September17, 2018.

      My imprisonment contrary to classical, lawful and convention oneis also a jailing from clean food and true and good goods. Every foodthat I can afford with the few coins I can manage to have in Nigerthe country of imprisonment or in Aeroport, my area of jailing isfalse, illegal and harmful in the proportion of the mercenaries jailing me politics regarding me.  At the entrance of Aeroport they check carefully every product.

    Who check? Remember theyplace at  the two main entrances of the area, military tanks with their mercenaries dressed in military fatigues. Those mercenaries do not only check the goods but the people as  well. They control as well through elaborated networks of mercenaries with highly sophisticated means the different secondary points of entrance in the area. As onthe border between Saga and Aeroport or on that between Libore and Aeroport. There is event a police camp on the road of Liboré. 

   The imprisonment networks even have lot of drones, beside even those of Diori Hamani International Airport (drones) dedicated to it as well. Two years back when I went riding in the bush between Aeroport and the asphaltroad of Liboré coming from Saga, a drone landed just close to me. Itwas by an early night.  I was amazing…

   Few days back while I wasgoing to Grand Marché I see a military aircraft flying the wall of the airport less than 50 yards above it. The time of rising my headthe drone is perforating the blue sky in vertical fly. 30 seconds later, the plane is in the middle of the sky.  Such plane reached the jail in 2 minutes flying.

    The food I can have in the imprisonment neighborhood is the worst of all; they have been especially manufactured to sickenme and possibly kill me if build on; keep me weak and depress. Thefood destined to the mercenaries jailing me do not respect quite morethe same above mentioned criteria; though dirty, and bad in the lightof what I said above. Comparing to mine they are far better.Logically they have any interests in killing their mercenaries.

     More you come close tothe jail as in radiusof 100 yards more the foods sell in this space are extremely in badquality because there is a big probability that the Prince bought it.And do not forget if Queen Elizabeth II and her accomplicesimprisoned Prince Charles it is exactly because they fear the consequences of the sacrilege. Thus they spent all the past 35 years trying to do it indirectly as with the diet.

  Even in the imprisonment area the different countries involve in it keep at little extent their political specificity regarding their involvement in it. France though the primary country of my jailing keeps kind  of neutral position due to the fact that the British Consulate is in the French Embassy. The monarchists have lot of influence in it. The qualities of the goods sell in French shops reflect this first line but neutral policy of the country.

First  line because all the countries jailing  Charles use French mercenaries. In other words France hires them mercenaries to jailing me. If those mercenaries didany crime or illegal action it is the same France that defends them primarily through its network of influence in the country. It was exactly the same with my last chemical weapon attack.

   Those countries in selling products through the imprisonment circle always take in considerations the fact that France is the primary jailer. Those basic considerations are my superficially blackening, my memory cleaning and my maintaining depressed. The only thing that differentis the degree of application of those points. They put substances inthe products they sell me that clean memory, superficially blackened as the antibiotics to enforce those points. The main water supply center for the jail is controlled by France which dictates the quantity of nitrate or quinine that should be put inside it, depending to its need of sickening, or attempt killing me as dictates by Queen Elizabeth II. Already almostevery time there are abnormal quantity of those substances in thewater.

Daily, Queen Elizabeth II's mercenaries asked them to increase the rate of a substance. When they put a huge quantity of quinine the water takes a deep white colour and an odd taste. The quinine is a powerful blackening antibiotics. With a great quantity of sodiumand nitrate the water takes a yellow, orange colour and a strangerust taste.

    In other words they alsoput in those food substances in great quantity or such way if Ibought a food from another shop they put in it another substance thatreacts with the first one to sicken me. It can be the nitrate, sodium or any other products.

   The British shops products go usuallywith the different sides represent our Kingdom and Consulate. But theConsulis nominated by the crown, Queen Elizabeth II, the same who isjailingme. The monarchists do have lot of power on the Consulate, through myshare of the crown and the network of Parties under our influence.But the Prime Minister has huge power on the Consulate as well asmanaging our Kingdom foreign policy. Most of the time, almost alwaysthe British mercenaries respect their Prince and their productsthough taking in account the haters' side are good products. As yousee there is any respect of human rights only row criminal rapport deforce, kind of discourse between corrupt politicians destroying theircountries and families with their high treasons. They live in afictive world of relativity theory. In their eyes there are any smallest values either familial and national. Otherwise how can QueenElizabeth II gives her son to be jailed by rival countries? No way will you say. The next question that comes to your mind is, ' How canthe British either under the influence of Queen Elizabeth II or not give or let their Prince Heir to the Throne, the second personality of their Kingdom to be jailed by rivals countries? 

  But each of the specificsides of UK political spectrum either the monarchists, or Queen Elizabeth II, Scotland have their own specific shops. The ones toughregarding Prince Charles are shops under Queen Elizabeth II’s influence, specifically her support in the army, the council. 

