Dec 10, 2018, last revision.
It is a group of high rank officers in our English army. Its origin is dated back to the 18th Century mainly, especially with the reunification of the two crowns. Though, before that down to the 17th Century they existed as witnessed the confusion created by Cromwell, who was their ideological father. After the restoration of the monarchy, there were totally discredited. They (in all this text, “they” refer to the members of the council) then became an underground secret organization. They were isolated; hated and persecuted by the different crowns for the threat they represented for our Kingdom.
It was the reunification of the two crowns that gave them fresh air. They signed an alliance with the Scottish System. They were behind the American independence.
Indeed, the council is the ramification in the British army and also the leading committee of this ideological movement aiming to transform our Kingdom and the world in republic without monarchical and divine check. Before the rise of the council, the only system of governing in the world since the beginning of times is monarchy. They infiltrated all the different parts of our Kingdom. They are in the political class, in the schools, universities, in the sports. They do more than being part of them; they had their own universities, schools, hospitals, football clubs, political Parties, and worldwide organisations as the Scout. It was this conglomerate in the society that spread their ideas utterly reformist and liberal. They are for homosexuality, democracy as system of ruling, the spread of atheism, sexual adventure, abortion, dismal of violence, and the end of religions; the destruction and weakening of social entities as families. They created endless organisations and movements to promote those points. Thus they spread their ideology and had the power in our Kingdom over the centuries.
In fact a great part of the recent centuries intellectuals in the literary and scientific world that transform the world are part of their movement. Charles Darwin wrote them the “Theory of Evolution” that desacralized human beings that he declared being from Chimpanzee. Thus man lost its values of master of God’s creature that he created at His image. They intended with the promotion of those politics to have mankind behave as animals in order to be receptive to their liberal projects.
Sigmund Freud elaborated his psychoanalyst theory as continuation of Darwin’s thought. Freud made the instincts and the sex as the centre of human’s life. The process of working on men to have them behave as animal is going on. Then the image and the myth of human being refers as a person without honour, values and dignity takes form and gave their generic term of “individual” coming from the evolution process and dominated by the unconscious.
Marx Weber to criticise and ruined the mercantilist-capitalist system we set in the world, wrote them, The Spirit of Capitalism, in order to have the Americans integrated the capitalists culture in their daily life. Weber smartly rooted capitalism in the Puritanism religion in order to have the Americans that were highly religious accepted this new economic system.
Albert Einstein elaborated them, The Theory of Relativity that they translate in all fields of life to mean there is no certainty; no universal values, no truth or lie, no good or evil everything is relative. They set the new world value that is sweet for the spreading of their utterly liberal agenda and the hiding of their military control over the world. The logic is simple if man comes from animal, and everything is relative, he can spouse and live as his instinct dictates him. He can have a very odd sexual life. He can kill or do any kind of crime, because everything is relative. Then laws also are relative, weak and subject of interpretation as uncertainty rules the world. Do not forget the laws by themselves derived from religious and are strengthened in their respect by religions. They are toppled our world order based on certainty as built by Isaac Newton and William Shakespeare.
The council became a serious threat to our Kingdom, its unity, progress in the 19th century during the reign of Queen Victoria.They created political parties in our country as the Labour Party for the destruction of the mercantilist-capitalist spirit that makes of our Kingdom, the greatest geopolitical entity on earth. Gradually, the Party was opened to new currents and logically their influence is reduced.
They created many associations, and political parties to set a socialist orientation in our Kingdom that are deeply against the Royal institution and economic stability. It cannot be otherwise, whenever in a country there are more unions than corporations, economic crisis reigns in it. Thus gradually, as a virus, they invaded our British body in all its components from the army to intellectual class.
They sink along with our Kingdom, the world in two world wars: 1914 and 1945 only with the goal of achieving their goal of taking the throne in Great Britain. With those two wars, they arrive to make America a world super power. They were behind the American independence and since then they consistently act to control the country, made it a super power and use it to have the power in Great Britain.
They have always used division of Great Britain in terms of Scottish and English that they depict as enemies and rivals, and according to their interests, they position themselves as English or Scottish, though almost always they pretend defending Scottish when they only defend their own interests. They sometimes declared making Scotland an independent country and a Republic. They also use the monarchical nature of Great Britain and false domination of Scottish by English as the main reasons of their movement. Their rhetoric is totally false as it was a Scottish King, James II that was behind the union of the two crows. Scotland was also a monarchy before the union.But, they go with divisive rhetoric, through propaganda, and political manipulations as a mean to have the power. From the 18th Century they transformed their movement in a British movement dedicated to transform of our country in Republic. The council also masterminds the French revolution that transformed France in a Republic, hoping a contaminating effect to our Kingdom. To achieve their goal they have to take control of the supreme power in our Kingdom (The Crown) that would enable them to reach their goal.
