embassy in Niger for it to evacuate him; and he would not let him having any freedom opportunity. Prince Charles answered him, ‘Then you will not live longer…”. Few days later he was killed for the same treason.

       Another one more stupid, bolt, and arrogant, named Hardy succeeded him.  That one is a real political gangster, not knowing family, duty, law, or loyalty only his criminal interest matter. He continued exactly the same politics that killed his predecessor. Every time, he tortured, humiliated, and attempted to sacrilege the Prince of Edinburgh; he faced huge consequences from the agents almost all loyal to the Prince. Still, it took him some time to understand that he does not have another choice, if he wants to be alive, and have America to change its politics and being respectful regarding him. Thus for a moment, he totally changed his approach; stopped even making the advertisement of the illegal usurpation of identity and title of Prince Charles by Prince of Wales.

          Hardy reveals to Prince Charles lot of very precious information regarding the injustices he is victim; he revealed him that he was not kidnapped but transported from Virginia to Niger, with his mother, Ronald Reagan and Francois Mitterrand under the pretext of attending, the Cure Salé annual Festival. He convinces him to subscribe for the Nigerien scholarship and then use it to go in Morocco to do his PHD as freedom opportunity. Few days later, Mr Hardy told Charles Arthur that with a passport, he could go back home without money to buy a plane ticket. He promised him that Royal Air Morocco will bring him home free. Mr Hardy told Prince Charles he could renew his passport free, by just declaring it lost. That superficial display of collaboration frightened the council, which then plotted to sacrilege Prince Charles. As soon as he had the control of America, he comes back to his promise regarding stopping advertising Prince Charles’s usurpation of identity. The Prince told him it is a serious crime against him, and he will size justice for those crimes. He told him what ‘Can he do as he is jailed…”.

     What is quite amazing, Hardy instead of being loyal to the Prince, the King of the second crown and de facto King; he wanted him to obey him and being kind of his ‘submitted’ the word is quite strong when associated to the Prince, Heir to the Throne. Prince of Edinburgh told him no, he is the Prince; he is the one to serve him, not the other way round. He clearly told him everything he did his duty regarding the Kingdom. In fact Hardy relation with the Prince as all the other past corrupt leaders of the British side of the monarchists is simply and clearly a relation of exploitation. They all need the Prince to rule, to keep the countries under the banner of the System, and all fear that he has the financial mean to become free. Their single goal is to make the impossible coup on the System and the Kingdom. Thing, that any British and world’s inhabitant cannot accept not only the Prince. Charles Arthur is very unhappy to see that he gave them countries to serve the cause, free him, fighting to have their absolute right to the Throne, free their Kingdom and the world, and they use those power to further the policies of the council of maintaining the politics of destruction of our Kingdom; by destroying the corner stone of our Kingdom, the monarchy and religion. And worst, he systematically sides with the council to maintain Prince Charles jailed through this practice of exploitation. When Prince Charles told him, that he entered in contact with the British side of his own Systems or any of his Systems for the purpose of doing his duty, saving their Kingdom. It takes him, time to understand that all those leaders are part of his imprisonment and friends and ally of the council. They all exactly have the same ideology.  It is only the agents, and members of the British side of the Systems, that are doing their job; they always have in heart the interests of the Systems, the Prince and the Kingdom.

       In the same logic of attempt to subject Prince Charles, to a ‘submissive exploitation” all those corrupted leaders become angry when he visited another systems medias. He simply told them, it is only his duty he did, just as he has done it before them, through endless ways. And to mock all the sacrifices the Prince is doing to the British side of the System, the Systems globally, those leaders clearly advertised someone who does not have any right to the crown. There was a moment as he sees that, they no more no less decided to deprive the Prince of absolute right, and exploited him, he told them, ‘It is winning winning relation, you want to keep those countries; you want to conquer new countries; you want lead the network, you have to give the Prince, his share since you put all his benefits at the advantage of someone else as him’. Still, Charles Arthur George, always do his duty. He is a political expert; he knows clearly how to serve the Kingdom, without giving them power and wealth that they will use to maintain him jailed, and attempted to kill him in collaboration with the council.

