Teaching the students practical English

  Prince Charles in the restaurent of Abdou Moumouni University he attended                  

April 26, 2018.

   Prince Charles in his humanitarian teaching always aims to help the students to have a practical thinking that will enable them to find their way in life. Everything I teach them as a practical implication and finality. Here is how instead of teaching them theoretical English disconnect with their personal, societal and national need, I teach them English that they need. They are young they love music, and popular cultural, especially American popular Hip Hop music that are in English, but they did not understand the messages spread in those music. That frustrated them a lot, as they are limited to stop themselves to the rhythm and the voice intonations without fully understand the music as the lyric play an important role in the delectation of a sound. Their need of understanding those lyrics is important as many times they either go on Internet to find a translation of those lyrics or they ask their teachers, who answer them he is not their playmate to translate them those lyrics as they find music as banal thing or useless, and that contribute to frustrate the students to hate the English that is taught to them because they see it useless and disconnect from their needs.  That made for the Nigerien student the English class hour is most of the time, an opportunity to not come at school or time to play.

   As teacher many times; students came to me and ask me what is the meaning of the 'word' or 'expression ' they hear in a sound and I translate them. And that motivate me to teach them the lyrics of those sounds, as my goal is to help in their choices, meaning teaching them the English they need. Because Niger is a Francophone country English is taught as second language, but still regarding the importance of the English language as the first international language; the language of business they need it, no matter the study them. For example no matter their future life carer to enjoy a real success they need the English language that will internationalize their work and talent as they can work with any person no matter its country; or culture as they will use English to communicate. So my humanitarian teachingtakesin accounts all those parameters. Here is why the first thing I do when start teaching in the class as I do also in all the classesI teach for humanitarian purpose,I ask the students why do theystudy, what is their plan for the future, meaning what do they want do once adult, and what they love regarding the English language.

   So my humanitarian teaching of a class is determined by the answer of those questions in function of how the majority of the student's answers. In case they answer not seeing the importance of the English language I explain throughmy courses; how it is important for them to know English. For me as English this is a fundamental point; in everything I did, I do my duty; and I defend the interests of our Kingdom as its language. It is not for nothing that for example I choose to teach those students a group of Nigerian singers, it has everything to have with our country deep attachment with Nigeria our former colony, an influent member of our Commonwealth. Of course, America is an important ally of our country, and  we have somehow colonize it just as Nigeria, and though not member of the Commonwealth we have a great  relation with it; surely one of the greatest in the world. But; the thing that dictate my choice of those Nigerian singers it is because the students by themselves love Nigerian hip hop artistsas they find it close to their reality and culture. For example the English that is used in those sounds is the Nigerian Pidgin a variety of English with local Nigerian dialect. So, they find themselves in those artists.

      In one word; my aim in teaching this practical English is making the students the main actors of their own instructions, in other words motivating them in making research and reading to understand the English language knowing that the few hours of courses will not be enough to make them understand the language. For example I taught those sounds under the perspective of showing them how to find the translation of the lyrics of those sounds by themselves, especially onlines. That is how I always put it references of the websites in which they can find those lyrics, and many other lyrics. 

 More, globally I explain how the new technology of Internethave easiered the English learning process with applicationsfor doing English exercise with their automatic corrections, applicationsto read words and many other relevant educative applications and websites. The all aim both to have them love the English language, and find their way in lives with not only English but with my teaching that empower them and show they can do everything by themselves.

                                                                                 Prince Charles and his father in Malta in 1982. 

 I did not also in my teaching teachany sound; I choose music that they love and which spread a message of change and call for the development of the society as this sound of P Square, in which clip you see kids with anti Aids T shirt.Just as the very message of the sound is to show to the Nigerian, African and world youth how by fighting and in believing in their power to do something for themselves and their countriesthey can be successful as they become. Because the two twins that are the singersof this group are young Nigeriansof modest social condition being born far from the capitals of the country, and fighting to make themselves knownboth in Nigeria and the world; without any mean if not their talents and their determination to become successful.

       I also explain through the study of this artists and text how they can be a successful Nigerien singersfor example by showing the reasons why the Nigerien musiciansare not known worldwide or cannot succeed with their arts,they sing in local dialect and that made only the local people understanding the language can love the music. So, I advise them if they want to succeed in life in the music industryin Niger; they need to sing eitherin French, or English or mixingthem in their sounds along with their dialects,

     I did all that my teachingthe message of those sounds through the artists that sing them in relation with their country and their aspirations. Beside all that I teach the students how to even sing those sounds, the goal being pushing them to have artistic task, and even possiblybecomemusicians.And all my teaching is done with the same approach for example I teach the same students British and English football club history and how they can use them to know the same success as those club and the people behind them do (We will publish articles on that as well). Below is the text of P- Square that I taught to those students:

Please, download the lyrics ans the text  study in the pdf format by clicking on the below links:

P-Square Story Lyrics.pdf

P –Square… the epopee of two twin brothers.pdf