Naked Mariannes on December 15's demonstration
Dec 25,2018.
How I discover all that?
Days back, I read Daily Mail UK as I have the habit. The media is a centrist outlet, though more in the side of Queen Elizabeth II and the council, in the Scottish frame. On their Youtube Channel you might easily identified that, the introductory video shows a scene of William Bingo, unjustly called Prince William and his children, but it did not display Prince of Wales under the usurper version of Prince Charles. Something that is only done by the council medias and their accomplices, and will definitely show that they are at the side of the council. Indeed, the newspaper is clearly in the side of the council as it espouses its policies regarding the ideological points.
It is an equation wrote about the usurpation of identity of Prince Charles is only, those on the side of the council; the same defeated council. It means before everything, it endorsed the logical following things: a) Accepting the illegal and illegitimate usurpation of Prince Charles’ identity and his abandonment jailed; b) Accepting the principle of depriving us, British from our soul, being our monarchy and transforming it in a failed republic; c) putting in bracket our Laws and Charts; d) It means accepting the council impossible coup. I was rolling the pages of the newspaper online version, when I stumble on the “Gilets Jaunes” (yellow vests) movement in France. My attention was struck by =a scene that alone by itself sum up the all about of the public movement in France, being demanding the release and the resumption of his duty of the Prince Heir to the British throne, Prince Charles. I saw a man climbing a wall and a pillar with a superficial plastic that symbolizes Prince Charles with his flat face and blond hairs that he then crushed on the floor. Encouraged and supported by a group of “Gilets Jaunes” of all walks of life: young, adult and old; male and female, he repeated the same action several times.
I was flipping the newspaper to see what article deserve my attention, but after seeing that scene, I found what I was seeking. I knew the movement to be about the demand of release of Prince Charles, but ignore that the demonstrators are not only demanded his release by using indirect reasons of rioting, no, but they are by using his clear name and with clear images and symbols to demanding his release in which France has lot of power.
France the primary force of Prince Charles’ jailing in Niger
The heir of the British Throne is jailing in Niger for the 35 years in row by a group of countries (France, America, Niger and Russia) in which France has the first place. It is a France socialist circle created by Francois Mitterrand in 1983 before the transportation and imprisonment of Prince Charles that is leading the primary power of the jailing. To understand the reach of this gesture in his imprisonment, you have to know that it is in a former French colony, Niger that the Prince is jailing. That made France regardless to the redistribution of world power with the two World Wars and the end of the cold war; France is the most powerful and influential super power in the country (through this shared history) everything that is needed to protect the imprisonment in Niger. French is the official language of the country, the essential of the country’s political class and elites are educated in France or in Francophone countries in which the country has lot of influence. France’s influence in the imprisonment goes also with having the Nigerien population of French culture and the Nigerien political authorities collaborating in the imprisonment regardless their political ideologies.
The first lines’ mercenaries that are leading Prince Charles’ incarceration were recruited in French speaking countries. Oscar Wild and Hannah Sean were enrolled in Guiney Conakry, Jean Bradley and Sophie Humphries were listed in Benin, John Martin is from Rwanda, and Iren Samson is a Cameroonian. All of them were given the American nationality during their training, and in the wave of the imprisonment in Niger, they were given Nigerien nationalities and marry Nigeriens so that France has huge control on them. Even the other countries that were carrying the imprisonment were doing it through France: they hired French mercenaries to it carry on. To give you an idea, it was America the first actor of Prince Charles imprisonment globally, and originally as the mercenaries was enrolled for Elizabeth II by the then American Vice President, George Bush. Everywhere, the Heir to the British Throne is in Niger, it was essentially American mercenaries, hired from France that surrounds him to enforce the imprisonment. It is the same either on the streets, in the jail, or everywhere he went jailed in the country.
Everything does on Prince Charles in his imprisonment either in terms of torture, humiliation, gassing with chemical weapon, contamination with harmful microbes as flue; alimentary intoxication is done with France primary acceptance as the mercenaries responsible of the imprisonment are primary French mercenaries.
The socialist circle monitoring the incarceration are agents of the French Embassies in Niamey, Niger, occupying official functions in the diplomatic representation. The essential of them are French military attaché in Niger. That means simply Prince Charles imprisonment in Niger is done with the direct, constant and strong support of the French different regimes from 1983 to now. In addition, this Trans Parties backing of the imprisonment means that the French political class regardless to their Parties affiliations backs the jailing. As result any President that comes on power, is obliged to endorse it. This French political class and authorities support did not stop here, in France a big part of the newspapers, and medias endorsed the imprisonment and the usurpation of identity. They regularly published false articles to make the promotion of the usurpation of identity to the French people and French speaking world. Should France political class decided to pull back their support to the imprisonment, the council and Elizabeth II will be obliged to free Prince Charles and let him resume his sacred duty of Heir to the Throne.
