11 Jul

      In the current state of our country media state, it is quite hard to have a successful movie industry for many reasons. 1) We do not have striving TVs either in Great Britain and the world, as ABC, Fox and their corporations; 2) There is not a culture of  TV watching; 3) there is not British movie award as the Oscars in the US; 4) no worldwide channel of distribution of our cinema; 5) we are hesitant toward cinema. 

      No matter how well edited a movie is, it cannot have the success it deserves if it does not first conquer the local market, because the selling dynamism should start in our country, our subject should love it before the others got influenced by us. All American series have made planetary success after beating records of audience in America firstly, some reach records of 5 million or 10 million viewers. Here is the process through which the movie will be advertised and reached the world audience; here is how they will be influenced and feel the need to watch it. The essential, or a large part of the benefit of most American series, and even movies were already reached with the American audience, before it reached even the world audience.

       In our country, the council has created a visual embargo for hiding the seize of its destruction of our country, reason why there is no big Tv corporations as big as the Americans. The entire mediatic world in our country turns around newspapers, and radio as BBC. More private and public TV corporations’ needs to be created as we always said it, and King George VII will implement this politics.

     There is no proper culture of TV watching as in America, if not for watching matches, even with that whenever our Subjects have the opportunity like city dwellers, they prefer to go in stadiums. That has everything to do with our secularity and attachment to books and newspapers. We are still hesitant regarding technology. A TV watching gathering culture should be created King George VII will promote movies club, in every area, we create indirectly movie clubs. People gathers in them to watch  movies and comment it, Centuries back we did the same with theater clubs, book clubs and many other similar clubs and secret and public club we championed.

    The third reason that contributes to the non-development of our movie industry is the lack of great and visible system of awards that encourages movie directors to film movies. An award system shows to the world that in a country, movie is valued and loved. It gives reputation to its movie industry. More a country has a well-known award system more the cinema of this country is advertised and reaches the world audience. Among many it is by awarding the cinematic success of a country that you have the people of this country to get interested to your country and its cinema.

        Our movie directors are facing other serious obstacles that hampered their movie to reach the world stage. That obstacle is the lack of channel of movie distributions in the different countries. The problem is attributable to our lack of lot of diplomatic Representations in the world. Even, in countries we have diplomatic Representation by lack of political will, we do not create centres of distributions; we do not create lot of TV through our local holdings for promoting directly and indirectly our movies. The best example of that point, is the 007 series that  the council advertises as it fits its interests. It is done by presenting the series like a nation (British) defining series in UK and the world. The series has nothing to have with our British national identity because it gives a bad and deceiving image of our Kingdom. Among the endless examples to back this statement, James Bond the main character of the series is portrayed as womanizer. Worst he is presented as man who has any elementary sense of responsibility regarding especially his private. The goal of the council is to format our society for removing of our values. 

     King George VII will impulse all the mentioned changes by created among endless points of movies distributions in the different countries of the world. 

    The 5thfactor that hampers the development of our cinema is that we are still hesitant to cinema as art; our secularity plays a huge role in that. We are still deeply attached to words, than to images. Books have only fans, and movies are few. Whereas, there is contradiction to have citizens that are attached to both.  Still as a country of theatre with Shakespeare our national literary hero who is in fact the world prophet of literature, we should love cinema like the natural new technological continuation of theatre. By lack of political support, the natural and analogical translation is not observed. King George VII will create this dynamism.

       As we are deeply involved in American cinematic success, we develop our wonderful cinematic culture close to the American but different by being tainted with our specifities.007 series is a well realised series as any American successful series, or production. Still enough needs to be done for giving our distinctive features to our cinema and making it contributing to the cementing of our national identity; and King George VII, will implement that politics. 

       On the other artistic fields as electronic painting a great revolution is needed. When we talk about electronic painting we mean electronic design, consisting of using a program to either draw drawings, images or painting that are displayed on a board as decoration. It is an art that is not well developed no where in the world, beside somehow in Japan; a country with a fascinating example of using technology without giving up to its culture and customs, all monarchical and secular as ours. Of course, we will not move to change our Kingdom in Japan because our political and economic moto, is mercantilism-capitalism, whereas when Japanese  motto is only capitalism. What we will do is using the Japanese example to further our subjects love of technology; already in the world, beside Japan, and a little bit the US and China, any country in the world develops competence in the field of robotic than us. Our English universities, are planetaryly well known for their mastership of the robotic technology with especially the inventions of revolutionary robots: Cambridge, and Oxford University has invented endless. Still underline that we do not still have big university-institute as MIT or Berkley. But still the potential is here, we should be the first technological and innovative country in the world just after the US and China, after for centuries we were the first, before America takes the lead by the end of World War II. But, paid attention to the fact that our technological advancement is at the level of educative institutions it does not come to the ground, in terms of citizens mastering and attachment to technological tools. It is on this ground that we build up, having the maximum of our subjects, loving, integrating in their daily lives and mastering the technological tools by creating private corporations and institutes that will invent more so that we reach the US and China, and regain our place of leader. 

    That process should start by creating in our subject the love of technological tools, King George VII will do that among many by developing electronic painting in our country. To develop and vulgarise this art, we will create centres of learning of that art, and doing test to award the best electronic painters. Electronic painting is the art of the future, we will champion it. It is a matter of intelligence and literary taste as any. The fact that it is done through programing should not reduce by any a little portion its beauty. And even board painting with hand and brushes, is the fruit of an intellectual programing to set a given pattern as a painting. It goes with the brushes playing on the dead board, as the electronic board one goes with the cerebral will hand playing on a lively moving electronic board. The only difference is the programing aspect it is not a limitation of beauty but an increasing element. On the way, the natural by itself is not a dead painting canvas but a lively one for example in the nature a flower develop fades, another one develops to replace it. It is a continuing process not a dead and immovable process. The electronic painting is even the best imitation of the natural beauty, loving it is a matter of loving the past, present and future art.