30 Mar

  This Part 14 of the council rules of illegality and unethical continues explaining how the council destroys American economy and power.

   We said the council destroy the American economy and political super powerfulness, and made China appropriating it mainly. Because economic power goes with military and political power the all are embedded. Never, an independent  country with a strong army and strong and independent political system as the Chinese becomes an economic super power, without being a world super power. Both are connected, as the council does everything for political controlling game which enables it to have huge control on its shadow power. So making of China the first world economy and political power goes in the sense of regathering its political power, and especially in new alliances made with many other all powerful and influential countries, and super powerful country as Russia. Because we all know the political alliances between Russia and China, the council did it for putting its interests in China-Russia alternative super powers logic.

   Why did the council chose to move its power, wealth from America to China? The question has many answers among them the most important: 1) China is a homogeneous country demographically than America with many people coming from many other country; 2) China is a hide dictatorship control by few elits, the top of the communist party, 3) China is opened to the world in terms of access. People and products belonging to the council get connected; 4) Transferring its power and wealth from America and the Western block to the other.

    In fact those politics of destroying American super power and economic leadership has been implemented by American Presidents under the council's influence. It is a planed politics, minutely applied. The all started with George Bush in 1989, President. It was just one year after he entered in the White House that China integrated the world economic body, that was the major step that initiated Chinese quick ascension as world super power. Bush also sets a system of visa lottery that destroys America already fragile demographic homogeneity. With this system every years around 50,000 people from all over the world were given American green cards and 5 years the American nationality.  It was also during his tenure that started the first politics of delocalisation of the American major corporations in China. Moreover, the greatest geopolitical shift of reorienting American economy towards Internet exploitation businesses started during his years in the White House.

    Bill Clinton continues the same politics initiated with Bush as over years, China was becoming a major world economy, many experts expressed their concern regarding that and the need of strong political decision from America to counter the country. Nothing was done in this sense and quickly products that comes from China that were associated to immoral products as coming from a dictatorial country where human rights were not respected ( Tshanian massacre was very recent)are find normal by the people. On this point it is noted that the different uprisings that lead to students demonstration was done by Ronald Reagan's administration, though it was during Bush's administration that it comes to maturation. Would Reagan on power then, he would act to have real democracy set in the communist country, somehow because the council has influence on him also.
      George Bush, the son continues the same politics initiated by his father, a decade back, though also took some measures to reduce Russian ascension among the concert of world powerful nation, with the nuclear shielder. On this point it is to be noted that politics of empowering China was done only for the sake of China being a super powerful nation of its own by the council. It above all aimed to resurrect through Russia, the power of the Soviet Union.

     In the cartel calculation any politics of promoting China as world super powerful nation would not be possible without a super powerful nation backing.  It is quite clear that China economic growth would not be possible without the direct and the indirect complicity of the Russian authorities. For years during Boris Elsin's administration, Russia was militating and helping China to become a world major economy everything that would be in Russia greatest interests through the geopolitical alliance between the two countries; they all have communist histories, both try to turn the page of communism in integrating the concert of nation.

     George Bush is an American President of Russian origin that has played a huge role in accepting the council planed politics of empowering China and Russia. His predecessor, Reagan had huge, good relation with the council, still he did not accept any politics of empowering China and Russia. He even did the quite opposite by favoring the end of the Soviet Union (communism).