Francois Holland’s escalation in the imprisonment for the council
The then 33 years of Prince Charles’ imprisonment has not been of any ease. It was marked to the second with sickening attempt, sickening relatively big (the big ones are bismuth a chemical weapon) gassing) or small (the relative small ones being flue, headaches, fever), killing attempts and humiliations. He spent literally the 33 years in constant headache, depression and under a constant climate of killing attempt.
It was by the end of 2017 that council started acting with the ultimate goal to sacrilege Prince Charles in order to prevent him has his absolute right to the throne. As months go on, they amplify, multiply their sacrilege attempts, tortures, humiliations and deny of absolute right. The greatest abuse is the use of chemical weapon, especially the very lethal bismuth to kill Prince Charles, something that is an unprecedented violation of his human absolute rights and rights of political prisoner. Nowhere on the surface of this suffering world, is the use of chemical weapon tolerated, by the political authorities of the country and the international community and that is even valid for war zone. Prince Charles imprisonment and the serious abuses on him is the manifests sign of the UN’s failure to create and maintain the conditions of a peaceful world. This imprisonment is even about to sink the world in a fourth planetary conflict. Since the beginning of this escalation, many times France’s political authorities were warned regarding the danger of their support of the council’s sacrilege attempt and torture on the British Heir to the Throne. They never take seriously those warnings, despite the serious warnings; despite the gradual endless attacks in France and on France’s interest worldwide. Many serious attacks were done by the monarchists in France that costs the life of thousands people that were hidden to the French citizens, and the international community. Sometimes they hide those attacks as Islamist terrorist ones, if they did not hide them as the work of a depress, anxious and mad individual as they used the famous word.
In fact there are years that France is paying the huge price of Prince Charles’ imprisonment for the council. Nonetheless it was during the year 2015 that France under the leadership of Francois Holland gives at great extent the way to the council not only; to torture, humiliate, and denies Prince Charles of his absolute right (even though he did a job he is not paid without long months of fight and suffering), but to attempt sacrilege him as well. Thus sank France in a serious socio-political crisis with the martial law set for many months in the country, as there are many traumatizing attacks did by the monarchists that cost the lives of thousands French. One of the greatest of this terrorist attack was the Charlie Hebdo in 2015. There is the tragic November 13, 2016 ‘s Bataclan killings qualified of terrorist attack, which was done by the monarchists after Prince Charles was humiliated at the border of Niger and Burkina Faso. There is also the attack of the “Promenade des Anglais) and many more that cost the lives of many hundred Frenchmen. There are endless almost daily relatively big or small attacks, costing the lives of tens people, either by stabbing or shooting. The attacks were so enormous at an extent that they made Francois Holland extremely unpopular. Thus by the end of 2016, broke a permanent strike of police union follow by demonstrations to demand Mr. Holland’s resignation and the end of torture, and deny of right against Prince Charles. That led to an impeachment procedure against Mr. Holland, after negotiation he was let ending the few months that remain for his presidency but not to run for his reelection.
The Impact on Niger
It was surely in August 2017 that the council sacrilege’s attempts reach its climax with daily use of chemical weapon on Prince Charles. That month many times did they fail of little to die just of this chemical weapon attacks. The monarchists also multiplied their attacks on France and its interests in the world. The bridge linking Niger, the land lock West African country’s city of Gaya to Beninese city of Malanville on which transited around 40% of goods that enter in the country coming from the different ports of the regions, was broken, thing that led to the death of hundred people, and millions of dollar lost for the country’s economy. That was a serious blow to the economy of the poorest nation on earth. It contributes to make living incredibly hard for the Nigeriens with the basic products becoming expensive. 70% of the Nigeriens according to the UN agency for population lives with less than $1 (£0.7) the day. That did not prevent the Nigeriens and French political authorities to continue the tortures and killing attempts.
Days later, in the wave of the increasing of the sacrilege attempts; attacks started in neighboring Burkina Faso which is crossed by the main road through which the 45 % of goods that enter in Niger transit through Burkina Faso. At the rhythm of the sacrilege attempts (gassing with chemical weapon and flue contaminations), the last route of goods’ supply is disturbed seriously. That contributes to sink the country in severe economic crisis that led to political crisis that led to many palace coups. Though the council with the help of the French, American and British authorities (the council) succeeds to keep, limited the impacts of the politic crisis on the Nigeriens, by censuring the news through the different outlets that they control mainly.
They lost also the control of the Nigerien army which is obliged to become the spokesperson and the defenders of the martyrs Nigeriens who are paying the huge price of the corruption of its political class, which is helping imprisoned, torturing, and humiliating the British Prince Heir to the Throne. The internationally community over the crimes against humanity and injustices on Prince Charles, and officially against concern of lack of democracy in the country stops its economic collaboration. That is fatal blow to the country as around 70% of the budget is funded by the IMF and World Bank. Niger is only surviving with the limited help of the council through the countries it controls mainly Denmark. And those helping are done at the rhythm of the country political authorities closing their eyes to the sacrilege attempts, tortures and humiliations of Prince Charles by the council. Every chemical weapons gassing for example goes with the council helping the corrupted political leaders through Denmark which announced helping the country with millions of pounds. Useless, to say that even the majority of this money did not go to the martyrs’ Nigeriens; it never leaves the hands of their leaders. In the same month of August when Prince Charles of small fail dying of a chemical weapon attack, and sue the council and its accomplices that did it (It is Karim Hassane a Scottish mercenary in Relance that gassed Prince Charles with the chemical gassing.) at the police station; the council paid around £20 million the country political authorities for denying him justice through a state to state help of Denmark, ORTN (the Nigerien public radio) broadcasted it.
