Prince Philip in 1950s perspective with a 1980s body

Prince Philip

1. General description

     The council used all those who were close to Prince of Wales in 1948 and after put them in that time perspective when they were with me in order to put me in this perspective. Prince Philip as husband of Queen Elizabeth II is the second central person just after my mother to be put in that perspective. They have reedited all Prince Philip’s past in that 1940s and 1950s perspective with his appearance in the 1980s. All the major events of Prince Philip’s and my mother’s life have been reedited with him in 1980s appearance. 

        The council has a serious challenge because men do not take care of their body as women do with their make up, the diet, and the different care that slowered the process of oldering. There are many major changes in Prince Philip’s body- he became with time fatter. And there are wrinkles that appear on his face, no need to have healthy eyes to see that. To hide those dramatic changes usually the technique they developed was not getting closer the camera of him; neither did they zoom on him. 

       Never, our Royal family has been corrupted in its soul and principle than under the council influence. Prince Philip is also part of this system; he is its second centre, just after, Elizabeth II. He was biographed born in Greece and being part of the Greece and Danish Royal Family. That is totally false; Prince Philip or Jack Jack is only British and is totally from the English Royal Family. Prince Philip or Jack Jack is son of King George VI and Elizabeth Bowes Lyon. This is a secret for no one that my mother was made married her brother by the council on March 27, 1947 by the time they took control of our army and was preparing the palace coup against my father. 

     In fact the coup by itself became comprehensive in 1949; but it happens really in 1947 when they forced my father, King George VI to let marry his daughter and son. Both matches were under their control and agree to the match. I told you, there are under its influence.  Already, it is with their complicity in 1932 that my father, King George VI came on power. The council condition to let him take the place of his brother, King Edward VIII was to declare his children the female ones- Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret; and not to declare his males’ ones: Prince Philip his eldest son, John Jason and Prince of Wales the youngest of his children. 

     Who is the mediator of this deal? My grandmother, Elizabeth Bows Lyon, wife of King George VI; she is a Scottish and under the direct influence of the council. Their plan was simple Arthur George taking the power at the condition that Elizabeth Mary Alexander becomes Queen after him. 

       As years go on their power growing and they then move before even the death of my father as set to do a palace coup that starts really with the marriage of Elizabeth Mary Alexander and Jack Jack in anticipation of their taking over that will be official in 1952. 

        Their goal is simple being the only possessor of power. The ultimate purpose of that goal is destroying our country. They could not achieve their [the council members] goal with a real King, or real and strong Queen. But, they need to make a concession to Prince Philip also who normally should be the King as our Constitution sets it. Prince Philip is married to my mother, Elizabeth Mary Alexander so that he would be the second depository of power just after Queen Elizabeth II as her husband. The union made him logically her Consort. 

                                                              Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

      Neither things are not like this with the council illegal orientation- neither the Elizabeth II, nor her consort has the power: the council only has it all. The power is shared between the children of my father King George VI and his wife, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon. Prince of Wales is depicted as the son of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip; his consolation being he was promised succeeding my mother. Margaret was made the third owner of power after Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, and the Queen Mother. She was the mother of all the different Prince and Princesses that populated our Royal Family. In other words, if Prince of Wales was not made King one of her children was promised to be. When, John Jason by himself is not included even indirectly in the Royal Family, but her children were included, especially with his deal regarding my kidnapping. Independently to that he received as consolation the control of Galveston, a wealthy American country in which we have lot of oil exploitation companies. In one word the all is organised such way that the council is the only possessor of all the power. Why did they break the power such way, thing that has never been done in our English family? The reason is simple they want make all of them their pupates through bags of scandals and immoral things they push them doing so that they have all power to make them destroy our country without them resisting by using any conscience because they do not have all the power. Their goal is simple destroying Great Britain for having Scotland independent. To achieve that they destroy Great Britain’s power for America to take it and then using it as an instrument to have Scotland independent. 

