Bacterial war

    July 16, 2018

      The council to blacken superficially Prince Charles did not only use the very harmful bismuth and antibiotics. It also uses bacterias and viruses in the blackening effort and that since the first day of the imprisonment on October 5, 1983 up to now. 

     But the big scale blackening with bacterias and bismuth started in Dosso. In fact it is for blackening the prince through those methods that he was deported to Dosso and kept hostage there in horrible  conditions. He was jailed in clay house without electricity or tap water. The rooms of the flat were neither cemented or painted. It was the perfect environment for bacterias and microbes to prosper.

        How bacterias were used to blackened him?

   First of all they were used systematically to blacken him. These micro organism were brought in the jail by his two kidnappers Oscar Wild and Iren Samson. The bacterias gave headache, fever, depression and itching to the prince, especially when those actions were multiplied by the bismuth and the different antibiotics that were put in his food.

    It was in 1990s more specifically in 1997 that he suffered the much of those bacterias. They sank him in deep depression. He got fever, headache and serious itching. The most notable of their actions are the lips itching and the drying of the lips under the catalyzing effect of the Nigerien hot weather, the thermometer points sometimes around 50 degree. Those days, when he was doing his second grade of junior school, he had the lips'skin seriously dry and degraded  by the bacterias, the flashings, and fevers. The Addison's disease with which he was contaminated through infections blackened his gum. The prince spent days ooking in mirror the sudden blackening of his gum; he could not understand what happened to the witness of his skin. 

                                                           Please pay attention to the fact that the camera that took pictures lences have been distorted and blacken.

 Gradually, those dry lips'skins disappearand let a big painful and bloody injury. Those injuries were particularly painful, traumatizing is the word. They increased the superficial blackening through acne it gives him.Worst those days eating is a real punishment for him; whenever he eats pepper, or an acid food that enters in the injury he feels heartbreaking pain.

                                                                                                                  A black person's gum

                                                                                                        A white person's gum

 It was certainly in Aeroport where he was deported in 2001 that he felt the much, the impacts of those bacterias. The house in which he was jailed is in clay. It neither had then water , no relectricity. The walls were neither cemented, nor painted and the ground was not cemented. To arrange nothing the house is in the surrounding of the bush.  Quickly, the room became a net for various insects, microbes, and viruses. The red clay walls of the room were marked by different nets of insects.The effect of those bacterias were immediate, Prince Charles developed a serious depression born from his homesick, bismuth intoxications, the different headaches, fevers, stomaches that those bacterias gave him. Many times, he falls sicks of those bacterias that are used to give him Addison's sickness. He had headache, fever and vomited until exhaustion.

   Charles finds the little reliefs to those bacterias only in 2004, through a group of friends, if you can call them so as they were mercenaries recruited to play a role in the hostage keeping being among many attenuating it. Most of those Mercenaries at the exception of some are British. Charles attends the group conversation in 2004 after getting the bac(baccalaureate). They only drink Lipton contrary to Nigerien youth that consume green tea.

   Nonetheless, before even knowing them, Prince Charles drank both Lipton and coffee.  That was in 2002, when he was repeating his second grade of grammar School. He spent the all 2002 vacation in the jail drinking Lipton,studying for passing the class and having the scholarship that he expects to free him. Lipton and coffee were the miraculous drugs that allow him to support the sickening of those bacterias through the antioxidants, they contain.

  At the beginning of the imprisonment in Aeroport, he took the green China tea that contains those antioxidants, though less than Lipton.The prince has tendency to exaggerate the consumption of the very powerful substance. The green tea of China could not fit the curing goal regarding its price. It is very expensive for a prisoner without appropriate financial mean to afford it. It costs XOF 150 to afford the tea and the sugar when the Lipton costs XOF 50, or even 35, You can prepare two Liptons with 25 sugars. The coffee is between the two in terms of price; the sachet costs 50 and  sugar of 25 prepares two sachets of coffee. Beside, the financial difference of cost, the Lipton is far ahead in terms of  countenance of antioxidants than the coffee.

       it was quite clear that duringthe period 2002-2003, the Prince would have died without the Lipton.He takes an average of 6 Liptons the day. 2 liptons the mornings, afternoons, and nights.  Sometimes he takes 10 the day. More he takes it, more he feels fine in his organism  and brain. 

       Then when the Prince was taking the Lipton, he did not know that it relieved him as it contains antioxidants. He just takes it because he feels strong after taking it.

       In fact the real superficial blackening agent that the council uses to blacken Prince Charles was not even the bismuth; but the Addison's illness. It creates a hyper-pigmentation of the skin through the overproduction of melanin that blackened the skin.  This sickness is maintained over decades, Charles  became very thin. It was transmitted to him by the mercenaries through infections.

                 How was Prince Charles contaminateby the bacterias?

     He was firstly contaminated through the environment. As soon as the council deported him to Aeroport; it made its mercenaries bringing roosters in the jail and those birds are great vectors of flu bacterias.