Thus the council is exploiting the country poverty to have it close its eyes to Prince Charles imprisonment and participating to its tortures, humiliations, killing attempts (serious crimes against humanity). But the council’s small help is not enough for supporting financially the country; the regional banks help it, also, with the backing of the council, at an extent that the country becomes hugely indebted. Still, Niger has lot of underground resources as oil and uranium that are exploiting and lost in the circuits that the corrupt political leaders created. It is China that is exploiting the country oil resources. Nevertheless, as you know the council’s leaders, are corrupted and betrayers just as the council, only fighting for their own criminal interests by attempting just as the council to do an impossible coup. Thus, though China is the second economic partner if not the first partner of Niger, it does not change something. They backed Prince Charles imprisonment, sacrilege, tortures and humiliations with the council. It is a lie to say that the council alone is jailing me in Niger, no the council with the corrupted leaders of the monarchists, the same who is supposed to fight for Prince Charles are maintaining him jailed.
The imprisonment of Prince Charles in Niger has sunk the country in serious politico-economic crisis, with even hunger reported in many regions of the West African country as Maradi. Many medias .
as RFI reported thousands children die every month of hunger in Maradi’s region. The council uses its power to have the Nigerien political authorities to deny the report and even expel the Doctor without Border (MSF) nurse who made the report. But the nurse, just as RFI maintained that there is really severe hunger in the country and many children are dying. The sub regions are the ones to suffer the much with economic crisis in a country because the few money and goods that are imported in the country through the different ports most of them stopped in the capital and hardly some regional capital. It is with the sabotage of the two mains roads of supply, and especially the greatest road that of Burkina Faso, with the silent civil war in the county, only few goods enter the country.
The yellow vests movement
But the two waves of demonstrations are totally different, 2015-17 ones were about the stopping of the tortures, humiliations and deny of rights of Prince Charles, whereas this one is regarding his release and the resumption of his duty. They said the only condition to have the ‘Gillet Jaunes’ movement stopped, it is only when France’s political elite remains neutral, by default of backing justice, the legality and legitimacy by recognizing officially in words as in deeds the absolute right of Prince Charles to the throne and refused advertising the usurpation of his identity. Because, the only country that currently is clearly and directly backing Prince Charles usurpation of identity and title in favor of the dead Prince of Wales who has any right to them, are French medias as Paris Match, and secret agents as well. The worst of all, the zeal and passion they put in advertising the usurpation of the Prince’s identity and title, even the council did not do it with its medias.
Online all the different Wikipedia pages on Prince of Wales was published in France by portraying and referring to him directly, without any hindrance as Prince Charles, the Heir to the Throne. The council to transport and jail Prince Charles in Niger had also collaborated with the political sphere. Just as on all their daily attempt on the impossible coup they collaborated with the French System. It was true from the wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brookbanks or with the wedding of Meghan Markel and Charles Brooks calls falsely Prince Harry. The French army supreme chief attended the Sim meeting in London, with which the council partners pronounce themselves on its impossible coup. Each leader tell the degree of their support either backing or not the terrorist organization in case the impossible coup as with Meghan Markle wedding leads to civil war or World War IV; or helping it only doing the impossible coup at limited measure, but without supporting it further. It is based on that, the council did the impossible coup attempt, which intends as recall in every case attempting to sacrilege Prince Charles before the scheduled event, to replace him to the throne with someone who does not have right to the throne; or as they privilege this point after all their Princes were dead, to transform our Kingdom in a republic. In all cases, it consisted to continue keeping Prince Charles jailed, if it failed to sacrilege him, and to prevent him freeing his Kingdom by keeping him jailed. Then clearly France is the first partner of the council in the imprisonment and the attempt of the impossible coup. For example, should France withdraw his support to the council which is almost defeated, it will have any other choice than releasing Prince Charles and letting him resumes his duty. Then the dynamism of the yellow vests’ movement and the frustration of the Frenchmen comes from crime against humanity and the ruining of their country, in an illegal fight that destroys everything for which France stands.
