30 Mar

 Jun 08, 2018.
     In fact the Soviet Union though a politic super power, with one of the greatest army in the world then, and one of the advanced technology and scientific activity in the world had huge economic problem. It was still an agricultural and colonist elan country that did not have a striving economy and has a huge economic problem that easiered the council action in destroying. The Soviet Union economic system was its greatest problem in short and long term, it could not survive in a peaceful world, and the radical relaxation of the cold war, deprive it of its ideological alibi for conquering new countries for having economic compensation. There is also the dynamism of the independences that was started by the council 30 years back. The Soviet Union by itself was a heterogeneous union, with countries that do not share its identity to stay in a single state, all those are factors that easier the council work.

    In the Chinese front the Tshianmen uprising was in the same logic of the council to prepare the ground of a new economically and politically liberal China that would easier the economic empowerment of the country as the council was preparing it. That economic empowering would not be possible with a deep communist dictatorship, pressure needed to be applied on the Chinese leaders to guarantee more freedom and liberties to its citizens. So, there is not deep contradictory policies between Reagan and Bush's administrations. Though the latter was more for super powerful Russia, when Reagan advocated the American case than Bush did.
    Though it is connected and goes in the interests of the council, to have a less super powerful Soviet Union. When the country is very powerful it hardly arrived to influence it, though the current Soviet Union have huge power, but alone could not use all the different apparatus of the country. Beside even that, the council as we said it comes to choose a policy of a multi-polar world, as gradually with the two super powerful blocks it formed with the West block, championed by America, and the East by the Soviet Union. The patriots integrated  and developed their power in both of them at an extent that there were an on going fight over the position of Presidents of both country, as the two systems came to be then almost equal in terms of ground power, and the patriots at many regard even have more power than the council. Then, that was behind the council political decision to opt for a multi polar world for decentralizing its power.
    In the Soviet Union, the model that was adopted was to break the union in different independent countries, and to set democracy in the Russian Federation that would have the essential sets in the Federation, but still the dictatorship element was never abandoned with communism as general political  system. Nevertheless, the military and securitarian organisations are kept; and the Russian army kept its same power. In some cases it was the same Soviet Union  military leaders kept their power. Here is how the KGB though reformed kept almost all its power; and controlled the different apparatus of the country.