     The second vector of the bacterias are the hand to hand greetings.Regularly, the council's mercenaries that were jailing the prince puts those bacterias on their bodies; especially on their hands. In matter of half an hour; he felt the fever;  headache and vertigo. There were also the mercenaries that had the sickness through for example cold. They were asked to pass close to him for transmiting it to the Prince heir to the throne 

    Charles was contaminated also through objects that he touched. Nevertheless, the most painful contamination is through the hands greetings because they had millions of nerves which are very conducive of the bacterias. It was in 1993 that Charles was contaminated of the Addison's disease.It was then that he started to see the symptoms of the sickness: the deep blackening of his gum, and his face which was caught by a deep tare. He could not understand what happened to his whitness upon seeing those blackness in mirrors. The council decided to stress his superficial blackening as they remarked the Prince remembers his identity and family. 

    He experienced serious fever, flashing, headache, dizziness and depression resulting from all that specific sickness.  He suffers incredibly those days.  He had many times the impression of being sick, though he was quite young to know the nature of the sickness.  It was an equation his gum wasmore black than eventhat ofblack person as he seesgumsof the kids that surrounded him.  Until now, he has this deep black gum as the council maintains him consistently sick of this disease since then . The extreme tiredness, the depression and the fever never stopped as well.

  The Prince discovered suffering of this disease upon conversing with a former friend, a medical doctor while watching the prelude of the match England vs Belgium  in CCFN. Quickly, he asks him to launch a research on the disease on Google.  When he was shown the wikipedia page of the sickness, he has all  its symptoms. To tell that even some of the characteristics were hid because the Wikipedia page was edited by the mercenaries. 

   Imagine the horrible conditions of his imprisonment do not even allow him to have the mean to buy the drugs to cure the illness. Of course, he got his relica after suffering incredibly. It is of around 170 Pounds. Buying the drugs, and the Prince will find himself breaks financially  in an atmosphere of imprisonment without any prospect of having money or job.  A fund rising is officially launched now to help him not only buy the drugs but also the plane ticket for going home.  You are inviting to show your patriotism by helping the Prince to be free, resumes his duty and save his Kingdom. 

                 Bacterial attacks in recent days

   The prince sickening with the Addison's sickness never stopped, ever since 1993, he was contaminated for the first time. The terrorist organization continues regularly to update the contamination. Charles continues to feel the same symptoms of the disease, tiredness, lack of equilibrium, and the mental dizziness.

  The notable sickening with the flu was between December 2017 and January 2018 when the council contaminated him with the disease in a private school of Aeroport named CSP Reference.  He had serious fainting, headache, after contracted the flu bacteria while sitting on a bench of the school, where he worked.

      The second major contamination was after leaving Song's  house on the way of CCFN (The French Cultural Center in English) and ACC ( The American Cultural Center in English). On the way he felt all of sudden a great scale invasion of his body by those micro organism. He was on Song's motorcycle. All his body, especially the intimate part were itching, he could even felt those bacterias walking on his skin. All of sudden he had fever, headache. He felt relieved after taking a cup of coffee few yard from ACC.

     Beside those great contamination, daily he is contaminated, every morning in the bus (Aiga) he took to go downtown. In the buses infected people with the flu bacterias are made sitting close to him to transmit him the flu. Up to now the council is using its influence to have Charles contaminated with the flu in those bus.  He is also contaminated on the streets with infected people that pass close to him.  It is in headache, fever, and vertigo that he starts every single day. Today is not an exception as well he is currently under the influence of the flu fever, and depression when we are writing those words. The Prince is victim of a planned politics of maintaining homsick by the council.  Whenever, he is tired, or under hunger; he suffered a lot of this flu infections.

     In Tessaou, he went for 2017 bac correction, he felt the illness also. He spent sad hours in the Nigerien region close to Nigeria our former British colony.  But it was in Katsina in Northern Nigeria State close to Maradi where is located Tessaoua that he felt greatly the sickness through some women the Prince frequented in Yakamata hotel, where he stayed.

  In the hotel, every morning the women touched him, he spent the remaining hours of the day invaded by the flu bacterias that saddened him by journeying his body.  They gave him headaches and fevers. He suffers less of the flu as he eats well in the Nigerian State. 

    It is once back in Niger, when his money was over between  October 2017 and February 2018 that he suffered greatly of the flu transmitted to him systematically and methodically by the council's mercenaries.  Then, he was jailed starved, seriously malnourished and consistently sickened with the flu. The effects of those flus was increased by the hunger and the lack of sport. The council was working systematically to kill the Prince, heir to the British throne. Charles lived a deep and pretty hell in this period. The council and its members felt more than even him the consequences of that systematic pick up.The terrorist organization lost its dominant power in Great Britain on November 12, 2017, and daily experienced lot of loss among his leading members and interests.

   Prince Charles could not forget the heavy felt fevers after being contaminated by the council every morning. It could not be more traumatizing. Still those tortures more than ever motivated Prince Charles. It is was  during that period that he wrote to expose the council's destruction of America and Great Britain. 

   The flu intoxications never stopped, or reduced it was gradually the Prince organism got strong and resistant against them. He managed hardly to reduce the sickening by walking around 20 miles the day all rhythm by several flu intoxications with their successive fevers and headaches. Between the two hours that separated Airport to the Campus Numerique that he spent walking on foot, he had at least 5 fever.

                                                                                           A recent picture of Queen Elizabeth II