Prince Charles has an ambitious project also to cement our national identity by using arts and the science. He promised to create Royal Cultural Council to reward artists that strengthenedour national identity. One of the most fascinating faculty of the Prince is his deep encyclopedic insight in the world of politics and its determinants. He masters the dynamism that leads politics as science (Political change). Through a brilliant analysis he explained how Albert Einsteinhas changed the world civilization values that we set against us. Follow, without delay what he has said in his own words:
In the entire different cultural fields we will identify the artists that go with our core national identity and empower them. We will empower as well the current artists that goes in the sense of strengthening our national identity. The process will not come by itself we have to create the dynamism and that is what King George VII will do. We will create a Royal Cultural Council a public organisation in the form, but with the essential of its work secret for a matter of efficienty. To be able to change the dynamism of the society backing artists directly or publishing books directly will not help. The council, nevertheless, will award the artists that works go with our national prestigious Royal Award with Britanee. It will not be a noisy, cultural revolution as in the time of the Soviet Union, or other authorshipcountry, but it will be a reform at the English, like we know how to do it, silent, respectful of all our Western standard that will be the spirit of all our reforms. You can see nowhere, did we talk about revolution; reform is the adequate word that we will use all around, either in the political, economic and cultural world; - a smart, quick and effective change [SQEC] that will be our motto.
On the Scientific Front
The real civilizational discourse is done on the scientific front it is on this front that we lose the lead pragmatically. Newton has not only write a book on the force behind the world movement, life and dynamism, he published a work that sets for ever or let say for a long time the world intellectualtemperature. Order, natural laws and certitude rules the world in its dynamism, everything is done according to that principle. Einstein does not only write a book to relativise what Newton has discovered, but which by relativising has been taken as the warrant of destruction of Newton’s work, when it only brings a small complement to it. If you read his Theory of Restrict of Relativity, you understand that he invents nothing, E=mc2 is more a fade imitation of Newton’s p=mg. The later, formulaalready set implicitly that the weight of a solid is a strength and energy because its power and quickness in falling is function of its weight. Here is an imitator of Leonard Da Vinci being more popular than him. Einsteinpopularity is a political creation, and politics do not work on canon of imitator and creator, when there is no claimant to defend the ethical law being respected.
Einsteinhas been promoted as the scientist to demystifythe power of an empire, of a historic country, center of the world civilization. Einstein enjoys his popularity in America, upon lecturing in Princeton University. Wouldn’t he go and settle in the US, and benefits of the support of United States; he will not know the success he had. His alleged letter for the fabrication of a nuclear bomb, that was effectively manufactured and use to end World War II, and create the huge death in Japan -Lot of people die in Hiroshima but it is not only due to the nuclear bomb. No one make a research on that (many more ground bombs explosion in the events of the nuclear explosion increased dramatically the death toll). A new kind of bomb has to change the balance of power in the world, it needs never seen death toll and devastation to do so and it and it was given this devastative power) .
The reality behind Einstein's popularity over Newton emerges especially from the power of the new mean of information that arises at the beginning of the century with the invention of radio; of course BBC was the first world national radio to broadcast, but quickly our lost of power, due to the ascendancyof the council has made us lose our mediatic hegemony, in the world of ideas, and realities creation; when you lose the mediatic battle you lose the battle.
Currently, we do no more have the most powerful news agencies in terms of real politics, but only in terms of potential; BBC remains BBC of course, Daily Express remains Daily Express, nothing change on that. But when there is an event in the world, the media to listen or watch are almost always American outlets, CNN, CBS, Fox News, New York Times,WashingtonPost, New York Post because they reported voices that matter and determine the ground evolution of the political situation no matter what is happening in the world- they reported the White House position. The political position of the most powerful country on earth, which determines the course of events everywhere in the world.
This is the anatomy of the reality of Einstein as the most intelligentman on earth, as the man who did the invention who change the courseintellectuallife on earth, whereas he did nothing more than imitating.