Jun 21, 2018.
In the history of our great and prosperous nation, literature has always been a cementing factor, when put in this perspective since Elizabethan era with William Shakespeare’s play company, (the globe company). This literary company has been the support of centralizing our British identity around the monarchy, the proud of our nation through its plays showing the sacredness of the Royal Institution, and about how the monarch, anointed by God, is its deputy on earth. Then followed all the other nation defining plays and novels, as Robinson Crusoe of Daniel Dufoe, or Great Expectation of Charles Dickinson, Joseph Andrew of Henry Fielding or Lord of the Flies of William Golding more recently. Our English identity has been created, and cemented through literary works and discourse between writers.
Charles Dickinson
The council to dismantle our English and British identity, has destroyed the nature of our British literature, a pragmatic literatures reporting the distinctive features of our Britishness by always respecting the art for art sake nature of literature. Today literature in our country has been made more a commercial capitalist activity as any other; its instructive aspects has been removed. In other words, writers work only for monetary purpose of making profit, that made the back utilitarian purpose is removed. From all time literature has been a commercial activity, but even in the purpose of the material gains, writers take care to go in the sense of cementing the national identity, because not only have they to profit of their creativity and work, but also that of the country, that even advertise through its image the book. It is only a matter of gratitude that your work takes in account that aspect. The best example of that fact is certainly Shakespeare. He wrote for financial advantage, he never hides it; but he always takes care the country to profit of every single coin, he wins from its literary work, through the themes of his plays and the message, he spread.
William Golding
Literature is an open universe field no matter, the theme on which you write either love, or any other aspects, they are always room to advertise and cement the national identity, either through the name of the characters, the setting or the themes by taking in account before everything the distinctive scientific and nation defining aspect of your country. Today our country is losing clearly its identity, a process that started since the beginning of the last century, it was a systematic and a planned enterprise carries on by the council to destroy our British identity; literature either the classical literary field, or scientific literature has been the central element of this destructive work. It is through the same literature that we should rebuild our national identity, and King George VII through education will create the dynamism for our British Subjects, writers to have in all cases, the national identity in hearts and having their work strengthening it. The basic should be given through education.
But, the world of literature is growing at an exponential rate, with internet and the new technology of communication as computers and Iphones, we should encourage those flexible means of communication to instill the seed of cemented our national identity. When, we talk about internet, we talk about how books are sold and advertise through internet through books and products selling corporations as Amazon, which is an American company. We should create our own British company in that field to easier the selling of our English books and making ease of access to our citizens and world audience. The corporation, or in the classical system the book store or the place where you buy a book always influence your visions and understanding of the books in reading and after reading. Details as how does the company describe the book, the color used to sell it, the different books that are around it on your screen, the advertisement around it, perfume the book meanings of their characteristics; and will lead the reader to read and approach the book with prejudges and set mind, everything that alter the reading process. Here are just some reasons to create our own books and products selling corporations, and King George VII will encourage British to do so.
We cannot talk about internet and how literature is done today, without talking about the social networks. Today on those social networks as Facebook, or twitter, or G+, every single person is a writer by his own, writing and defending his vision of his country and the world, the writers hold no more the monopoly of literary creation, the definition of writer should be reviewed to take in account, the billions of Facebook, or twitter users, and bloggers. They act clearly as writers narrating to the others, their visions of their country: how it should be developed, or talking about themselves as individual living their lives, everything that is no more no less art for art sake literary expression. Regardless the theme they evoke, either by talking either about their passion for a sport, for even in the worst case elements for adults; or about politics, literature; or art, they are writers like any.
We should not fear technology; the worst that can happen to us is fearing it and letting it used against us for destroying our national identity. We should make it an agent of our development, an agent to defend the vision and image of our Kingdom. Reason, why it is in our highest interests to develop our own social networks corporations, in the same models of Facebook, or twitter. We should create our own social networks corporation like the Chinese or the Russians, have done by adding our British touch, values and perspective to them so that our citizens when using them will not lose their identity. They will always contribute to consolidate our national identity, as they will post, write about their lives, Kingdom and the world in our own perspective. Do you know, the simplest points that people consider as useless details as the color of a social network, advertise or destroy the image of a country? Each country has its own nation defining color, it is well known that the red burgundy is our British national colors.
Princess Beatrice