            Mr Hardy as the others leaders of the System hate the monarchy, and the Kingdom, and its values. Hardy declares him that the members of the network do not love him. Prince Charles replied him that the power that he has, is no more no less the resultant of their love for him, for the Kingdom, his legality and legitimacy. If they do not love him, they will not conquer a country for him, or keep a country under the banner of the Systems, when he orders them to do so as they have the duty. He added to him, as he could see he is jailed, he is not in military camp to be in contact of soldiers and officers, and in UK to be with his Subjects. Still they love him, and they only know legitimacy, legality, and they love their Kingdom. The members of the Systems only do what he asked them to do; but not what he, the leader asked them to do. He added that our British Subjects is surely the most educated, and wise persons on earth; reason why, we, as community and Kingdom dominate the world. We are the most polite, virtuous, wise, creative, organize, and courageous group of persons in the world and we have all those qualities from our Kingdom political organization being the monarchy, nurtured by religion.

         Prince Charles added to him that all the leaders that were killed no one killed them, if not the members of the System(s), who do them to save the System (s) (I put the bracket as there are some internal cleaning done strictly by the British side of the Systems, and the other in collaboration with the world systems, which are all connecting, and sharing the ideology).  He added him after all, every member of the Systems has a brain, they see everything they judge, they have even information that he did not have. It is based on all that they judge and decide to save the Systems and the Kingdom.

       Hardy, just as all the leaders of the Systems come to hate Prince Charles, the saviour of his Kingdom and the Systems (It is an equation before the Prince started to do his duty our Kingdom is in a stagnant position, one will say disintegrating as past powerful nation like Spain, and Portugal. Prince Charles gives to UK its past super power, and that before even being coroneted King, and everyone has eye to see that, and no one can ignore that). Mr Hardy as the other leaders of the System hate him at extent they even threaten to shoot him dead.  He simply told that they have any chance to do so as they are surrounding by only agents of the network, who though serving them, never forget their duty to toward the Kingdom and the Prince. He told Charles Arthur, if he was ready to take the risk of being shot. Prince Charles clearly told him that he subscribed to dying for his Kingdom. For him, it is only the duty that matters, nothing else, though as any politician (person) he is fighting to free himself and has his absolute right, all are also strictly and tightly linked to the good of the Systems and Kingdoms; he never in the fighting to fulfil that lose of sight the general interests of UK, serving the Kingdom and its Subjects. Prince of Edinburgh told many British Kings, and Subjects died in making the  Kingdom as it is, right now. He told him he is a politician, he did all in one, and he does it quite well, everyone has eye to judge. Then, Hardy told him, through the same, which is a media of the monarchists that he is ready to take the same risk.

  It was after this debate that Hardy sees he could not by no way having him abandon his duty and giving him the control of Russia that remains of the only one super powerful country on earth that is not under the control of the British side of the monarchists. Then he intensified his collaboration with the council to sacrilege him by even using a chemical weapon. Yes, Hardy and his accomplices used the very lethal bismuth to kill him, without his other Systems that intervene to break the power of the lethal weapon, he would have been dead far before. But the greatest chemical weapon gassing that Hardy has done was in CSP Relance where Prince Charles was gassed for him by Karim Hassane, a Scottish mercenary. He sues him at the police station, and Hardy leagued with the council to deny Prince Charles justice.  Hardy, few days later, in his nonstop attempt to sacrilege Prince Charles, was killed by the monarchists with all the members of his family and the Beckhams that he used as alibi of his illegal and criminal ambition.

     The next leader who was designated as soon as promoted, with the impression of absolute power that the position gives, starts to continue the same politics of maintaining Prince Charles jailed, torturing and humiliating him. Convinced, of his invulnerably, he did not have ears for any warning.

Some Of The Leaders Of The British Side Of The Monarchists Bad Practices 

         The different agents of the monarchists Systems all around the world, in front of the remark of the failure of the leaders to fight for the release of Prince Charles, and the resumption of his duty, and in reactions to their daily torture and killing attempts, initiated movements to create the political conditions for his release. That collective movement started in Cameroon, reach Burkina Faso, Niger, America and France. Their actions are varies depending the reaction of the political elites. They included demonstration, and even violent actions, as attacks. It was in November that the movement reached France, the first country in Prince Charles’ imprisonment in Niger.   