They enrolled Princess Elizabeth in their group when she was serving in the British army in 1940 during WWI. They prepared the grounds for her to have the throne. They intend to rule and apply their politics in the shade of her reign.
As soon as they have it they destroyed systematically the Royal Institution; its values in the pursue of their goal of transforming UK in a republic. They use the Royal Institution to destroy our Kingdom because with time they came to understand that they will never have more power in UK than the monarchists (the millennium continuation of the British monarchy up to King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II being then under their influence). To keep our Kingdom under their control they decide to divide it in order to make it weak and easy to be controlled. They masterminded the enticement of our empire with the wave of independences. The post-World War II order was set to weaken and destroy our Kingdom with the creation of organisations as NATO, EU. They made us integrated the EU to finish the work of destruction of our Kingdom. At the same time they developed a proxy ruling of our Kingdom and they empowered the other countries under their control for using their power to keep our Kingdom under their control.
How did the council maintain itself for so long on power?
The council first attempt to infiltrate our monarchy was with Edward VIII. As soon as they took the power through him, the monarchists refused them to take control of our throne (Kingdom) and destroy it. With the help of Scotland and Ireland; they arrived to have Prince of Wales becomes King, after weakened with WWI King George V’s reign.
King George VI came on power as officially fathers Princess Elizabeth, and Princess Margaret. All the male progenitors of the monarch were not reported publically as his sons. He had three sons: Prince of Wales, Prince Philip, and John Jason. In fact the council and King George VI signed a deal that wanted him, only reporting his daughters. The council wanted to make him succeed by a Queen. The males’ progenitors who have rights to the throne were given compensations. Prince Philip the eldest son, of George VI was made husband of the Queen as it is the tradition of our British Royal Family, John Jason was made the unofficial King of Galveston (US), a rich American county with lot of British oil companies; and Prince of Wales was promised by the council to succeed Elizabeth II. Whereas, Princess Margaret, the second daughter of King George VI, was promised after Prince of Wales to give birth to sons that would follow Prince of Wales as her to the throne. She gave birth to Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward, who were falsely portrayed as sons of Queen, Elizabeth II. After the first deal with the council (before George VI came on power), King George VI, had a new daughter, Princess Anne, she was falsely portrayed as daughter of Elizabeth II. To make Prince of Wales next King, he was covered up, son of Elizabeth II.
The deal was illegal (though with the consent of the concerned ) and might lead to the flouting of lot of laws to the succession, but King George VI accept it with the clear goal once having the power to declare his sons for having a normal succession. The council is always behind its politics of transforming UK in monarchy and destroy it as well; they expected to do it with political manoeuver like that deal.
That is the procedure through which they had the power. Once, they had it, over the years they fought to strengthen their power by defeating the same Scottish that helped them, get the power. The council pursing always his goal of having Prince of Wales succeeding Queen Elizabeth II, asked her not to have any children of her own that will succeed her. Nonetheless, the monarchists never accepted that deal; they want the laws of succession of our Kingdom to be respected. They put restlessly, the pressure on the council and the Queen, Elizabeth II to have her biological son that would succeed her as our laws to the succession demands it. It was in 1979 that Elizabeth II accepted having her own son that would succeed her. Still they did not intend accepting her son to succeed her, they were preparing to imprison him before even he was born. With the help of the American, and French Presidents of then; they hired and trained mercenaries that would jail him. It was only aged 54 that the Queen became pregnant. The Heir to the Throne, Charles Arthur George Philip, Prince Charles (Prince of Edinburgh) was born on August 30, 1981 in the Belgian room of Buckingham Palace. Prince of Edinburgh was born to become King.
In 1983, they plotted to deport and imprison Prince Charles. In the same year, they strength their power, with the then head of the council, the British army chief of staff, John Stanier is married in option by Queen Elizabeth II. On October 5, 1983 Elizabeth II and the council let jailed Prince Charles in Niger with the mercenaries, they hired and trained.
Over the years, Queen Elizabeth II emancipated herself from them, everything that weakened them. It was the death of the council, head John Stanier in 2006 that she definitely emancipated herself from them. Nevertheless, she continually collaborated with the council.
The council, becomes relatively powerful between 2012-2017 at extant with the collaboration of the Elizabeth II; they set fake Queen (a person who carried a superficial plastics masks of the Queen) to represent her at some events. Nevertheless, between 2017-2018 they lost all their leaders in the British army in their restless attempt to kill Prince Charles for carrying on their impossible coup that created a division in the British army with the monarchists’ officers and soldiers killing all of them one after the other. That made currently they are almost defeated. They are phagocytized by Queen, Elizabeth II who signed a deal with the few of them that remain. Still they are very active through Elizabeth II, who is making them huge concessions that made they continue their same politics of impossible coup as they were never defeated.
"Prince Charles wrote from his jail, in Niamey"