26 Mar

  BCST presents you the part 6 of the manifesto of Prince Charles. In this part, he talks about the economic connections he will create once on power. He declared reorienting our economy toward our dominions, territories and former colonies. 

  1. Transforming our Oversee territories, dominions, territories and former colonies in our China, though most of the profitable businesses and job creating businesses will be kept within the border of UK.

          People have transformed the debate on Brexit in a debate on the single market, they refuse to see that being in this market was a great mistake that we have done in the past and which huge price we pay which is our lost of influence and status of world super power, because it means turning our back to our former colonies and Empires. We have created centuries’ connection with our Empire that made those countries our natural ally and tool before maintaining our status of world super power (we refuse to do so). We have always been turn to our Empire, and very far less oriented toward the continental Europe to profit of this single market. We do have very few economic connections, we do not have either the same inclination for the same products and we do not have the same culture of consumption, and we are two different worlds to exchange. Whereas, with our Empire there is a natural love story, there is the same consuming culture that we created through centuries of economic and cultural exchanges from our factories to the businesses we have locally and the other businesses we control through third person control. 

     So, the Brexit means no more no less revitalizing those connections, their developments to reorient the essential of our business activity toward them. That goes as well with using our influence to have those countries mainly using our products. 

   When it comes to produce in oversee countries, especially when the row material is in a country far from ours we will manufacture the products in our oversee territories, former colonies, the nearest from the row material country like India, a great geo-political entity, with a cheap labor, due to the different inequalities in the country. 


       People refuse to see that the Indian market is cheaper than Chinese, there are much more inequalities in the country than in China, consequently there are more economic opportunity. Lot of peoples is ready to work more for less than in China. The cheapness of the Chinese low labor cost is a political creation. Already we have lot of corporations and plants there, and we will increase our economic presence, by redelocalising in short term all our plants in India. Nevertheless, India will be the second option, the first one being redelocalising them in our oversee territories as Barbados.

         We will play two politics regarding our economic exchanges; there will be the local business activities, the broad business, and the mutual business exchange. The local business activities will be the products manufacture and sell in the same country they were produced. The broad businesses are corporations that will manufacture products for the entire world. When the mutual business activities are for producing products for our inner British market.  The local business activities are mainly regarding products that are very profitable in the local market and that mainly cannot be competed, as we will be the first to see the profitability of manufacturing a given product that we initiated the creation and controlling all the circuits of production and selling of those products at an extent we will have the monopoly of its fabrication and commercialization. In every single country there is a given products that fits the local market; we will train and send the best business opportunity experts in our Foreign Representations for identifying them and encourage our citizens to invest in it.