After the yellow vests movement begins the council and the French political authorities, think that it would no longer. As it continues to grow gradually over days, they start to worry and sending policemen to end the demonstration with the country’s army, the same who has the duty to protect those who are demonstrating. The deployment of policemen and soldiers started at great scale during the Act 3. Therefore, it gradually started to give civil war tone to demonstration, which at the beginning was a pacific one. From the Act 3‘s Saturday the demonstrators started to camp definitely on thousand places in the French territory and there are many that were transformed in military camps. And on the other side the council is asking Emanuel Macron not to negotiate with the demonstrators over their first and primary demand which is the liberation and the resumption of his duty of Prince Charles, the Prince Heir to the Throne. Then at their greatest surprise the Act 4 was big at an extent they never imagine when they expect it to end. Upon saying that the demonstration was dying, the Monday of the Act 4, Emanuel Macron made a speech to declare adopting the second demand of the demonstration, and totally refused even to make reference to the real claim, being the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty. In fact even those negotiating hand on the secondary demands were done, after the council ask, Emanuel Macron, to do concession on their secondary demand in order to asphyxiate their real demand on Prince Charles
. As soon as he did the speech many yellow vests clearly declared that he refused to negotiate and their demand remain the same, the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty. They continue their demonstrations daily and the camps occupation continues. Because contrary to what Medias reports it is not only on Saturday that the yellow vested demonstrated, but every day. In fact, it is the biggest demonstration that is done on Saturdays. But every day they demonstrate in ten thousands to demand Prince Charles release and the other secondary points. But, the Medias the council and its accomplices’ control, singled out their demonstrations from the yellow vests’ movements, and made of them an independent demonstration; nevertheless the independent Medias connected them. It is to be noted that it is only the medias under the control of the council and its accomplices that hide the real ampler of the demonstration by reducing the number of the demonstrators, the size of human death toll, the size of the material lost, and the real reason of the demonstration being the release and the resumption of his duty of Prince Charles. Of course, the other medias do not as well reveal totally the truth about the demonstrations but simply give an idea. Never in the history of humanity a so great and heartbreaking crime against humanity and injustices is kept somehow secret if not that of Prince Charles and UK. Whereas, revealing it totally would have saved the lives of million peoples.
So, after Emanuel Macron followed the recommendation of the council, and made the announcement of the measures, he acted like the yellow vest movement is over, and that they would not demonstrate the next Saturday. His speech did not prevent the demonstrations to continue as he refused to negotiate. Few days later there was even one of the demonstrations that created a big worldwide scandal. Manthe La Jolie Grammar School students who walked to demand the release of Prince Charles, was attacked, tortured inhumanely by police officers. It is then quite clear that the yellow vests movement would continue and by no way would they stop before the satisfaction of their demand, just as demonstrations under Holland they did not stop before satisfaction wad getting.
There is a proud proper to the French as to all strong and educated nations in terms of the dynamism of its people that made by no way will they stop demonstrating, as they did not during the French revolution before getting satisfaction. Two days before, Saturday 15, the day of the big demonstration, radios reported Emanuel Macron under the influence of the council declaring sending 66,000 soldiers to prevent people demonstrated, and even chase all those who would try to do so. In other words, the declaration aims to warn any French who is trying to demonstrate that he would face, the same soldiers that should protect him as enemies. This is a dangerous speech that should not be done by any way in a democratic country, which is generally praised as country of freedom of speech and democracy. And in parallel false polls were revealed by the same Mr. Macron’s government to declare that the “Gillets Jaunes” have lost the support of the French people, so they should not demonstrate. First of all the right to demonstrate is not function of the majority of the citizens supporting you, but only function of your desire to do so, and all the Constitution of the world guarantee the right to demonstrate that is a fundamental Constitutional right. Secondly the French in their overwhelming majority support the yellow vests’ movement that is why at every of their demonstration there are increasing hundred thousand demonstrators who attended it. On that Saturday of the Act 4, there are around 750, 000 demonstrators who demonstrate to demand the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty.
Few shocking image of December 23's demonstration as you can see there are many dead, they are guns that were pointed to demonstrators and hawk that were moving toward policement. Beware this picture as the videos from which it comes, have been edited to hide the death of many persons. At least 200 persons lose their lives that day.
The context of the yellow vests movement
To understand the size of all those inappropriate moves that any normal French President will do; you have to know that the unprecedented crimes against humanity on Prince Charles that the council has Francois Holland done, made that Emanuel Macron was killed before even doing his victory speech. Chiefly, Emanuel Macron was never elected as President, but imposed as so. We all remember that Marin Lepen won the Presidential election, and was deprived of her victory by the French political class in collaboration with the council, its accomplices, and some enemies of peace, development and stability in the country all hating Prince Charles for their defining ideology. The French people never hesitated to express their hate of the EU, and the political elites. The French voted Ms. Lepen mainly for this reason. They want and demand their country to leave the EU, a failed union, with failed project, which never existed in the soul; besides its serving for the council as mean to keep the council European sphere power together and serve as kind of defense system for their illegal regime. It is in hate of the EU, Holland and is tortures, humiliations, and sacrilege attempts of Prince Charles that the French voted Ms. Lepen for the run off.