          Still the Gilets Jaunes movement is initiated by French citizens that are opposed to their political elites’ role in this injustice; the world main greatest injustice, and which is threatening sinking the world in a planetary conflict. The French started to demonstrate to demand the release of Prince Charles, the Heir to the British throne jailed in Niger with the complicity of their political class. That is how is born the Gilets Jaunes. Before even the birth of the yellow vests movement, there was the rebellion in the different countries the British side of the monarchists controlled as the agents and members loyal to King George VI and Prince Charles refused to obey to the order of the leaders.  Thus how the Jamal Kashoggy scandal began during the leadership of Gordon Messenger. In fact in DNC’s network there is also a Prince Charles’ System. As the Prince is exchanging with his System in the American System, Mr Messenger used the influence of the monarchists on Saudi Arabia to have the journalist being killed in the horrible manner that you know well. He sees in it a mean to take vengeance on Prince Charles’ American System. In fact, both Turkey and Saudi Arabia are in the British side of the monarchists System.

       Thus, the scandal rises up with Washington Post denouncing the killing of his journalists, and Turkish leaders accusing with proofs the Saudi’s Prince Crown Mohamed Bin Salman of being the responsible of the killing.  Any time Mr Messenger insults, tortures, humiliates or attempts killing Prince Charles, Recept Tayip  Erdogan accused with new proofs the Saudi’s Prince Crown of ordering the killing of the journalist. At the middle of the cycle of action and retaliation, the issue inflates to become the huge scandal you know. Of course Mr Messenger is the leader of the System but he did not have the power to prevent the members loyal to Prince Charles to show their disagreement and retaliate. The all he can do is putting his little print on the retaliation; sometimes he could not put even his little print. As the huge part of the members of the System are loyal to their Prince. He has only the power that Prince Charles gives him. He always gives him chance to redeem- he takes it as sign of weakness. Gordon Messenger always remains faithful to himself till he was killed in attempting to kill Prince Charles. The entire world was against him.

    Thus Simon Ballom was designated leader, and refused to learn from the previous leaders’ mistakes. The first morning of his leadership, he fills the Daily Express UK-The Royal Family section with articles on Prince Charles’ usurpation of identity.  All those leaders of the British side of the Monarchists System were chosen for being loyal to him, and it was the condition of their selection. The new leader most of the time plays an important role in the killing of the corrupted leaders for the same mistakes that he would pose as soon as designated. Indeed, each thinks himself better than the others.

    The endless regular articles of Prince Charles usurpation of identity aims to declare to the Prince and UK’s enemies the council and its accomplices, that he endorsed his imprisonment and usurpation of identity; they should fear nothing regarding report of the sacriliging of Prince Charles. The council by itself stopped advertising the usurpation even in its own Medias. It is only the System and its medias that are doing it. Mr Ballom invited them to plot to kill Prince Charles, the Heir to the British Throne.  He flattered Queen Elizabeth II to join the plot for sacriliging her son. He even assures them, when they would kill him; he would help them covering up his sacrilege in the worst case for them as that of Joseph Hassane the African American kidnapped in the parallel program or as the killing of Hassane Issoufou the false and criminal name that was used to refer to Prince Charles.

       He placed on Prince Charles’ way mercenaries that knew him in the jail, or in his daily activities in other to connect dots and attempted back the false stories. Those are additional measures aiming to reassure the council and Queen Elizabeth II regarding sacriliging Prince Charles.  Many times, Elizabeth II declared her through signs not interesting in killing her son, and even threatened him.  Then, Simon Ballom threatened sacriliging, Elizabeth II.

        All that is tell you that the council is not the one attempting to sacrilege Prince Charles, but the leaders of the British side of the monarchists Systems. Simon Ballom is not the only one to do it; all the different leaders of the System did exactly the same thing. Mr Ballom demanded, and plotted with the enemies of the Prince to sacrilege him; the same enemies that were challenging him on the other political plan were planning to kill him, and Prince Charles demanded the Systems’ members not to collaborate. Still, crook he was, he still continues the killing attempt and refused to see that without the Prince he was dead, just as the others.