        King George VI is my father also, as the English patriots refuses our country Constitution and fundamental law of succession not being putting in parenthesis; they put the pressure on the council to let Elizabeth II having her own biological son. That was the concession the English and British patriots made them, letting her ending her reign; but her son to born Prince Charles should succeed her as he has the absolute right. In addition, that was done for preparing the liberation of our country by having a Prince heir to the throne that will be English or a British simply one; not Scottish King being part of a network of destroying our country.  The concession they find was having a son from Queen Elizabeth II and King George VI that would born in the wedlock of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, and an adoptive son of John Jason and Baroness Martin that the council uses to prepare my kidnapping by taking me picture to depict me as their son only.

      Nonetheless, Prince Charles is born in wedlock and son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. And have in mind that Prince of Wales is not son of Queen Elizabeth II; Prince Edward is son of Princess Margaret and Prince Philip; Prince Andrew of the same Princess Margaret and Prince of Wales; Princess Anne was from Princess Margaret and Prince of Wales. All were born out of wedlock. Where is Prince William son of Princess Diana and a naturalised Canadian of Congolese origin and Prince Harry that of Prince of Wales and Princess Margaret born out of wedlock also because Diana Spencer (Iren John) was not his mother as I proved it. Far of me justifying what isn’t needed. I am born in wedlock from Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. For saving and liberating our country, any sacrifice is bigger. That was the motif of my father, King George VI’s sacrifices. Nothing, worst for our country, than seeing its fundamental Constitutional of succession putting in bracket by having a non son of Queen Elizabeth succeeding her and for the second time. Putting our Constitutional fundamental law to succession to the throne once again in bracket, will be fatal to our country.

          As for all their other pupates for bringing them in the Royal Family they create them new identity depending to their need to keep our country hostage or empowering the person. They have to explain how the person is from the Royal Family without knowing it. With Prince Philip they played it collaboration and partnership between England and continental (Greece) and Nordic Europe (Denmark). The strategy is simple an English Royal Family grounded in continental and Nordic Europe. Nevertheless, by declaring him being born in Curfu in Greece the continental Europe on which the stress is put, and remembers that Europe is central for them in keeping our country under domination. They have used it through its institution as NATO and some leaders they corrupt to carry on their palace coup in 1952. Then citing them means no more, no less; they are their partners in maintaining our country hostage. Making Prince Philip as from the Greece and Danish Royal Families is a quite well known clear acknowledgement of that. 

      There strategy is very interesting here, they sharpened Prince Philip as from a Greece, Danish origin from his father; and exclusively British (English) from his mother. His father was reported to be King George I of Greece’s son whose reign ended in 1917. The date is important because if they tied him to a recent King people would ask why they did not know him as part of the Royal family. Plus, to hide more their lies, they declared Prince Philip’s father the seventh son of the King. You know quite well the problem with Princes more they are down in terms of elderness more they are less known. They have few chance of being on the throne. King George I is from the Greece and Danish Royal families, as his mother is son of the Danish King Christian IV and his wife Constantinova Olga a Russian (They have to flatter then their Russians accomplice, especially the President Joseph Stalin the then President with whom they have the deal) and the French also; Prince Andrew was declared lived in exile from 1930 up to his death. What is quite funny people did not have the mean to verify those information because then there is not Internet; there is not even TV, or radio ( It was in 1932 that BBC started broadcasting). And they made the false tie after in 1947; 30 years after the death of the King. No way for you to know that it was a lie.

      Prince Philip’s mother is reported being Princess Alice of Battenberg born in Windsor Feb 25, 1885 and dead in England also. Then, they move to create her a Royal connection by depicting her as the great granddaughter of Queen Victoria and second remote cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. A smallest deceiving English ancestry is given to her, and logically to her son, Prince Philip the Consort. The goal was to balance the fact that Elizabeth II is from Scottish mother and English father. It is a deceiving English root because Prince Philip is under the influence of the council, a group of high ranking Scottish officers in our English army. What is funny is how they give a network of false parents to their pupates aiming to flattertheir accomplices in their taking hostage of our country. 

       They managed then to forge a network of family in England to Prince Philip but they also link it to its direct parents that they portray like his adoptive family. Our family for the occasion is renamed Moubatten to hide its real name (Also on the ground that the name Battenberg which sounds too much German according to them is replaced by the English sounding Mounbatten) and they played on words to imitate our family which has root in Germany.