In fact, she won the Presidential election even at the first tour of the election, but was denied of her victory. The French has made overwhelmingly a sanction vote, by voting Ms. Lepen that has then nothing to have with the injustices against Prince Charles. As we all remember before even the run almost all the political elites, and the medias controlled by the council, declared clearly that Emanuel Macron would be President, we all remember in this logic the famous words of one of those newspapers that put on its headline, the following inscription: “I do not know you, but Emanuel Macron will be President…” And so he was, and so the election was rigged to have him be a President, or let say the representative of the cartel (the council) in France and in the French political class. Democracy as political system utopically defined isn’t present in any country of the world, because democracy even in Greece always existed under monarchial and divine check, then the classical democracy is totally irrelevant only offer a cover up for the council and the military elites ruling some world countries to legitimize and hide their illegal control. The one who is writing these words have been an active actor in the last French presidential election. He has been an eye witness of all that.
Read More: Mise en scéne of Emanuel Macron's beheading by angry demonstrators
Hence, the ‘yellow vests’ demand of the release of Prince Charles, and the secondary claim are all largely fuelled by the fact that they never elected Emanuel Macron as President, but Marine Lepen. The movement deals also with the legitimacy and legality of the political authorities.
Emanuel Macron has never ruled France but a series of usurpers who carry plastic masks to play his role do. The French never know Macron as President. Francois Holland, Manuel Vales, Marine Lepen, the leader of the France Insoumise, and currently Martin Aubrin. And each of those mentioned has been President after a palace coup, or simply a coup that topple the ruling of the former after killing him: you see the bloody nature of the current French political life reality, with violence as mean to satisfy political ambition, against all laws. Then it is not surprising that the army is sent to chase by all means peaceful demonstrators that are fighting as they have their right for having their country serving them, setting politics that go with their wish. The 66,000 soldiers are sent to kill as much as needed. And the demonstrations already take a civil war turn, the French political authorities swear that they will break the revolution and stop the French people, who said them we made one of the greatest revolution in mankind history to fail doing another, to accept being torture, oppress and humiliate when we fight and die in millions to defend our freedom. We know each other, and we are ready to make the necessary fatal sacrifice, no matter the number it takes. In the history of humanity never force ended a revolution; the Arab Spring is the best example. Did the police and army sent to chase the demonstrators by Hosni Mubarak or Ben Ali, or Colonel Gaddafi save their regimes?
The Gillet Jaunes movement is not only against Emanuel Macron, but the entire French political class which is under the perspective of the council. Mr. Macron is the product of this entire political class.
All the usurpers’ Presidents in Mr. Macron’s superficial mask before being President, was against the imprisonment of Prince Charles. But as soon as made President the person is put totally transformed in defender of the Prince’s imprisonment, as the political class, and the army in France that is behind it is at greater extent under the control of the council, its accomplices and even the day leader of the monarchists (the leader only is under its perspective, but the agent remain faithful to its ideology, to Prince Charles and the Kingdom). It is to be noted all those persons were made President by Prince Charles who though jailed is the De Facto King, and the Systems and the British network only obey to him. But, in the process of doing it, the System (the British side of Prince Charles’ System collaborated with the council to maintain him jailed, torture and humiliated) by exploiting his power to do the palace coup. In other words, the council is no more the one that is jailing Prince Charles, but the leader of the British side of the monarchists. Along with the council remaining young military officers, every one of the past leaders, want to do an impossible coup.
They hate the Prince, because he embodies freedom, love and friendship among nations, and the rules of values, not of arbitrary and relativity as the fake intellectual alibi of attempting hiding and legitimizing a military criminal, unethical, and bloody regime. Then the yellow vests movement is not about Emanuel Macron as leader, but the entire French political class which made Macron, who dictated his policy regarding Prince Charles’ incarceration. But, it is the council that in order to divert the revolution that made the movement as against Macron in an attempt to hide the dictatorship nature of the regime, and giving it a deceiving appearance of democratic movement of people asking their elected to serve them.
Read: Naked Mariannes on December 15's demonstration
It is exactly for being in rupture with the political elites that the French citizens beyond their Parties or ideologies, are demonstrating to demand the release of Prince Charles. We all know that one of the secondary claim of those demonstrators, is the RIC ( Giving the citizens the power of ruling their country, through direct elections ( referendums) instead of using corrupt parliament controlled by the political elite. Therefore, the classical political class cannot control or divert it, because it is totally by essence against them. Reason, why the reactions of the political class even those of the opposition is a usual. They do not know which position to adopt regarding the citizenry movement. The current yellow vests movement is not against Macron though the council wants to make but the entire French political class which is in hand of the army; the latter being under the influence of the council, the monarchists, America and the others. The council managed to seduce the others for helping it keeps the French political class in its perspective.
The movement aims to weaken, destroy the council network (the current French political class), such way that the French political class, and the others holders of the power do not give voice and help the council, to maintain Prince Charles’ jailed, deprives the French of their freedom and their right to rule their country. That is the soul and reality of the movement destabilizing, destroying the corrupt elite that do not represent the citizens, and have the persons rule their own nation. Reason, why this movement is not controlled by a member of the political elite either in the ruling Party and majority, which in fact are all the same, as all defending the interests of the council, through superficial Party variances, which is never applied in the reality but just an alibi and a mean to hide dictatorship control of the country.
