Prince Charles teaching in CSP Lako for humanitarian purpose

 Prince Charles in 1A Lako

April 25, 2018. Revised Nov 14, 2018.

   CSP Lako is one of the first historic school of Niger. It is less than 1 mile from the centre of Niamey (the big market, the commercial centre of the city). Nevertheless, the school is around 5 miles from the place I was jailing. 

                                                                    Lako's 1A student. Prince Charles teaching during the academic year: 2015-2016.

                                                                     Two 1A students of Lako in the yard of the school, in the opposite side of their class.

   It was a great risk I took to teach in the school, the council and its accomplices want to kill me. Among many they intend to do it by killing  me on the road from airport to Lako. Every single time I took the bus for going there it is with the prospect of being killed. Still the council killing threat could not prevent me doing good as I was determined to do.



                                                     Second students.

      Lako is really a big school of Niamey not to compare by any way to Success through its equipments ( the building of the schools) and in term of internal organization. Success is a very modest school comparatively to Lako, and the teaching conditions are very hard in Success, I love every second of it, as my goal is helping those kids. But, I will not certainly declared that Success pupils being more unfortunate and living sad life need my help more than Lako's students who enjoy a relatively good living conditions than them. I do not only want help the poor kids, but also the rich kids, they are all in need of life changing notions, they all need purpose in life. They are all in quest of a saving hand. 

                                                       Second students.

         First of all, Lako is a very big school, with classes in cements equipped with electricy having light, and fans. The table and the blackboards are in good conditions. It is easy to teach those kids under this angle as the basic materials are there. Beside that the sun's rays did not boil my brain as in Success. Nonetheless, for me matter less those parameters and only matter the humanitarian work.

      In Lako I was given high school classes: a Second class, two Premiere Classes 1ere D, and 1ere A and two terminal classes: TA and TD. Those classes go with my qualification as Master II ( Meanwhile in 2015 when I was in Success I defended my Master II thesis and had the diploma). 

        There also in Lako the students and the teachers are all under the influence of the council and its accomplices. The students are of the same skin as those of Success. They are almost all either prisoners, stealers, rappers. They are many who are even covered up dead in other words to be clear their death have been simulated either through accident, or sickness. They are then fabricated a new identities, and they use them as they want as terrorists, stealers, rappers, prostitutes, or even policemen or soldiers the all depending of their needs and their planning for each of them. And it goes without saying that as in Success all the students that I taught in those classes identities have been changed. They were forged false and criminal birth and national certificates as there are many that are not even Nigeriens. In Lako I taught many Ghanaians, Nigerians, Burkinabeses, Tologoleses, Benineses to cite few. They share one thing in common they are fictive human beings as all declared dead. Still they are human beings as any, and more than any human being their exceptional life situation made that they relatively need more help than any other kids. In the classes when I make investigation there are only an average of two students that are normal kids, to mean living with their families and having a normal life, though the identities of those students were changed also. There are even classes in which there is any normal kid. But, their living conditions are at all regard  better than the kids of Success. 

    They are all pupated to disturb my humanitarian teaching intending to help them but clearly less than in Success. Because there are few countries that are engaged in the ruling of the school, it is only France and Great Britain mainly. The relative great power of Great Britain in the school made that there is less sabotage of the teaching, less tortures. 


  In Lako also the council had huge influence, the students do not let me helping them as I am highly qualified to do so through my diplomas and experiences. Whenever I start explaining a notion for giving them more insight on it, the students are pupated to disturb the classes, either by conversing with their table mates, or by going outside. Still I fight to give them the best I could life saving notions, and insights regarding the English languages that I teach them.I explained them how speaking English saves the life of a person by giving him/herthe pragmatic and concise mental frame that enable him/her to have ideas to create successful business or invent a product that changed his/her lives and the humanity. To do so I exploit the program under utilitarian angle by remaining faithful to it. We studied in class texts on notions, or things they need to know. In Prince Charles' perspective it is not only English that they learn, but politics, cultures, sports, sciences and literatures. A course could not be more fascinating and interesting. Of course though pupated to disturb the class, it appears clearly in their eyes shinnng of joy that they love the teaching, they love life that is teaching to them. Indeed life is made a teaching subject.

                                                                                           Prince Charles and TA students.

                                            Prince Charles and  TA students.

     In fact with Charles the teaching was not one, properly speaking because I hate the concept of teaching someone. I rather prefer guiding the others to find their ways. Every human being has the natural capacity to understand everything as his fellows, we shared the same knowledge potential capacity. Newton being a human being, his inventions, and discoveries are transmitted biologically and through education to every human being. One just needs a guide to find the cache of those precious ideas. It is here, that comes the teacher or the guide call him as you want, who has just the merit of finding the place those ideas were hidden, before the students. 

                                                    Some students doing their physical course in the school yard.

     A guide will help them rising the best in them. A teacher would transform them in robot incapable of thinking by themselves, incapable of sitting to think and solve their problems. Worst they will be incapable to do good for the society as they cannot come up with ideas to create their own business giving jobs to the others and developing their communities. The best education is the one that responsabilised the student but not the one that belittles him. What is the all concept of education about? What is the genius of school? What is the all for? Just sharing the other fellow human being experiences in the different fields that is what called the curriculum. In physics was shared the experiences Newton had, the problems Faraday solved. So was with the other disciplines, in literature Shakespeare's or Hegel's vision of human society are taught through their work. The all intend to tease the creative minds of the students through those examples, the others intend inspiring them to build those knowledge. By no way that should be an excuse or a way to make the students depend of those scholars just as not of the teachers. Otherwise education does not free, but ties; education do not save but intoxicated the others with dreams and nightmares of the last generations about the problems they encounter and solved in their lives in relation with their times and their realities.