         All that issue is mainly about Russia, having the Prince made him conquered the country. Sometimes, when the Prince Charles is exchanging with him or them (the leaders) they pupated Daily Express, to insult him, declaring that he did not endorse him as Prince. The insult and the disrespect, aimed to show to the enemies of the Prince that he is not supporting or defending him. They can come to sacrilege him. Upon being as his enemies, he and the previous leaders are convinced that they are the only ones to defend Prince of Edinburgh and its interests. Whereas,  they are his problem and even the ones behind his killing attempt and suffering. Prince Charles is protecting by the entire monarchists Systems, all over the world, the American Systems, the Israeli, the Russian, the Chinese, the Nigerian, the Iranian, the Saudis, in one word everywhere in the world the monarchists are present. Those Systems as that of America, Israel, Russia, Ireland, Scotland, China (Chinese, Iranian, Turkish, Saudi’s Systems by the duration and the control of the monarchists through those long term regimes have given them the opportunity to create their own Systems, largely independent to the British System). When the Prince asked those Systems to do something they do it, even though the leader asks the opposite, as they are loyal to him, and are doing their duty.

        It was during the traitorous ruling of Simon Ballom that the Gilets Jaunes started in France, the Prince do not want to remove him as the leader of the System, as by the way they are dump, removing those leaders go with their killing: they refuse to resign. In          addition, with the palace coups the Prince never orders to kill any of them, but they create the conditions of their own death by refusing to resign. Their politics is “Get rich or die trying…” So the Prince in the interests of the Systems and the Kingdom, despite the tortures, humiliations and sacrilege attempts, always gives chances for them to redeem but any of them seize it, convinced in a second or another they would kill him, and that they are powerful than all the previous leaders. In front of Mr Ballom’s torture, humiliation and the persistence of his killing attempt, he was obliged to withdraw his support of him. Hours later, he was killed, by the same enemies of the Prince and the Kingdom he was begging to come help him sacrilege the Heir to the Throne.

      Indeed, those leaders especially Mr Ballom likes insulting Prince Charles, The Heir to the British Throne, UK and Queen Elizabeth II. He told him insulting any human being with pretty shameful expression as ‘Fuck you….’ Is inacceptable and show the lack of civility of the person who did it. Indeed he knows exactly what he is doing; he is acting just as the council paves him the way to disrespect our Royal Family, our Supreme Leader, the Kingdom, and our Subjects.  The Prince told him whenever he said such word, he insulted, bullied, humiliated our Kingdom horribly, worst in the face of the world.  A leader, and authority though jailed deserves all the due respect to that goes with his title.

             On the other hand he told him; whenever he insulted the Prince he divides the System, and weakens considerably his influence on it. Whereas, as young officer who lacks experience, especially political experience, he thinks that this is best way to do his impossible coup. And he told him as proof he has to look whenever he did that, a scandal rises in a country under the control of the monarchists, the System refuses to follow his order, and created the scandal to show him that he did not control them. And any control he has on them, it is with the authorization of the same Prince Charles. The best example is Belgium under also the control of the monarchists; as his same disrespectfulness of Prince Charles sinks the country in a political crisis; with Gilets Jaunes demonstrating to demand the release of Prince Charles and the resignation of the Prime Minister, Charles Michel under the influence of the monarchists. He then thinks that regularly and abundantly use ‘f***’ will solve the problem that the same stupid insult created. The monarchists in their ensemble made the Prime Minister resigning.

            He even told him that insulting the Prince, is insulting also Queen Elizabeth II as this is also his intention. He told him that she would feel insult as well. Charles Arthur gave him the example of a stealer who after stealing a thing denies having done so. Then the owner cursed the stealer, no matter who he is. Of course, the stealer, though he denied doing the crime, will feel the cursed as directed to him. He told Mr Simon that is exactly what Elizabeth II will feel. Still, Simon Ballom continues through Facebook at the smallest disagreement. Prince Charles started to insult him back with manner, but sees that doing so, is simply disrespecting himself, and degrading his symbol of Prince, Heir to the throne. As comparison Prince of Edinburgh told him even his enemies the council, respected the Prince, as Prince and Heir to the Throne, even in doing their tortures and humiliations.