The dynamism of the political scene composed with foreign poles of power, and interior poles made of the French in the different political ideologies, involving all the components of the French society, the army, the citizens, the political elites cannot be solved with demonstrations. The French political elites in multitude of poles of power are free to be in the side of the council, or the monarchists. They choose to go with the council in terms of perspective though under the influence of the monarchists. The monarchists control the army and the political class in terms of majority and decisive structure of control. The corruption of the political class due to the corrupt nature of the failed and utopian classical democracy do that the council arrive to seduce the different poles for maintaining the country under its influence; though the citizen is in the perspective of the monarchist. In one word the problem is the political class, which respected any law, any rules, against all values and principles back the council. The later, fighting for the end of religion, the spread of anarchy in the Kingdom, homosexuality, and the dismal of violence.
Hence, the dynamism of the demonstration go far beyond removing Emanuel Macron, but to change the deep and core ideological orientation of the political class. Currently this goal is near of being reached, as the “Gillet Jaunes” revolution changes the entire French political class: Emanuel Macron, and the opposition are weaken; only the daily French are powerful now. The yellow vests do not recognize the differential authority of the opposition. Thus it wants the country to be ruled by them (the French citizens) through direct consultation (referendum) for every important matter, as removing a leader, or adopting a law. To read between the lines, they do not no more recognize their country Parliament, as knowing the MPs do not represent them. Affected deep by the movement, the opposition leaders after making some casual speeches on it, that went unnoticed, and bitterly criticized, they prefer to take refuge back the political scene to avoid being under the fire of the “Gllets Jaunes”.
For the legalist, and the people of the entire world fighting for the release of Prince Charles, and the freeing of our Kingdom, starts with the Medias reported the real issue of the demonstration being the release of Prince Charles. Though billions of persons of the world are demanding the release of Prince Charles, and millions are demanding through those manifestations the release of Prince Charles, clearly (on internet endless persons reported the real issue, and endless independent medias reported the issue directly, that means in 12345678910 (in other words in all fashion)); but still the real issue is not placed on the table: the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty. The council is playing a politics of diversion. As longer as the issue is not placed on the table the monarchists swear that the demonstrations, the attacks, and chaos of all kind will only increase and take all forms. While we are writing those words, for the third days in row 110,000 persons are keeping hostage in our Kingdom second Airport by persons demanding the release of Prince Charles, and the resumption of his duty. As usually the council refused to negotiate, and as usually is attempting in vain to have the hostage keeping cover up. As soon as it started, it has reported, Gatwick Airport is closed under issue of drones flying over the Airport at a low height. Since yesterday, December 21, it was attempting to declare the Airport open and working normally, whereas the hundred thousand persons are always hostage. They intend to simulate the hostage keeping as never happened, such way the hostages can be killed and they fight to make it unnoticed. That simply means signing the death warrants of thousands human beings, among them many British. They (the hostages) have to know their lives matter. BCST UK is fighting exactly for such thing not to happen not only to any British but citizen of the world.
Right now by the time we are writing those words, around 120 yellow vests are demonstration on the street of London demanding the same thing: the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty. In fact the number of 120 is just a mediatic cover up number, the real figure is thousands. That shows despite the council desperate attempt to prevent by all means demonstrations to demand the release of Prince Charles, they are doing it; daily thousands British Subjects are demonstrating to demand the same thing, and the council is hiding their demonstration. Yesterday, in Portugal there was also yellow vests movement on the street of Lisbon. There is currently the same “Gillet Jaunes” demonstration in Hungary over the same point.
The Act VI of the movement
The council, its accomplices and Emanuel Macron swore that they buried the “Gilets Jaunes” movement, or let say they will bury it without it reaching its objective being having the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty. The decision is more in the intention than in something else. They developed a three branches strategy. The first one is underlining the small and superficial promises that Mr. Macron has done after the Act 4 (on the Monday of December 10) but by avoiding carefully talking about the real issue: the release of Prince Charles. But stand well in the video, he talked about Prince Charles, nonetheless not in the sense the yellow vests and the world, expect it. With subtle message to the “Gilets Jaunes”, he threatened sacrilege Prince Charles (pictures of Macron speech). Then in one word is message to the French is that of defiance, instead of meeting their demand. Emanuel made a move that clearly defies and insults the Frenchmen.
With the second move, he threatened to kill with the gendarmes any French that demonstrates on December 22. He promised to send ten thousand gendarmes. The last technique the council and its mercenaries intend to use to end the demonstration is using Medias, by demanding outlets they control not to cover up the demonstrations. They lobby to media they do not control not talk about the demonstrations. They have for the circumstance developed a media strategy of declaring decreasing and dying the revolution with the numbers of demonstrators that the police announce. In order to give an image to the world that daily, every Saturday that the number of demonstrators is decreasing: the yellow vests movement is dying. For example for the act V, they declared that there were 166,000 demonstrators all around the country, comparatively to the Act IV which they pretended gather around 300,000 in other words twice less than that of the previous demonstration. Based on this figure they move in the sense of declaring and threatening the “Gilets Jaunes” that there would not have an Act VI. They are exploiting clearly the lack of organization of the movement which do not have clear and identify hierarchy that organized the demonstrations and count the number of persons that attended them. Nevertheless, that is also the strength of the movement which is a popular revolution, which power is in the fact that it comes from the masses, from the deep and root Frenchmen circles who are paying the huge price of criminal policies that are against their interests and are making them suffer.
