30 Mar

 March 30, 2018.

   In this of the Manifesto, Prince Charles, King George VII explains how he will set our civilizationalhegemonythen correcting our lost of intellectualinfluence that he explained in the last part:

   There is also the impact of popular art in erecting Einsteinas the first brain, especially with Hollywood (the movie industry) as value creator. We will not certainly underline his ethnic belonging, it is known by all, it has certainly play a huge role in the process.

  To restore our country greatness, we need to reset the intellectualhegemony of Newton, through our political institutions, through medias, and network of influences; especially through the scientific field. Already, at lower educational level in all the countries of the world, Newton is the most cited scientific.This technically compulsory considering the importance of his works in physics. In that level his work on gravitation fundamental from chapters on gravitation to energy. It is only at higher level with the division of physics in two main branches, mechanic and quantic that he is not the first to be cited, only in case it is the latter you consider. 

   Universities will be created by King George VII to further his work, which already embodies Einstein work, just as every work in the world of science, but the connection is not made with his basic magical formula p=mg. We walk on earth due to this principle, life is possible on this planet not because everything is relative, but because everything can firmly grounded to grow and move on this earth; that is the basic law of life.  

  That scientific field to invest in, for connecting it to Newton’s work is mechanical quantic; it was championed by the Germans schools at the the end of the 19thand the beginning of the 20thcentury. The Germans fascinated by metaphysics and abstraction even in physical pragmatism develop the Quanticophysics, when us are only focused on the concrete. King George VII, promises to create the impulsion of a massive investment and research effort in this field, by creating a Royal Quantic Institute. Nevertheless, the essential in the field will be done in funding researchers in our universities to put a special attention in carrying out researches on those points, and finding a non exploiting segment in this science for creating new fields; and then set our ideological system on it, in connection with Newton’s fundamental work. We will advertise both the process and the findings, the goal after all is for political exploitation. 

   This new founding, or invention, will be advertise by all the different scientific and literary fields. We have already done a huge invention with Tim Bernard Lee and Internet, but we failed  advertising him; we fail to have the ideological benefit of it; we fail to use it to set our intellectualgrip on the world; we fail above all to believe his invention, developing and implementing it. That was not surprising, the council is among many behind Lee’s research and the primary goal was not to further the scientific development of our country. King George VII will correct this strategic mistake.

  Give your thought on this important Manifesto, be part of this civic debate.