26 Mar

     In this part of the manifesto explains how the Society of Nation and United Nation were created at the detriment of our power:

    To sum up, to restore real democracy and the respect of laws and rules in our country, we will support and fund the building of a varied and real Medias. Medias presents in all formats from the TVs, radios, and newspapers. A special attention will be given to TV format, the real deep manifestation of the lack of real political debates and respectiveness of laws. With TV lying appearing on faces and voices, with TV the real size of the destruction of our country appears. The image is the basis of every real democracy.
     King George VI will make competitive our economy in the continental Europe by creating all the conditions for our products to be of superior in quality and price than the European ones.

We will equip our country with a with dynamic Foreign Office (diplomacy) which will defend the interests of our business in the European countries and the world, especially by playing lobbying to have their products sold. It is quite clear and easily previsible that with the Brexit many European countries, leaders and citizens may fall in the temptation to prosecute our citizens and attack their businesses in retaliation of the Brexit. So, our Foreign Policy will be more than dynamic and local representations will be increased to defend those citizens and their interests by for example reassuring the European leaders that though we are out of the EU, we are eager to remain in contact and have a good relation with the continental Europe as we have always done.

   Far more better our integration of the European Union have more destroyed our relation with the European countries than building. The long decades lasting bizarre union with countries we have few things in common have created defiances, suspicions and rancors manifested in our refusal to abandon our identity with our refusal to abandon our currency the Pound, or opening our countries to the world, because with the UE rules, you never open only your borders to European citizens but to citizens of the entire world, mainly to illegal immigrants and refuges.

Ports to Receive World Products Quickly and Easily
  The main source of integration between people is through mean of communications as roads, bridges, aircrafts. To be more in contact with the continental Europe we will develop new mean of communications to increase our contact with it, without ruining the insularity of our country, source of its exceptionalism.
   Creating new air companies and demand our controlled companies as British Airways to reduce the price of its flights to our country for businessmen who demonstrate being so, or better who have corporations in our country.
    To European nationals who have above 1 million Pound business in our country and who create more than 40 jobs to our citizens we will give them green card.

     We give our passport without the nationality to those who invest more than 100 million Pounds

Those who invest more than 1 billion Pounds automatically have the nationality 

   To our citizens in the EU we give them jobs massively in our businesses in those countries and creating more businesses

   King George VII, will increase our financial contribution in the current world order, with the UN with the only goal of having more influence for developing our own planetary institution at the image of UN. The geopolitical reason of the creation of this new world order lays that in the UN our power is diluted, we are severed to the direct influential control of our Empire, as no more important decision regarding our Empire is taking in the Commonwealth Institutions, but in the UN.

     It is the UN as institution was erected just as the Society Nation with the only purpose of neutralizing and destroying our power, and Empire. As it failed to do so, the core enemies of our nation, the council which pushes in front America as world super power that was after American revolution in which it comes to have a relative power in America somehow close to 4 with the goal to realize their plan of destroying our country.  The World War I they created failed to give them their satisfactory planed desire of weakening us and destroying our Empire. They created the Society of Nations  as the mean to dilute our power for creating the conditions of a new world order which will give them the desired goal What the World War I gives the council was just our limited weakness, but not enough to destroy our Empire.

     But as not direct belligerent America did not lose in terms of power, but only gain strength as it intervenes at the end after marketing the conflict by selling weapons. And almost any battle in their geographical border occurred to lose the smallest proportion in the war, comparing to us who were direct belligerent and the first targeted by the conflict. The  Society of Nation aimed then to marketise pragmatically their relative gain by creating a world order that only profit them. That union composes of rivaling super powerful countries who have the exact geopolitical goal to us, as America and China.

     As you see the Society of Nation and the succeeding UN aimed only to further their agenda of a global world where there is any difference of colonial power, and it aims even to abolish any single form of domination of a country by another. That is a perfect abstraction of the fact that our ideological world order is not invading European nation, with whom we share the same ideological values.

    So, our political economic partnership (colonisation) is not harmful contrary good for the world. We were the one who decided unliterary decided to end slavery through legiferation and did wars to end the practice. Than, we cannot be accused of being harmful but only good to the world order. For example before our economic partnership creations there were endless wars between small disorganize political entities if we can call them so, constituted mainly of tribes, and very small empires which only life is making systematic wars between each others for any reasons at all, beside the brute natural desire to exercise violence and invaded the others. That made there is no any organised political institutions in Africa especially, but also in South America and at some extant that in the Middle East, and at a small proportion to stabilize and somehow geopolitically organized continent as Asia, though there was well the before geopolitical entities, with geopolitical entity, well organised to enable peace and economic development to the people.

      We are peace factor, and we promote peace through our economic partnership than any country has done to the world, and we made the world live a peace and good living conditions that it has never seen for proof in the 18-20 century that occurred our political partnership the living conditions and the life expectancy increased considerably. Germany that had some colonies not as much us, through Hitler has been manipulated to do the world war II chaos that was attributed to colonisation. The pretext  of blaming colonisation for leading to the decolinization was found.

    So clearly here the council goes to the real point of the conflict, it intends to have influence worthy of political economic partnership [colonisation]. You find the soul behind the formation of the Society of Nation the ancestor of UN being the first limited and control version of their goal, that to reach it they limit to this small but already very huge motif that en-globe the greatest ones. Still here, before even entering in the explanation of our geopolitical interests as a country, a Kingdom that have colonial and an empire to defend; it is quite interesting to know if the UN had created the conditions of peace in the world? Or has pacified the world as all? First of all, all the countries do not have the praised power of vetoes, but countries that could not have the real planetary power of what the spirit of the veto being a colonial power, were given it.

     The World War II was assimilated and marketed as the greatest factors of geopolitical power distributors, more than the economic partnership gives. This new world order creates the condition of a more instable politically world, we lose the geopolitical wars of vetoes.

    Then, the final war between the two nations warring for the world leadership, through rebellions, coup d' etats, wars between nations and civil wars. The cold war created a more instable political world with permanent war between the two nations as everything in the world on the political, economic and cultural during this times were done under this angles.  Those permanent climate of war lead to the lost of more human beings than the colonization did, and more than even the very deadly pre colonial era did.  And even after this cold war, that coronates the leadership of America on the world led to a more than ever instable world with lot of economic wars, rebellions, coup d' etat and Islamic terrorism more deadly than colonisation, all with the perspective of setting a system of organized colonization of the entire world by America for only the council who is benefactor of this power.