Read more : A prefecture burn during December 3 demonstration
But the demonstrators do not let themselves being discouraged, whenever they have occasions they show their support to the demonstrations, for example, there are many videos of the Act V demonstrations that have more than 500,000 on Youtube. There are many others that have millions views. Moreover, the observation of the revolution that is happening in France was not only done in France, all around the world people condemned the manner through which the “Gilets Jaunes” were harassed, oppressed, beat, arrested and killed. The American President, Donald Trump condemned the chaos that is going on in France. The new elected Brazilian President, Jahir Bolsonaro condemned and insulted the French political authorities about their handling of the revolutions.
The different independent Medias of the entire world refused to respect the council blackout of the demonstrations; they reported them in all options. As we said the demonstrations is not about a Party, or a person, but the entire French political elites, all the different medias in France covers it, even those of the same ideology line as, the En Marche of Emanuel Macron’s movement, talks about it. Imagine the media that reveal a comprehensive idea of how the pacific demonstration has been transformed in revolution, is You can see on the website of the famous newspaper, a video of the Act IV demonstration. The video is deeply disturbing, you can see in the video the chaos of the Saturday December 8, demonstration. Were shown in the footage, the yellow vests walking on the streets of France, destroying shops, and services. Above all you can see them, burning a dead person, which is probably a policeman or a gendarme that they kill. And to kill an armed gendarme for pacific demonstrators that means simply there are tens that are killed, in the confusion before the men was killed. It is distracting scenes as that one that are hiding to the French and the world.
Emanuel Macron, Terry Jones ( he is the lead of the monarchists that betrayed the fight of the ideology.) and the council almost swear there would not be an Act VI of the movement, they declared that they would end and bury it on the Act V. When the demonstrators, swear that there will be an Act VI, bigger than all. Thus on medias controlled by the council and its accomplices, they did not even report the demonstrations which before even the Act VI, yesterday were done daily. On Tuesday, the union of policemen, joined the movement, and massively walked. There are demonstrations all the remaining days till Saturday. There are also demonstration in the neighboring countries of France, for example in Portugal, and London as we reported it. The demonstration promised by the yellow vests swore not happened by Mr. Macron, the council and Terry Jones, who before even the demonstrations was killed (Terry Jones in sabotaging the fight of the monarchists to fulfill their duty freeing their Prince, their Kingdom and the world was killed the quite early morning of Saturday December 22) happened and show the aliveness of the movement. The Act VI announced happened bigger than ever. There is a major particularity in the Act VI which Mr. Macron and his accomplices stressed quite well, which is the militarization of the movement (He declared the movement over, meaning they took a very military approach and declaring between lines and they may kill anyone who attended it; giving another additional touch to the civil war). The yellow were not impressed by the threat, they declared demonstrating massively on December 22.
Already before the Act VI there were thousands permanent camps of the yellow vests that were built all along France and the persons inside them have guns: France has been partitioned in many parts. Daily there are fights between the French army and those “Gilets Jaunes” turned in yellow rebel by the refusal of the French political authorities to let them demonstrate. The French army tried to chase them in vain; things that led to many dead, that most of the time are not reported by the media. In the night of December 21 there was a demonstrator that was killed in car crash. The demonstrators are no more impressed by their killing threat; the demonstration took far before an air of revolution. And what is quite amazing: the UN, the European Union of which France is the second most important country, if not the first as the only one holder of veto right of the organization, and the international community said absolutely nothing. They observe quite silently the country sinking in civil, slowly but surely. The only one who criticized and regret the current civil war situation are the American and Brazilian Presidents. We are aware that the council and its allies have lot of influence in both the UN and the EU. Nevertheless, it is the duty of the EU as independent and strong organization to intervene to negotiate between the two sides for solving the crisis which is quickly becoming very chaotic. France deeply in civil war will mark clearly the end of the EU, which most than ever is challenging in its existence by the Brexit. There is also the political crisis in Belgium caused as well by the yellow vests with the resignation of the Prime Minister, Charles Michel. In Germany though Angela Markel Party has a new leader and she announced not running for her reelection in 2021; the country is still in great socio-political crisis with the immigrants’ crisis. The situation in France is not only alarming and very dangerous for the country, but the entire EU and the world, and no one intervene to mediate between the two. W with this Act VI; there are many borders of the country that were blocked by the demonstrators as the one between France and Spain, and that of France and Germany toward Strasbourg, and also at the border between Belgium and France. In other words the “Gilets Jaunes” are applying their civil war methods, by quarantining the country.
