26 Mar

 This part of the manifesto is about developing our national team:
    There is a manifest easiness to hire foreign players, and letting our English talents without clubs, without reaping the fruit of their talent which goes even in the development of the image of our country. A quick calculation is what is needed to see that most of the players of our football teams, especially the greatest and relatively great teams are at around 70 % non English or British players, meaning simply our English players are excluded from the reaping the fruit of their talent, profiting of their country status of the country with the most prestigious league in the world. It is an equation whenever in a country, we give the case example of the US, a sport is developed, and teams are created that hired the local players, who made fortune in the sport as in basketball in the US, there should be a result at the dimension of the American 'Dream Team' or American basket ball team which wins systematically and consistently all the tournaments of this sport in the world. The mechanism is simple, young like playing the sport because it gives them access to wealth and bright future through having a high diploma and good training that gives them good job and equip them creating their own successful business as Bill Gate, or Mark Zuckelberg. One dream allows achieving another. The social enthusiasm behind the sport is all the young and everybody loves it because it leads to success, there is no such logical equation with football or any sport in our country.
     Without even investing money, or given support, through political involvement with merely the top political authorities of our country showing interests in the teams by attending the matches of our national team at major tournaments, and also by having an English manager we will have the same result. King George VII will correct all those errors, we make the solemn promise to reinvest in football as a mean to maintain and develop our national identity.
   The first measures we adopt is allowing our young English who most often do not have the mean to have access to our prestigious university and schools right of entrance and good scholarship in those universities only by working hard to be talented and proved their talent on the ground. Do not forget, we have as much expensive university education as the US with our top universities as Oxford, or Cambridge being not open to all our subjects, if among many,  they do not have financial mean. In some cases, even your wealth do not give you access to those university without political supports, everything that is not fair. To excellence and differential education that will allow our country to have well trained subjects every one should have right to it as makes at his reach. This right we will make it a reality.  
      King George VII will give lot scholarship to talented English in football and other sports; we will demand our education institutions hire naturally our young subjects.  We will set taxes on enrolling foreign players for putting the pressure for the selection of our local players. That same purpose will force the clubs which became business entity, with lot of foreign stock holders, to create center of training in our cities for training our local players and giving them the needed talents to develop our national team. We must not forget, that is exactly how Spain manage to have the best competitive clubs and national football team, with clubs investing huge amount of money in creating center of training which trained local talents. There are few center of football training in our country not at the level of the enthusiasm that benefits the sport, and few among those centers are of quality, lack of talented managers. In one word our national league becomes an open world forum to make fortune, without our subjects profiting of those great benefits it brought to them.
     King George VII will create also a Royal Football academic for serving as leading example of great center of football training. We create sport universities not academies, only education center for training and making research on the sport.