     After insistently asking the Prince to help him conquer Russia, he launched with the council a massive campaign aiming to conquer the country. He and the other leaders try endlessly without success throughout the last months, because the Prince did not give its authorization of it. In fact through his actions, behaviour; it is quite clear that he was a member of the ultra-right wing of the council, or what remains of it. Because Elizabeth II controls the council, it is only the ultra-right that she did not control, and aim to do her and her son, any harm possible.

         His last bid was acquiring Russia for the council as the monarchists; he hates it; as he hating the founder King George VI, the Supreme Leader, Prince Charles his son and the ideology. Mr Ballom thinks that with the help of the ultra-right wing of what remains of the council he could conquer it. The Prince warns him that by no way would he let Russia an important member of the network entering in the hand of the council through him. When, he told him that he answered with the classical ‘f***’. It is then, he explained him that Russia as country and the members of the monarchists have the means of their politics. They have the power to defend by even attacking to answer any unfriendly action intending to weaken the regime and doing the impossible coup. He added in the past if they do not retaliate, it is only because the Prince is asking not to do so, and playing it friendly.  As the regime in Russia is controlled by Prince Charles’ System through the GOP, but the ground layers are only loyal to King George VI-Prince Charles. With times they got their autonomy from the others monarchists Systems; and even of the living of King George VI, they only obey to him. Then when he died they only obey to his grandson.

    Charles Arthur added him, without his order to react friendly to their attack, they would answer to any unfriendly attack hugely, and the remaining members of the GOP not loyal to Prince Charles are highly limited to retaliate or to do it enormously. Prince of Edinburgh told him, if he continues he would order the Russians layer Systems and all the members of the monarchists to defend Russia through even offensive means. Here is how whenever, they attempted to overthrow the regime they face huge retaliation, and they were even about to lead the world to a world war with Russia attacking Ukrainian boats that create a crisis between the two countries and a state of emergency was set in Ukraine and the international community got involved in the conflict. Few days later, Simon Ballom was killed, Prince Charles warns him, and he refused to believe him.

        The new leader is Terry Jones; he continues the same politics of attempting the impossible coup, refusing to believe that he would fail where the other fails- the classical ardour young military officer.  He continues the same politics of tortures, humiliations and sacrilege attempt of Prince Charles. As contrary to the others the Prince told him that before dismissing him from the leadership of the System he would show him and the other leaders that would come, that they had to obey and be loyal to Prince Charles for ruling. But as the others, he totally refused to see Prince of Edinburgh authority on monarchists. He faced a Tory vote of non-confidence with Theresa May, Primeship in the control of the monarchists.  The vote of non-confidence was triggered by the monarchists after he attempted to sacrilege Prince of Edinburgh one night. He just woke up and faces it. It is the same Charles Arthur that saved him, by preventing the vote of non-confidence to pass. Before it, he promised to change regarding Prince Charles, but as soon as the vote on non-confidence was rejected; he forgot his promise and resume, torturing and humiliating Prince Charles. He continues the same politics until he was killed for betraying the monarchists. The new leader is Eric Von Lawick Pabst.


   The Behaviour Of The British Side Of The Monarchists' leader Regarding The Gilets Jaunes


          The leaders of the monarchists changed, as soon as they are nominated, they think the wealth and the power of the network belonging to them, and the members of the network only follow their orders. They refused to see that if the British side of the monarchists has it, it is only because Prince Charles gives it to it, for the only purpose of doing the common fight. They as well refuse to see if the System keeps it; it is only because Prince Charles wants it.

        In fact the picture, of the all is simple, no matter the country you take the control is on two levels: 1) the host network of the country is under only the order of Prince Charles; 2) the graft men or network is also under the control of the Prince as men of the network. In other words at all level Prince Charles has control on all of them. The leader controls both layers only when Prince Charles wants it like by remaining neutral or by being collaborative. Any second the Prince wants it, the leader of the network lost at great extant and even totally his control. But, the leaders are corrupt by the power the Prince gives them, and take it for granted to defy him, and even try to make it theirs, and refusing to see the impossibility to do so. The all have been built during centuries, and through endless generations only dedicate to serve one cause UK-the monarchy-Prince Charles (who inherited it from the previous Kings under the law of succession, to which the vow and will of King George VI to see his son being free and having his absolute right to the throne come to add.).