       Prince Philip’s father, King George VI is given the appellationof Louis Mounbatten of Burma. He is made a high rank British naval officer. Hardly was my father’s face being hiden; he just adpoted a special hairdress style. And King George V is made the First Earl of Moubatten for example on the wikepedia page of Louis of Mounbatten they just posted picture of him. In an ambiguousway they tied him to my great grandmother, Queen Victoria which inrealityas in their cover up was his mother. They did not say he was her eldest son, no; otherwise, he would be the King. The all is depicted as he was just one of her sons. Nevertheless, they did not rule out that he was her eldest son. The connection is done through his cover up mother’s side, Alice Battenberg, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. 

NB: To this article, we posted a precious picture of my mother’s weeding on November 20, 1947 at it you can see clearly on the right of the picture Prince of Wales standing from the top of is 5 years old. That shows clearly that he is not Queen Elizabeth II’s son. Moreover, you can see there are guests who attended the weeding and are ready to confirm that it is indeed Prince Wales at my mother’s weeding.

2. Physical growth of Prince Philip


  32 years of physical growth has huge impact on a human body, especially that of a man who did not make up. The council to put me in this 1950 perspective faced all those challenges. 

    His face as well as body have undergone radical changes.

                                                                     Prince Philip in 1940s.

a. Prince Philip’s face 

                                                                               Prince Philip young in 1930s.

                                                                                                  Prince Philip kid in late 1920s. 

                         Prince Philip and John Jason in 1930s.  John Jason Jack is a non publicly reported brother of Philip both sons of King George VI.  

                                                        Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II in 1930, both children of King George VI.

                                Queen Elizabeth II in 1970s so that you can compare and see that it is really my mother with his brother Prince Philip.

                                         Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in Balmoral in 1983. Here she is pregnant of me  

                                                                                 Prince Philip in late 1930s.

                                                   Prince Philip in 1960s.

                                                              Prince Philip in 1960s with Prince Andrew.

                                             Prince Philip, Zara Philips and Prince Charles in Ham Polo Club on April 17, 1983 during my kidnapping.

                                       Prince Philip, Nancy Reagan; Elizabeth II and Ronald Reagan in September 1983 in LA during my hostage keeping there. 

      Prince Philip’s face underwent the same changes basically as that of my mother’s. The only difference is the pace of change because as man he did not make up. His faces that were small and flat became gradually long and open gradually. His temple that was once short became extended; his eyes that were small in the past grow bigger. His nape of neck became pointed also. His head appears almost bald and gradually were less deep black as they were at the beginning. 

       His face was so pointed at an extent that he laughs by opening his lips and cheeks to make it flat. To reduce the openess of his nose with them in their propaganda videos; he closed and pointed his mouth so that the nose became less opened but this is in case they film him from far as in this case the longness of the nose appears less.

        Major point on all the different pictures and videos of Prince Philip of 1980s beside that of the stagging of my christening in 1948 perspective with which they did to his face heavy make up for the occasion; the wrinkles appears on his face especially in the area of his eyes.

     Have in mind to defend their propaganda they hide all the videos and pictures of Prince Philip and only place everywhere on Internettheir stagged videos and pictures of the main events of his life-his weeding, and different visits in this perspective of Prince Philip of 1980s that they were decided to make of 1950s. It is only on independent media as Maire Claire, or Daily Express that you can see true videos and pictures of him in the 1950s and 1940s.  They think by putting an old wine in a new bottle they can make it new. 


                                                                   Prince Philip in 1950s.


                                                   Prince Philip is right.

    The body goes the same transformation; it becomes fat, and flat and very muscular; remember he did the army and became even a commander. Whereas young, he was thin.  Moreover, his shoulder and chest became wide. 

                                            Prince Philip first, Princess Anne, elizabeth II and Prince of Wales in 1960s.

                                                                   Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Zara Philip and Prince Philips in 1983 in Balmoral.

                                                     One of the propaganda picture of the council, Prince Philip and Elizabeth II in 1983, you see the difference.

                                         Of course they are not his parents, Prince Philip is in the middle.