Jun 09, 2018.
Penned by Prince Charles
It is with this well know title of the American hip hop singer, R-Kelly that we started this article. In fact, the history we are inking can be the support of any music, either classical, or jazz. The sound was the support in helping Prince Charles, the heir to the throne to hear his language, and to recall one of the most important moment he spent with his mother, before his kidnapping on April 13, 1983.
During the Christmas 1982, an important day not only in our country but in the world history, Prince Charles was with his mother and the other members of his Family. The gathering is in the importance of the day, a familial feast, a gathering one among persons that do hardly have time to gather in the same place. We feast together and we encouraged my mother who did the traditional Christmas Message to our Kingdom the same day on 3 pm. This unforgettable familial meeting is filmed in the above video, you have some parts.
Kid, I was, I was running and playing with the other kids in the hall of Buckingham Palace: William Bingo, Zara Philips, another kid, and Harry Charles called wrongly Prince Harry as he is not member of the Royal Family. When on the other sides my mother, father, cousins, uncle and aunts where conversing and we chase each other among the idle décor of the adults in the Palace. It is then that my mother comes to me and said ‘Can you remember what it is called’ and I said ‘no’. She told me the name, which she named ‘ Dash’ that she pronounced insistently and with a strong intonation, enough for me to never forget it and how can I forgot that clock stopping moment of family gathering. I asked then my mother ‘ Cause they fly?’ To that she answer ‘ Nooo… not yet…It may after it finishes with you…’ and then I did a kid playful gesture of dense laughing.
Prince Charles first plan in black dress.
Prince Charles in 1982 ( 7: 23)
Then my mom talked to William and said, ‘ Did you met the puppy…' then he run toward Prince of Wales. On the other hand, Princess of Wales was shown thinking kind of jealous how my mother was displaying love toward me.
She kneeled and called Zara, but it is not Zara that went up to her but it was me who was jumping and shouting happy I was.
Prince Charles second from left to right touching Harry baby
My mother was shown kind of happy to see her son playing close to her mother who hold Harry Charles baby in her arms. The scene that comes to its completion on 8: 38 intended to show also that The Queen Mother having lot of power. The all public conversations, and interactions scripts were written in its smallest details by the council. Still my mother's attention, kindness, and love displayed toward her son were sincere; reason why I remember them 32 years later.
Even at the beginning of the scene I was shown just behind my mother, close to the other kids with which I was playing, but never far from my mother, to whom I sometimes walk for playing. That is how the footage and the Christmas message ended.
Queen Elizabeth II during her 1984 Christmas Message (9:03)
After I was imprisoned in Niger in 1983, with the memory cleaning and the isolation from my language and race I never forget my identity, my family and the major events that made my life. Those identity, memories and events are the elements that define me as a person. The council and its mercenaries have done everything to have me forgotten them, as that is possible, as it is possible for a human being to live without heart and brain.
The isolation from my languages and race have been useless in making me forget my identity and family. Isolation from his own self is everything I have lived, imagine from October 05,1983 that my mother and the other members of my family left me in Diffa hostage, I never see a white person if not in 2001. I was in a bus when I saw a Canadian nun driving a bicycle. When it comes to my language, it is only when I was registered in junior school that I heard about it, and have my own language being taught to me under the angle to have me hate it. The teachers that were chosen to teach me my language are not even English teachers, they have very poor control of the language of Shakespeare, and they were asked to distort the little English they understand so that I did not recall my language. Because English is the only language that I have ever understood being my native language even with the 13 years of linguistic isolation, whenever you whispered an English word close to me I understand it. I could not answer back then, as I have forgotten the oral expression of my language, though a little recall of one week would have made me recalled it, definitely.
Nevertheless, how can I recall my language when the books with which I was taught were edited and printed such way, I would instead of attaching to my language and recall it, repulse it. As if I could hate myself as a person because my language, my mean of expression is everything that made me in terms of identity, culture and values: The Princely identity and reality never die or sleep in me. My language is my flesh; it is the blood running in me.
The book with which I was taught English is named English for the Sahel a typical manual of the mercenaries, every single word is weighted. Every single word is used to frighten me hated my language and to bully me with my imprisonment's memories, evidently nothing that could recall me my family and Kingdom were put in it. They are even many words that are not English that were put in the book, so that I could not recognize my language. In fact, most of the words use in the book are not even English, as written with mistakes, or deliberately use inappropriately regarding the syntax, and the semantics. Most of the words in the books are either from Nigerien local dialect, or the French language.
