March 30, 2018.
Creating more investment banks: How? Simple. We will decree that billionaires and wealthy British who put their money in those investment banks without interests will not pay taxes and we will use that money to lend money to British. The same system will extent to foreign country business who are operating in our country, if they put their money in those bank will give them and their employees facility in visa obtention for our country, and in conformity with the business act, we will give them visa-passports, and passports so that they can do easily and well their business.
With such kind of innovative economic incitements we will give the direction we want to our economy through the different sectors that will be developed. We will give loans to our citizen in function also of the sector you want to operate. We will make as priority the following sectors: 1) Creating research institute on technology and medicine, 2) Applying especially the finding of our researchers, 3) Creating business that will create lot of jobs, and health.
The same approach will be kept in our oversea territories and dominion but in research institutes that are profitable for the country and as the fundings will be applied mainly locally.
The accent will be put on youth we will give them easy access to credit at the condition that they invest their money in creating businesses in our oversee countries and new countries
We encourage those youth to invest as well in the European Union countries but as well by employing lot of Englishmen.
Spatial exploration area. The crown will fund through Private British Corporations the exploration of planets as Mars, and creating the conditions of living conditions on for example planets like Mars. We should be the first to occupy Mars.
It is fundamental to note that the ending or the lack of spacial office and program has given a serious blow to our status of super power. By give up having a spacial program, we give up fighting for remaining and being a super power, which sine qua non condition is being a spacial super power. Every single world country as soon it started to be a competing super power as China for example created spacial service. For example countries as America, Russia and even France are respected super power which intends to remain and progress in that status by having and developing their spacial program. Spacial program gives an image of being a beacon of technological innovation to a country, everything that boasted the respectability of the products manufactured in the country. It gives an image of proper and high technical, economic and political status to a country. It makes famous the brand name of ‘Made in’ of a country, everything that is fundament for the economy of a country. Better it gives a persuasive military power to a country in showing that the country can have very sophisticated decisive weapons.
Equipping our country of a spacial program as we King George VII will do it, will give the clear signal to the world that our the super powerful Great Britain leader in all important and decisive is back. Any country has the stamina and ideas to explore and exploit the space than us, we have done it by colonizing the world. We will do it with Mars, King George VII’s plan is simple, in 20 years we will have 10 British living on Mars, studying it, and finding ways to create a town on it. This point includes mastering the procedure of creating an atmosphere on a planet. The key to such point moves from the different parameters that equips earth with water. Imagine trees frees O2 the day, and the night they free CO2. It is quite clear that when plants are planted and provide the conditions of living meaning enough sun’s rays that is present, and water to water them, they will equip the atmosphere with a huge quantity of those gazes that created an atmosphere in this planet. Lot of people evokes life condition on Mars under the problem angle rather than the solution. If there isn’t water in Mars, we will bring it, by the same way through colonization we brought plants that we plant in region of the world that did not have it, as we brought rice in Africa. King George VII develops the most powerful shuttles that allow us to bring on Mars enough quantity of water to create an atmosphere on it. Those are just few guiding research points to we will further.
Our project Mars and the remaining planets will not stop here, we trained and sent the most talented researchers to find important underground resources in the same fashion as petrol or diamond so that we exploited not only Mars underground but that of the other planets. And we will make researches to find the pragmatic use of those resources.
All those research will be possible only by making easy of access Mars and the other planets by building quick and cheap, bus shuttles that take lot of people, and big shuttles that takes lot of goods and people. We have played a leading role the move from bicycle to the invention and the development of plans, that becomes faster and cheap. We will do the same with shuttles.
Occupying and exploiting the space is not the only one goal of this project, there are endless other parallel and included goal which is inventing new tools all useful technically and economically for your country. In stiring to achieve that goal we will make endless invention and development of the current existing tools, developing the shuttles, planes, cars, communication devises and the above all the greatest of all mastering the unknown aspect of life on earth, less than 5% of the planet is known. The greatest of all, such project will give us a ready platform to develop weapons from planes, bombs, tanks. We can transform quickly all the different spacial center in plant of fabricating weapons in quantity and quality. The best of all we build such plants not only in great quantity in England, Great Britain, but in our different territories and dominions, just we will create indirect such facility in our former colonies. In fact the goal is not ultimately creating massively weapons, but to be ready technically and in strategically to create enough weapons as needed for a major or planetary war. Above all the defense of country, Empire, and interests all imbricated is single goal.