27 Mar

This fascinating excerpt of Prince Charles explains how we, Anglo-Saxon have created the current world system and how the crown has been central in all that.Using the Culture  to Cement our National Identity

a)Short historical overview

      Any country in the history of humanity has been decisive and influencial in setting the current course of humanity than us. If the Italians with the renaissance have removed the abstract (knowledge)  from the dark middle age cave where it has been parket and let forgotten , we have contextuatilized, adaptated and gave a concrere useful application to  this knowledge. The ‘We’ mean Anglo-Saxon as English-Scottish, British in one word.

         But, what are even the reasons of the dark ages the human civilisation underwent from the fall of Roman Empire and its own cultural resuraction by the 16 century renascent Italians (Italia was the then Rome, center, capital of the Roman empire, in term of demography and geography)? Here happens a real sphinix phenonom because it was the same Rome which from its ashes ressusistate itself, through this renaissance which name stressed that fact, very elonquently. After the fall of Rome, all the different provinces of the empire went their own way as new independent countries: France, Portugal, and Spain went their own way. Rome (Italia) as the capital; the heart of the empire was destroyed. And all the civilisational knowledge was in Rome. The historic Greek scientific and literary books were all translated, and developed by Roman writers. The capital of the empire had the great scientists, poets, writers and thinkers. With the chaos and destruction of Rome, many of those scholars were killed, some flew the chaos. The libraries, the then center of pre-scientific inovation in the world of the science  were destroyed. Though the Roman empire is a warring empire than an intellectual one as the Greek empire. The Romans entire lives turn arounding extanding their empire than philosophing.

            The provinces have never been developed as the center, everything is in Rome, the capital. The pheripheric of the empire is essential rural and agricultural provinces which feeds the capital; which is the intelectual, political, scientific and military center of the empire.Those peripheric provinces could not continue the Roman civilization. Most of the time they did not espouse the ideology, and want go by their own, developing their own culture and languages (civilization). Rome by itself was not as Greece an innovative-intelectual empire, it is a warring empire, and cannot assure the perpetuation of the heritage of the Greek empire. The Atila and the other invaders, which occupy it, did not endorce either, the civilization, beside the fact they did not understand it as well.  
The décor was set for the Roman civilization to be let abandoned for a very long time. Meanwhile in the continent, the church profits of the chaos of the fall of Rome to set its mysthic and dogmatic authority on its traces; preventing every single useful literary and scientific work. It sees the sciences, and literatures as a threat to its authoritiy that it claimed from Rome, the deceased empire, which inventions, and ideas it kept hide, for using the religious precepts and tenets, which most of the time are dogmatic and for the survival of the Popish hegemony. Gradually, as the church authority  was weakening both by the determination of the renaissance thinking and  due to the irrelialist long domination of the sacred, the hidden Romans wonders were exposed, and developed by the Romans, writers, scientist and thinkers.

      It is then in the 16 century, we (the Anglo-Saxon) appropriate those renascent ideas, historic knowledge to which we set our intelectual and temperamental print. We contextualize; adaptate those knowledge.  William Shakespeare was surely the greatest and the first to vulgarize the Roman renascent knowledge in England, we own the battle against those who want England not use Italian renascent ideas, and languages and aspects in our English poetry and cultural world. Shakespeare, would not have been able to successfully implement those renascent ideas, without the help of the crown because it is quite well known that that Shakespeare's ‘Globe Theater’ were funded, supported and vulgarized by the crown. That underlines, quite well the contribution and the leadership of the crown, in the birth of the new world order. It explains why also why most of Shakespeare's plays are on the crown: histories of King and Queen, and Prince and Princesses. Only, the crown has the power, the temporal continuty, and the managerial idea of impulsing such intelectual and ideologic revolution.It advertizes him wherever it has been and in places in the world it went.

       The weakening of the crown power and authority lead to the destruction of our country, and the world. The power has been put in the hands of quick humour changing politicians who are divided; easily corrupted and easily manipulated to do everything harmful to our country. At an extent they open the way to their own lose of power as our economy has been privatized. The crown and our government has lost their power for the benefit of individuals who are most of the times, not even British.  Once again, who have been the builder of our nation, and empire if not the crown. A Great Britain without the crown is like a fish without water.