False and Criminal  Certificate of Nationality
  March 22, 2018.


  This false certificate of nationality is as well as false as the false birth certificate on which it is based. Remember, I already proved scientifically that the false birth certificate is false, regarding everything. In fact is not even a birth a false certificate, according to the same fake paper phraseology it is an “Extrait d’acte de naissance: ‘A remettre au declarant’. That means clearly it is suggested to be a false birth record, which is established by the sage femme that writes and gives it to the parents of the baby. But, that false Certificate of Nationality declared it as a birth certificate (a false birth certificate). It says word for word:

Vue Les pièces ci dessous accompagnant la demande de l’intéressé (e)

  1. Vue un extrait de naissance no 25 du 10 /10/1984, délivré par le centre de Tessao, concernant Issoufou neé le 28 /09/ 1983 a Allassandey-Tessa-Dosso, fils de Hassane et de Biba, l’intéressé ;

  2. Vue un Jugement Supplétif d’act de naissance no 144, du 15 /06/ 1961, délivré par le Tribunal de Dosso, concernant le père de l’intéressé née le, en 1953 Tessa-Dosso, fils de Issaka et de Kadi.

     You see well, the phraseology of this false and criminal certificate of nationality considered clearly the false birth certificate-birth record as a birth certificate that it is not. Moreover, you can see the point 1 talked about a so called birth certificate delivered by a Center of Tessao. It is clear that as you can see in the false birth certificate no where a mention is made of Tessao which is in fact another then canton of Maradi region. That is a serious contradiction when as you can see the same person is alleged born in Allassandey-Tessa-Dosso. That is unprecedented contradiction in the spirit and form of birth certificate, a person who was not born in a canton cannot be issued a birth record by that canton as it is falsely writing born in Allassandey-Tessa-Dosso. In addition the so called birth declaration has been suggested done in Tessao through a kind of deliberate marked typing mistake, the small black ink letting around the last letter in other words after the “o”, which appears distinctly. The same suggested typing mistake was written such way to let imagine it is indeed Tessao that was looking for in the typing.

   Moreover, the so called birth places have been linked with hyphens to mean confusingly the false birth place can be Allassandey, or Tessa, or Dosso. A person could not be born in three different places, far from each other. You born in a given and single place. That is all. Here no reference to false option of centre de Tessao written on the false birth certificate-birth record. The intentional criminal forging of this false birth certificate has been done intentionally as the false birth certificate is just a sheet of paper type to have the false resembling of a birth certificate, without being one even in the form. 

       Another proof of the falsity of this fake birth certificate is the number of the birth certificate, how can the number of the so called father is 144, whereas that of the so called son is 25, when they are so called born in the same center. It is a convention to increasing number or official documents as birth certificate in time, but not to decrease them. Logically that of the father should be greater than that of the so called son. It wouldn’t, as Oscar Wild never has a birth certificate as he is Guinean not Nigerien.

      Another proof of the falsity of this false nationality certificate is the mention ‘ En virtue de quoi le present certificate lui a eté delivré’ in English it means ‘ In virtue of what the current certificate is delivered to him’. Of course, one may think here this phrase is talking about making me falsely Nigerien; but it also means giving it to me in proper hand the false certificate. In fact I did not take this certificate, but Oscar Wild forged it, as this certificate as the false birth certificate was not delivered by any qualified authority.

      There is another mention that strengthens as well the falsity of this nationality certificate, which is “fait a Niamey, dans notre cabinet, au Palais de Justice, de Niamey” in English that means “Did in Niamey, in our cabinet, in the Palais of Justice of Niamey”. As to strengthen the falsity regarding the so called places, two stamps are put, a first one of the so called President of The Tribunal the so called Ibrahim Malam Moussa (So called because that person never existed, his name was forged by Oscar Wild pupated by George Bush), and a second one that of the Vice President of the Tribunal, whose name was not even written. Useless, to say two legal judiciary authorities do not sign a nationality certificate but only one.

      It is quite clear that a birth certificate cannot be done in two different places, but only one, as two places have been written to mean it has been done either in a cabinet or in the Tribunal. History to underline its falsity. Also, a private law cabinets are not qualify to deliver certificate of nationality, but this false certificate of nationality suggest it, in its own falsity by writing, “fait a Niamey in our cabinet”, in other words ‘Did in Niamey in our cabinet’ without adding the nature of this cabinet. And it is that in French a private law office is called cabinet, which is not qualified to deliver nationality certificate. Then logically you see clearly the intention was to make this certificate of nationality false.

