23 Mar

1. A great army

    The second most important element in regaining our natural power of world super power, is building the super powerful army of the world.  And any country of the world has such easiness and potential to do so than us- we have for so long the most power army on earth, it is only last century. We have the background of such army. We have the secret of such thing, we have the books and booklets for a super powerful army. England and Great Britain have already the germ of a super powerful army the all we need to do is multiplying that at a greater scale, meaning more men and more money for the military and that is what King George VII will do. No one has the leadership talent to do so than me, and I will do it. 

     Already we have certainly the most professional, well trained and experienced arm forces of the world that have been transmitted through a training experience coming from millennium experiences in fighting and warring in all the different corners of the world. After a super dynamic Foreign Policy the second most important element of a successful Brexit is a very powerful army. In the foreign politics arena a very powerful army is necessary to set and defend our geopolitical and economic interests in the different countries of the world. Currently, our army has very little direct presence in the strategic regions of the world, and even in our former colonies. It is in fundamental to have military presence in all the important corners of the world that is another sine qua non condition for making our country reshining and regaining its natural place of world leader. That goes with having direct military basis which would be the persuasive power of our Foreign Policy. Many give such funny argument as we do not have the economic capacity to do so. But, we are highly well classed as France, we have a far bigger Empire and economic Empire and capacity, and still France has more military bases than us all around the world, and it has officially more nuclear head than us. Why? Only because in France there is the will to make the country super powerful, in our country there is no such thing, patriotism is becoming a vain word, and no one is funnily surprised. And King George VII will end that, if France is doing it, it is only because it does not have any other choice to keep its colonial empire, and its status of world super power than doing that, the sixth when we are fifth and we cannot do even the half of what it is doing, by lack of will.

     Because though we do have High Commission and Consulates all over the world, if we do not have close military bases well equipped in men and weapons, our Representations voices will not be louder in their country of representation by lack of persuasive capacity. In having advantages to have a very important geopolitical strategy military bases no one has lot of easiness to do so than us. For example in Africa, Europe and even in the Middle East, lot of American military bases spaces are provided by us through renting, through our brilliant and wealthy colonial past influence. We cannot continue keeping this influence while in those territories we do not have a great military presence, when there is especially another country military bases with more military presence.  


    That is how in every Geo-strategic country we should have military bases, in country as in Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Fuji, in India etc. Those military bases will the persuasive power of our Foreign Policy: Representations and interests in all the countries of the world.


      Here is an important point that we will quickly solve, as currently our country is deeply unprepared to fight a world war as we have less nuclear heads, we has less soldiers than many countries, we have less weapons that many country as well, and more importantly we have very military bases. It is a classic that 21rst Century wars are won by having ready deployable soldiers quick and easy to be deployed on all the different corners of the area. Currently, we do not have such capacity that we will build quickly. Because it will be very naive not to prepare a world war, with the current emergence of Russia, and China, especially with the North Korean threatening to bomb America. The time is already for direct attacking threats and that shows enough about the level of the political discourse, which clearly on war. And it in our highest interests to be not only the winner, or among the winners of a world conflagration as here is where geopolitical cards are won. The ticket of super powerfulness is won with such opportunity.