Those persons do not let the Lorries that transport goods in the country that will quicken the economic crisis created by the movement. It is quite logical when in a country, and a capital as Paris there is permanent demonstrations and campings, the business of the city and the country is hugely sabotaged. To arrange nothing and even potentially worsen the conflict, there are many Catalan independists that at the border between France and Spain entered massively in the movement. It is with them that those area roads have been blocked. That point is a dangerous escalation in the conflict.
There are thousands businesses that were destroyed by the movement and many other damaged by the fight between the two sides. Worst, all those days many businesses either in Paris or the other regions do not open in order to protect themselves against the destructions, and in Paris the habit now, ‘Saturday is a no more business day’. The foreign tourists do no more touring Paris with the daily violence and climate of tension. All that has serious repercussions on the French economy which even before the beginning of the movement was in bad situation.
The situation is more alarming as Christmas is in few hours; it will be the first Christmas in a country divided by the movement, sank in state of civil war, that the French will live. The worst of all even the goods were massively blocked by the demonstrators; many products needed for the feast will miss. And in our Western countries, Christmas and the end of year feasts and celebration are period of huge economic growth that gave a boosting dynamism for country’s economy for the remaining months of the year. Whenever, this period is disturbed the economic cycle will be disturbed and it will sink the country in economic in crisis.
The citizenry movement was by no way impressed by the civil war turns that it takes, the rioters more than the previous times, walk on the streets of France that were not occupied by the gendarmes. The later do control lot of zones in the divided France, and the demonstrators occupy many zones, and there are also zones that are not occupy by both side. For example in Paris the yellow vests planned to demonstrate in Versailles area. Ten thousands gendarmes were sent to occupy the place, block its entrance; after the Versailles castle was closed. On the following article of Figaro (link of the article) you can see quite well that the street are occupied by gendarmes and tens secret agents. In fact, the newspaper’s reporter, gives just a glance of what is happening in the area, for example he did not show the sides where there are thousands gendarmes in all the different streets and areas closed to the castle, and the demonstrators that were at the entrance of the place.
The famous newspaper in its article shows also area where there are dead, as at the crossing street of Saint Augustan and Saint Anne in Paris. You can see there a dozen of gendarmes circled by demonstrators not knowing what to do. All of them have guns, some even put in evident their guns, having killed many demonstrators, those ones clearly by watching the video you will understand that they are doomed, before being killed they would kill some yellow vests.
There were also places where there were ten thousands yellow vests that were demonstrating (you can see that also in the newspaper). In addition many regions and provinces of France saw also the demonstrations of hundred thousands of yellow vests. For example the French interior minister said there were on 6 pm yesterday, 38,000 that demonstrated. This not a figure gives by an independent body, but one of the participants of the conflict, therefore, the number is clearly inaccurate. According to independent sources, there are around 900,000 persons that demonstrated all around France. To even stick to the number they give, it is quite clear that the yellow vests have fulfilled their goal, by showing that with the mediatic intoxication that declare the movement dying, and the more than ever civil war turn that was given by the French government to the pacific movement with the ultra-militarization of the movement with hundred thousand gendarmes placed in the entire territory ( the places of demonstrations were occupied by the French army). It is clear that they demonstrated to show to Emanuel Macron and his accomplices that the movement is only growing and is by no way affected by the oppressions, arrests, wounding and killings of demonstrators. And of course if you have their last figure of participation to the demonstrations taking in account the early night, they will announce the figure of 70, 000 meaning even in their logic the movement is growing, and by no way weakened, destroyed, or impressed but motivated and dangerously taking a civil war turn. A good part of those who demonstrates do not leave their places of demonstrations, they build additional camps and stay in them. Still the council and its accomplices refuse to release Prince Charles, the main demand of the demonstrators.
When it comes to Emanuel Macron before the Saturday, he flew to Tchad to protect himself knowing the potential danger of the Act VI, for him, his regime and the country that is sinking in the civil war. The alibi he found was celebrating Christmas with the French soldiers in the African country.
It is to be noted that the council main accomplice is the monarchists leader’s. As odd that may be to you, the regime of Emanuel Macron in France which role is playing by Martin Aubry is under the monarchists’ leader. If with all those pressures until now the real demand of yellow vests demonstrators were not revealed as daily they shout it, display it on posts; it is with the complicity of the leader of the movement, which position from the Act III of the movement to December 22, was occupied by Terry Jones. He was in rebellion regarding the core ideology of the monarchists ( the release of Prince Charles and the resumption of his duty, the defense of the Kingdom and the monarchy). Mr. Jones joined the council, while serving as leader; and fought with the council to maintain Prince Charles jailed and helping the terrorist organization until now deprive him of his absolute right to the resumption of his duty as heir to the throne. And to say, if still the British side of the monarchists led before by Terry Jones controlled France: it is only with the blessing of Prince Charles. The British side of the monarchists alone cannot take and maintain under its control, France. Also though the British side of the monarchists has huge power, without the acceptance of Prince Charles, the supreme leader of the System, he cannot take and maintain France under the monarchists influence.