    The so called Vice President of the Tribunal that stamped the certificate of nationality did not sign it that makes once more the so called certificate of nationality false and criminal. More, his name was not even written.

    Oscar is a Guinean enrolled and trained for jailing Prince Charles. Originally Oscar was not his name. Just as he is paying by W. Bush in charge of my imprisonment, blackening and torture for his father. You can as well see on the false birth certificate they did not put his false father name of Issaka, just as his false mother’s name of Kadi. To forge a false nationality bases on blood as they have to hide my kidnapping, deportation, imprisonment, blackening, and torture they forged a false Nigerien father and mother to him. Doing that is not enough they have to protect themselves and their criminals, then they forged him many birth certificates as declaring him born many times in 1951 in another false birth certificate, in 1953, and 1954 on another. Stand well, that is not all, they declared him even dead by declaring dead his false Nigerien mother that never existed. That death false death certificate is as well false again, as without any stamp. That is how they forged him another false birth certificate.

    Oscar does not have as well any legal Nigerien documents his false birth certificate does not have any stamp, neither is nationality certificate.

Upon giving false articles of Nigerien Constitution regulating nationality they wrote my real birth date that of the 30 August 1981 with “En vertu des article 30 et 31 de l’ordonance No 84-33 du 23 Aout 1984 et de son decret d’application 84-132/PC MS/MJ du 23 Aout 1984.” Then with this indirect juxtaposition of numbers with the 30 and few words later they add the real month being August, when the year of birth has to be obtained by making the 1984 minus the 1 of the 31.

    Another notable and more mocking proof of the falsity of this false nationality certificate, is at the top it was written “Cour d’Appel de Niamey”, down it is written clearly “Tribunal de Premiere Instance de Niamey”. Every single mind, will ask himself is it the role of a Cour d’Appel (Appeal Court in English) not even its Tribunal de Premiere Instance though of Niamey to establish Certificate of Nationality? Everyone will come to the same conclusion, ‘no’. It is not its role to establish Certificate of Nationality that is the role of communal Tribunal. The role of Cour d’Appel is judging criminals, especially the Tribunal of Instance of Niamey the higher court of Niamey tribunals. In fact it is the role of the communal Tribunals to judge communal criminals; the Cour d’Appel being the greatest Tribunal for Niamey’s penal Tribunals. Furthermore, the main institution responsible of the establishing of certificate of nationality are communal town hall, each commune has its own town hall responsible of issuing birth certificate or certificate national. The communal tribunals are the highest place responsible of certificate of nationality.

    Another major proof of the falsity of this false certificate of nationality is its numbering with 4753 PTN that was writing with a pen blue ink, meaning that was added by the same Oscar Wild who forged this false certificate of nationality pupating by George Bush for Elizabeth II. It is then later after typing his false and criminal certificate of nationality, that he adds this false number all, designed to strengthen the falsity of this false criminal certificate of nationality.

     The very format of the false certificate of nationality is very more than false with a curious series of letters being PTN. For instance the 53 ending this number of four digits is the guard (mercenary) Oscar Wild false birth year, as he has many as 54, 53, 51 and he is Guinean who  was given an American nationality. Then 47 means, he agrees forging the false certificate of nationality. In addition it is interesting to know how he adds the number mentioned above. He adds it with a pen. Very funny will you say? A handwriting certificate of nationality, even for a false and criminal one that looks like a mocking of a false and criminal certificate of nationality. In fact, they intend to impose the false and criminal certificate of nationality with corruption and threat.

   The falsity of this false certificate goes even with the false article of the Nigerien Constitution used to explain it. Bellow is the article:

En vertu des articles des articles 30 et 31 de l’ordonnance No 84-33 du 23 Aout 1984 portant Code la Nationalité Nigerienne et de son decret d’application 84-132/ PCMS/MJ 23 Aout 1984.

Vu L’article 8 de l’ordonnance susvisé.

  This very cited article is false and is worded such way to kind of making a reference to the false birth certificate, false second date of signing of 12 January 1984 when forged by Bush pupating his criminal Oscar in 1989.

    In conclusion this false nationality certificate is false in the form just as the soul. For the form a nationality certificate is not establish by a Cour d’Appel, never. For the soul there is no such article cited to give certificate of nationality.