Their perspective of teaching English is even the the perfect way of not recalling it. In Niger, French being the official language, English is taught in junior and senior as a foreign language. Then it is with French that English is taught, not quite helpful to recall it, though still regarding our great and lively shared history with France, we have somehow the same culture, our languages were nurtured by one another language with the classical borrowing from each other. As we are different to borrow even from each other, we are all ‘Bretons’, as the political name of our Kingdom is Great Britain, the other Britain being in France with ‘ Bretagne. The only highly damageable influence is the use of local Nigerien languages totally different of our European languages that were used to teach my language.
The worst of all in the English learning manual, there are drawings that intended to frighten me to hate my language, as horrible scene for a kid . You can see here a lion eating up a man alive, pieces after pieces, and his blood being all around on the floor without any stars to dedramatize the terrifying scene for the kid. There are drawings with a kid falling and breaking his member. In fact that is for a kid the perfect way to scare and traumatise him, especially when this kid has experienced what I did. The few English words that were used in the book were written with mistakes, most of the time they are used to suggest the death of my parents , or I would be beat, or kill, if I told myself in my inner self that I understand my language. Everything that is quite funny, as they exploit my knowledge of my language to communicate with me and to frighten me to reject it. That is how the following of the English course, and the reading of the book became an intense traumatising moment of abundant flashing for me.
The council succeeded to castrate me from my language and race, as the prince is kept hostage, by black mercenaries, in an African country, and in area that for its poor aspect White did not go in it, even though they could be let in as they were not. It is the same with the language, I only heard only languages, the council wanted me to hear, as only got near me their mercenaries jailing me.
It is in this context that in 1996, I started hearing a sound of an American singer named R Kelly, that if you are young and love RNB you may know. She sang a sound entitled: ‘ You remember me something’. When I heard the title of the sound, and listen the music I recalled my mother, that midday of Christmas 1982, when she told me, ‘ Can you remember what is called…?. I did everything to see the clip of this sound, to use it as support to recall my mother. The council having understand it, have the singer edited a version of the music with a very tar black women, the worst scene to recall my mother, as there is lot racial passion in the wrong way the clip was done.
The content of my mother’s Christmas speech.
First of all it started, with Her Majesty sitting royally, but looking intently and really very sad and depressed by the imprisonment of her son, just one year back. Close to her on the study table, there were pictures, hardly recognisable, but that you think containing both me and Zara Phillips, or Prince of Wales and Princess Anne. Anyway the picture was put in this perspective, to see it the way you want, that is the goal of the council: meaning we jailed Prince Charles and we would replace him by Prince of Wales.
When, you see the Queen, it is obvious that she suffered of the imprisonment of her son, but the idea of the presentation of the message was: suffering in remaining royal as with her way of sitting.
In fact, she used the debarkation of Normandy to report the kidnapping of the Prince heir to the throne. During her intervention she called the monarchists to solve the problem pacifically and in dialogue. Always in the same spirit of creating peace, reconciliation and unity she talked about the Commonwealth as instrument of peace and cooperation between nations in the way to mean that we were all British, and we could solve our problems pacifically. Then, was shown, Prince of Wales and his family, if you can call it so because of what was presented as his family only Princess of Wales could be called her wife, none of the two others children were his, William is the son of Diana and her driver, a Congolese named Francois Bingo, and Harry has any blood relation with neither Princess and Prince of Wales. He has been forced and corrupt to accept them as his family, it is a secret for no one that the council aims to destroy our Royal Family by corrupting it.
In the footage of the Christmas message, the scene of Prince of Wales in his family is used with Harry baby, spilling saliva, and William sitting close to them to mean that Queen Elizabeth II is both crying her son imprisonment that she did personally and is strong as well. It is for this purpose that the inappropriate scene of Harry spilling the saliva was shown insistently and during minutes. To paint the Queen state of mind, she was shown kind of sad though strong on 4:56.
Prince of Wales, William and Harry in the arms of Princess Diana
Then Harry was shown with his innocent baby look, tainted with strength and the fragility of a baby discovering life.
Harry (5:31)
The sincerity in the superficiality of the event, sincerity because Christmas is a day of celebration, enjoyment of familial and social life, and superficiality as they were all asked to display supplementary excitement. As Prince Philip who displayed one of his pretty laughing, perhaps the most succeed of his life.
Prince Philip in the footage (6:59)
Still the division, not only in the Kingdom but in the Royal Family is perceptible on the Queen’s face after the coming fromthe familial scene.