      They need to converse to build the course, to solve problems. The all is more about getting used in being pragmatic to solve  problem. Reason why  Prince Charles teaches with the collaborative skills, I teach also by just creating the cadre for the students to identify a given problem and exchange with each others  it. The all they need is guiding principle and methods to solve problems. It is such way that the students get out of the course, enriched not impoverish of empty and abstract concepts that he never uses in his life as not relevant to his generation or not proper to his society and its needs. That made my courses are set in concret tasks as much as their society need them, as much as their needs of English learning needs it. 


                                                                     A large view of the students of  TA.

     To TD students I taught them the scientific English, with its words and concepts. I gave them text relevant to great scientists to give them an insight about their lives and countries and their realities. TA students benefit of the same attention with as much as useful activities on writing, poetry, oral conversation, or how to made a speech, or translation. Indeed what is the all about if not teaching a given language; if not mainly to contextualize with the language what the learner already mastered. 

       The students of Lako, though particular were the best for that. Of course there again the council and its accomplices do everything to sabotage them and I did everything to neutralise their sabotage and give them the best of the teaching possible. As a major inventive idea I gave to those students themes to prepare and present to their mates. The aim being familiarizing them to working with the others to create businesses and develop their countries. For that they need to know how to sit around a table think about a problem and think to solvine it by respecting each other. 

     Still I did the best I could to overcome the difficulties I encountered in teaching them and giving them the best of English, the best they need to know in relation or not with English for giving a meaning to their lives. Captives of heartless systems, they can save their lives, they can reduce their pain if they come to show being useful in a given field or another for the countries that control them, other way the perspective was to make them dirty works reason why they were covered up dead.

    Those students were pupated to torture and bully me as much as they could as much as the cover up allows as much as their controllers could. With time the first thing I think when you whispered me the word 'Lako' is the life I do, I save their lives and I brightened their dark eyes darkened by pain and injustices. The second thing when you whisper 'Lako' is the infrared burning I experienced there. That is the main torture I live there and it is very painful. Twice those burning sickened me, for days. While I was doing the course they oriented their phones towards me either in their hands, or hide them in their bags that they directed towards me. In a matter of quarter I felt fever, headache and hallucinations. The gesture was of nature of disturbing the course , still I got used to it, though when one never used to pains and tortures. I just endure it for the sake of doing good or helping them. Still I am extremely proud of the work I do there, and those students are to write history are to revolutionise the world in them I plant the seed of change. 

   In Lako Charles teaches also for humanitarian purpose. They pay well than in Success almost 2 Pounds the hour, almost the double than in Success. Still for me both are good and important and I am looking to implement humanitarian life changes actions as this ones in Great Britain and the world at greater extent that is the all about. The British crown has saved and developed the world: creating industrialization, capitalism, increasing life expectancy and banning and ending bad practices as slavery. We have done everything great in this world, for not being able to do it for ourselves, once more will free our Kingdom.

      Do you regret something in what you do in Lako? I live to regret anything, because I live to do things the best I could at every given time. That made when that time past, I had any regret upon doing the best I could in relation with the time and context.

   The videos and the pictures I posted in this article are for the essential took by the same students, that was manipulated to disturb their own instruction as you see in the videos, then it all make sense that they have been asked to shoot those videos in a bad way sometimes by playing with their mates, sometimes by running, or taking scenes they should not be taken the way they did. 

     Still those videos worth the world for giving you an insight of Prince Charles' humanitarian teaching. Being prisoner did not prevent us doing do goods. Bear also in mind that the time, those videos were taken just as since his birth and even more than before the prince is a public personality, endless people watch his life every second with phones (smartphone has an feature that allows to film a remote person with the camera of his phone), and satellites which have far better videos high precision images because the Nikko camera lenses with which I shoot those pictures has been blackened and distorted to blacken and distort the heir to the throne face. Indeed the professional pictures and videos cannot replace those ones as taken by the prince for some with his camera and his knowledge. The particularity of the Prince shooting is that he knows what worths to be shoot.

  I taught in all those classes until the end of the academic years, Jun 2016. The next year of course,I was illegally denied continuing teaching in the same school, the council plots to make that not happened. For months, I could not do the good I want to do.

  I have loved teaching in all the 5 classes I received that year. The class I enjoy the most was 1ere D it is a class of few students (5 students). It was as a class should be, for the students to be participative and understand it. It is a class easy to be monitored as there are few students. They are exceptional students: Yahay, Aicha Varino Bawada, Daouda and David . That is my perfect class, in that class I receive a likely average cooperation let say at 55% to help those students.

                                                          1 D student of Lako  of the academic year 2015-2016. This is my best                                  class. From left to right: David, Aicha Varino, Baiwada, and Dauda.


     Prince Charles and the students of 1D. From left to right Aicha Varino , Prince Charles, Bawada, and Yahaya

         Prince Charles and the students of 1D. From left to right Aicha Varino , Prince Charles, Bawada, and Yahaya.


                                                             Prince Charles