       Those leaders attempted to make the countries control by the networks as theirs, using only for their interests the endless billions of Pounds that they brought as theirs; and giving nothing to the Prince as his share and putting nothing in the carrying on of the fight of the monarchists in having their absolute right to the throne and freeing the Kingdom through Prince Charles.

       Last November, when the PM found a deal with the EU and wanted to submit it for vote to the Parliament, Terry Jones was the time leader of the British side of the monarchists. He told Prince Charles that the council is corrupting the MPs not to vote the deal. The Prince told him, then besides using the other means to have the bill being adopted; he should use money, if this is the way to free our Kingdom. After all, when it comes to financial war, there is no match between the monarchists and what remains of the council, the first control all the greatest countries in term of economy, technological and military power   in the world. From China to Saudi Arabia, the monarchists are the bankers of the world, the heart of the world economy. And it is trillion of Pounds that the monarchists networks, especially the British side have, then what is the worth of its huge wealth if it did not put in its sacred fight to free its Prince and the Kingdom. Mr Terry, just as Mr Hardy in such situation did not know what to say, as he could not say, he is using the money for only his own comfort. When those leaders by only using Prince Charles’ name title and with his complicity are making huge profit, Prince Charles is let jailed, tortured, humiliated and lacking the smallest coin to attenuate his imprisonment. He then decided that the leaders lead those countries only in using them for the only goal of the networks.

      Hence, the different members of the networks launched, intensified the existent operation of Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Niger to France with the Gilets Jaunes for reaching the goal, under the order of the Prince, with their own internal organization which only follow the order of the Prince. But the fight do not rely on a side of the monarchists, as the monarchists Systems are all involved in it, under the order of the Prince. Of course, with the Gilets Jaunes movement Prince Charles’ network in DNC and ABC is majoritarian but the British side is playing a huge role, when in Cameroon, Niger, and Burkina Faso it is the British side of his networks. In fact, the fight especially in France relies on the entire Prince Charles’s Systems: the Israeli, the Russian, the Chinese all are playing a huge role in it.

      The corrupted leaders of the British side of the monarchists instead of participating in the fight, they see in it as a threat against their personal and criminal interests aiming of making the network as theirs. Whereas, if they control it, it is only because the Prince wants it. They do not control the country through their strength but in virtue of their loyalty to the Prince. Regarding even the continuity of those regimes, Prince Charles told them, if France is under the influence of the System, it is due to the hegemonic power of the monarchists in France and the world. And by now can demonstrations, and riots topple and change a rapport de force not based on that dynamism? Especially, when the yellow vests movement targets all French political class not only Emanuel Macron’s regime, though the opposition is exploiting it as against him. Still, the movement aims to make the French political class, neutral in Prince Charles’ imprisonment, and in the getting of his absolute right to the throne, by default of supporting legality and legitimacy.

     Those corrupted leaders, are not only doing nothing to free Prince Charles, but they are doing nothing to have the monarchists having their absolute right to the throne and save their Kingdom. They simply approach the countries of the monarchists as theirs, refusing to see, they only belong to Prince Charles and the monarchists network in global.  No one can pretend knowing that those leaders are also part of the radical ultra-right wing of what remains of the council. They want the status quo that totally goes against the interests of the monarchists that have the duty to free their Prince and Kingdom. It only favours the council that shows if needed that the leaders of the British side of the monarchists are under the influence of the council.   

    Such is how; Terry Jones and the other leaders did everything to sabotage that sacred movement not only for the monarchists but for the French that need to free their country hostage in the criminal hand of the council.


1. The council: is a system made of persons fighting to transform UK in a republic and destroy it.

2. Monarchists: is a System made of persons fighting to free and empower UK, and for the continuity and strengthening of the British Monarchy.

3. A System: or a network, is a political military and industrial network present in a country, or world wide

4.Marshal Stuart Atha is exactly another appelation of Ben Stuart.