15 Jun

   A picture of Kanguroo symbol of Australia

    If before with the civic fight of African American, the black jazzmen arrived to take the lead on our English, music. Today, black are almost integrated in the American society, the civic right movement is over; the last American President was black or African American in the American context. And the black artists currently do no more sing jazz as their cultural music, there are just few nostalgic of the past, or survivor of that period that continue singing it. Today, black in the US sings RNB or hip hop a music of celebration, and reaping their emancipation gains.

      The theme exploited is only about how the artist is wealthy, and the other part of those artists embark the West cultural movement by singing about love that of a woman. The themes are about how black are integrated in the American society. It shows how rich and influential; they are as their fellow White Americans. In one word they are globally on the same thematic ground as our British artists whose natural singing ground is the art for the art sake. Then, easily with few political help our music will have its past hegemonic position. The proof that racial discrimination is almost over, and cannot not be exploited even in the musical field, is currently there are musical genre as even in pop, and hip hop that are championed by White singers, when before that is a black reserved privilege. Moreover, the greatest musical singers in America are White increasingly and no more black, where are the Lady Gaga, the Katy Perry, the Mariah Carrey, Taylor Swift and even the half cast as Alicia Keys, or Beyonce can be considered as transitional faces before the White musicians take that the field.

     We have our life challenges and battle to win to inspire us in our artistic creation, which is the Brexit the currently political and cultural head line in our country. Our artists will be helped to exploit it for regaining our past musical leadership, not by singing directly on the Brexit, but singing positive and inspirational music giving the feeling of hope, and success to come in our country, the British and the world audience can only be fascinated by such music. King George VII will initiate this musical redemption. 

    When it comes to genre of the new musical trend we will create to sign our musical come back, it is simple it will carry all the characteristics of our personality that makes our success and that of our empire, which is our pragmatism. We always do things that are useful and in a material and capitalist world, people want everything that has a material useful side. We will create a festive musical trend making the synthesis of our British musical trend, the European classical music, the American music as the hip hop, and the different musical culture in our former colonies. When you listen to Rolling Stones or the Beatles sounds, you have a first idea of this kind of mix at the British. We will do  more developed ones, never far from our identity and close to our interests. 

   We will build great musical studios in London beside the existent ones, to make our country the centre of the musical life in our empire and the world. To attract the musicians in our former colonies, our Subjects has to be receptive to their music, so that they have marketing interests in recording albums in our country; we will create this receptivity endless ways. Here is how we invite those Nigerians, Australians, Ghanaians to big concert in London at which they will make the maximum profit possible in order to create that dynamism. King George VII will create an era of musical winning wining relation with the world. 

     We will create big TV that will make a cross cultural mixing between our countries of influences, Austrians, will have TV that tune New Zealanders, Nigerians artists; Ghanaians will have easy access to Australians, New Zealanders artists. Those TV will be easy of access by all means so that they reach their goal. They will be under private ownership so that they do their work at the maximum possible.