Jun 02, 2018. Revised Nov 12, 2018.
After the Princess Anne is declared born in putting her birth in perspective of Prince of Wales; it remains to show her with the Queen and her son, Prince Charles making her way in life. It is in this logic that Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles with the so called Princess Anne was shown travelling to Scotland. How? The question is important: by train as it intends to put Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II in 1950s perspective. To do so, the travel needs to be done on train, instead on plane because then the common relative long distance mean of communication is the train.
Zara Phillips in the arms of Leadhead
Prince Charles puts in a train by his governess
A little moment later, the same governess was shown giving the kid playing Princess Anne to the Queen. That is how the small Family as the anchor commented it, was shown entering and sitting in the train.
Prince Carles close to his mother
It is then that the anchor shows a sight of the road between England and Scotland to add that the Queen was going in Scotland at Balmoral to show her new baby, Princess Anne to her grandfather, King George VI. Then few moment latter the arrival of the Royal Family is shown in Scotland.
Picture of the arrival in the train station
Prince Charles was even shown walking and running in the footage up to 2:02. And of course as we mentioned it, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles were not changed but just put in 1950s perspective through their hair styles and dressing were.
With the above picture the face of the so called Princess Anne is shown from closer as it was never the case in the short footage. She was shown in the arms of Prince Charles’ governess. The baby has been chosen in looking as Princess Anne when she was baby. Then Prince Charles is also shown from near, so that Subjects made in their brains an image of the full family of Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth II and the baby the council wants to put in the perspective of 1950s, when the video is filmed in 1982.
Prince Charles
The Royal Family in Scotland on 1:38.
It is then that you see the Family entering in a car in direction of Balmoral.
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles etc in the car 2: 08
The destination of Scotland as the places the Prince, his mother and the so called Princess Anne was shown is not done fortuitously. It intends through the propaganda working out of the Scottish to back the optional replacement of Prince Charles by Prince of Wales. This is the council classical strategy of dividing Great Britain, by dividing two brothers Scotland and England, by suggesting defending the interests of Scotland, when it is only defends its criminal interests and that is known by all that it is defending. All along Queen Elizabeth II’s reign in which shade it grows up to now, its hate of Scotland becomes more than clear due its recent direct and clear very antagonistic behaviour regarding Scotland. To talk about the recent American Presidential election, the Brexit and its dealing with the 2016 Scottish Referendum matter.
Look this video. It talked about a killing attempt on Prince of Wales. But everything tend to show that it is a stagged killing attempt.