 But Queen Elizabeth II'ssingle control shops are keen regarding Prince Charles, if they donot as they do time by time, side with the council. 

Do those products different of those sell outside Aeroport? 

Yes, they are totally different of those sell outside the jail. As the products were initially manufactured to be  sold in the jail. They have been produced fakely and badly no matter where the plant is:India, France, or Great Britain. Or they have been edited to take in account the imprisonment criminal specificities.

Doesthe country of manufacturing matter?

    It did for example aproduct made in an English speaking country or especially former British colony's products are finer than any another. Because thej ailers do not control the plants. Faking the products is illegal ifthey do it and something wrong happen the company will dismiss any responsibility.Those companies seeing the jailing scene do not even accept thattheir products being faked for matter of protecting the reputation oftheir brands.

     It was with Lipton that I made this remark on all accounts a Liptonmade in France , Kaima is tougher to me than one makes in Nigeria as Super tea.

     Do the mercenariesmanufacture their own products?

    Truly, there are many products that are totally manufactured for the jailing area. Nowhere in Niamey or Niger or in the world can you see  such brands.

Whorun those shops?

    They only use their mercenaries in their shops so if something goes wrong they control all the narratives. The first rule is the shopkeeper to operate inthe area- identities is changed. 

Sometimes it was even convicts that they use their influence to leave the jail for a momentthat they place in those shops. In other words those shops belong tono one if not to those mercenaries and the countries controlling them. They place in them any one they want. In other words the  shops and its goods belong to them.

Whatis the difference between the Aeroport's products and those outsidethem? 

Thereare huge differences, the goods you can find in an area I go is the normal product sell in Niger. But from the moment I bought a product from a shop it is involved automatically in the extension of the jail kind of products. Because Niger is my country ofimprisonment. The circle approaches the shop owner and ask it tocollaborate. It may collaborate. Though it does, as they do so oftenthe shop keeps its excellency and is always far better than those ofthe imprisonment area. As primary the owner of the shop is not underFrench influence. 

  In case they do notcontrol the shopkeeper as soon as I leave it, they do everything totake the goods and put the bad substances according to their needs.They just create distraction to take it from my bag, pocket, fake and replace it. With such scenario they need to collaboration of theplant which though refusing to fake it by itself gives them theauthorizationto do so, when they want. It was the case with a good skin protecting cosmetic I bought in a supermarket, Marina as it is fine to protectmy skin and its whiteness. They stole it many times to put bad products in it to defend the superficial blackness before stopping adding products inside it. 

Dothe products display their degree of fakenesss?

They always for matter of safety have a minimum degree of protection. Beside, the references of fakeness that wore the products, when I goto buy it at the shop the owners did signal regarding the degree of badness of its products, or if ready to have one builds on it tosicken me. They play it, if you build on our products though fake we decline any responsibility.We are aware of the uneasiness it will give him; but anything that goes above what we mention; we are not in it.

  That aroma is from the imprisonment area, especially from a monarchists' shop. The aroma by itself is manufacturing by a British company through indirect third person, and third country. It is the monarchists that control the company, Nestle, Maggi through the British System. In other words theshop being from the same monarchists, they can fake or edit it as itwant.

Theyuse even through the products many kind of techniqueto show its degree of fakeness.They can use the colour of the product, a picture, a symbol on it.They may even not notice the country of fabrication. Sometimes, theyeven hide the different substances that made the product. With thisaroma it is the date of production that is used to express its degreeof fakeness. It is written Exp 08 2019. That means the product is putin perspective of potentially  sickening. Or let say the '0' withwhich it begins means it does not rule out  consuming this aroma may create uneasiness, especially when substances that interact with its components were putin future food I consume. Nevertheless, down the reference of the aroma precises with 814914...the 81 means it will likely cause no hard. The idea of 'likely' is brought by 8, and 1 means one way... The shop and the monarchists that sell it are among on of the greatest backers of the Prince. But,the shop being on the map, the leader of Prince Charles' loyals having currently a bad relation with the very one he is supposed to protect and serve, is trying by all mean possible to harm him as with this aroma.

A bottle of  a gypsy whiskey I bought in a station Total of the imprisonment neighborhood.It is well known that Total is a French company. On the bottle it iswritten47/49, and a date, March 2018 is written confusingly one does not know either it is that of expiration or manufacturing. Down the confusion is increased by not mentioning the date of expiration meaning or at least suggesting then the date is that offabrication. Clearly, the gin has been manufactured to create uneasiness and to amplify gassings and contaminations. 

The night I took it, I did not sleep, I have a horrible night. I had fever, and especially a horrible headache. The liquor was built to be possibly lethal.

"Prince Charles”