Prince Charles taught for humanitarian purpose

April 23, 2018.

The prince always has clear inside call of helping the others, and he intends to do so among many through education. Since I was young, I always want to help the other with my knowledge. Through my exceptional life full of injustices and then of wisdom I come to understand that the reason of every wrong or evil is ignorance: knowledge is joy, wisdom is happiness. This is on the existential philosophical side. But on the purely utilitarian angle wisdom, knowledge is the foundation of every wealth and success either in economics or in politics.  All the men and women who throughout history comes to be rich it is through most of the time an idea, an innovative one that changes their lives and that of humanity. Almost always those persons though having those ideas and being convinced that carried the seed of success for themselves and the others do not have the financial mean to implement those ideas. They have to fight to show through the successful application of those ideas that their ideas worth of being applied and their causes need to be helped and rallied. Here is how Mark Zuckleber, or Steve Job come to be successful and knowing all financial success possible in this world. Still at the beginning they just have the innovative and revolutionary idea but do not have the mean to apply them. It is against all odds were the beginning of their career in business or in the application of their projects. Job started applying concretely his innovating idea, Apple in the garage of his parent. He does not have even the financial mean to have a proper house for implementing his business. So, hard and difficult was the beginning of Facebook the wonderful revolutionary idea of Zuckerberg that changes the face of the world by putting people together.  Today it needs no genius, any effort to show how useful facebook is to the mankind: a wonderful universe, platform of change and innovation on all walk of life either in politics or in the cultural level. Facebook helps setting democracy in many countries through the people that use it sensibilized and mobilize each other. Facebook is used to sell products and services. 

    Recently one of the readers of our movement BCST aiming to set real Constitutional rule in our country commented on of our facebook post reported our website article of the British fighting to free their country. This reader, who is from Philippine, commented our publication by asking if it is with free website that the British are fighting. First of all, we want to thank him for taking the time to comment our posting, that means lot of thing for our country, and our fight which does not only aim to free ha Great Britain, but the entire world keeps hostage by the council which control a good deal of the world through third person, and long time political partnership. This huge influence of the council on the world has made never have this world being victim of chaos from the radical Islamic terrorism to wars as in Syria with innocent people killed. Our answer to this good reader is Facebook and Apple. It is the resistance to the Nazi colonization of many European countries which started most of the time in London, with a small group of patriots with very few means, but who through the noble cause they defend come to have the needed help to free their country. Among those example, General De Gaul who from London created the French resistance to the Nazi is a good example. The entire world have seen how great this resistance has been gradually until chasing the Nazi from France.

  So Prince Charles has always been fascinated by teaching all in humanitarian spirit, helping the others, giving meaning to their lives. Since I was even student at the English Department in Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey I taught regularly my classmates the same courses we all follow and that I come to understand well and quickly than them because English is my language and I have natural aptitude superior to theirs and I invest endless effort to understand the courses than them through intensive reading and exercises treating. Before even finish university studies with the Master I wanted to teach. I even started before presenting my Master I thesis in a private school of airport named Famey. It is the only school the prince could find to teach regardless the great need of the poor country in terms of English teachers, Niger being a francophone country- the council prevented me having a teaching position all the different private schools of Niamey. I submitted many CV at least 20, and it is only this school that invited me to teach. There also, barely did I start to teach in high school Second and Premier the first and second grades of senior school did the council had me sacked. My mistake was giving to the students a text talking about BBC coverage of the Libyan civil war in 2011. I did any political exploitation of the text I just use it as support to teach the students English. Here is how regardless the way the students loved me and I was brilliant at the teaching, I was sacked and did not find any teaching position for months until 2012 I did the test for Nigerien public school teachers for the city of Niamey. Because then I registered in parallel and want do a Master II. But, once again the council uses its power to transfer me in Dosso in another region of Niger close to Niamey. Nonetheless relatively far from Niamey the capital of the council as you have to put 3 hours at least to cover the around 139 km that separated Dosso from Niamey. The reasons are multiple the greatest one the roads are in bad conditions. My only ambition was helping the others with my knowledge and I could not do it and that hurts badly. 


                        Prince Charles giving sense to children's lives in CSP Success

                          Prince Charles right eating during March 2014 break in Success in the administration of the school.

   Here is the collegue, phylosophy teacher who took the picture, he is named Ruga we did the university together, in Abdu Moumouni University.

 I even almost lost heart in teaching again when a friend of mine, named Jah came to me by I remember quite well the month of November he told me that he could find me a teaching position in another private school of Niamey, airport named Success. When he said it I did not believe, and do not think in the smallest corner of my brain that he could find it. He took my CV and told me days later, when I even forget the matter that the school principal invite me to come teaching in the school in Second School as he explained him that I freshly come from university and do not falsely have any teaching experience. Based on that the principal at the meeting gave me two second schools classes a 5 eme and 4eme, the second and tird grades of secondary school when I am qualified to teach at high regarding my diploma and my experience. But I love the all idea of teaching of serving humanitarian, helping those kids in quest of knowledge that would changed their lives. And I was the perfect man for that, strong of my diploma and teaching experience all the past years from 2010 I was teaching online as I was managing. Prince Charles became through his talent a planetary well know artistic and political management, who has shown through practice very great successful practice his talent of managing (teaching).


   There my great desire to help those kids met the council determination of torturing Prince Charles wherever it can. Because remember quite well it was hostage that the prince studied from primary school up to university despite all odds especially alimentary intoxication, especially bismuth poisoning that give terrible headache and prevented concentrating and thinking properly. Those kids were used to torture prince in his own determination to do good, to help those kids. The students were pupated to disturb my class by teasing each other, when I was teaching or committing any action that goes in the sense of disturbing the course. Still it never occurred to me to stop helping those kids, never. 


  Among them there are a non marginal group who are dedicated to study but even them were manipulated to be participative of their learning purpose. Only few revive the lesson I did them. Very few bring for example the English reading book at an extent that it is very hard to teach them, especially when your determination to help is used against you. I feel very frustrate to see that I could give the world and could not see that manipulated they were, and the council care less about that, it only aims to use my desire to help them against me. Still the best I could I taught them, which the best I had in fighting to fill my passion of helping those kids. I fought strategically with the council such way to teach those kids, the best method I found to that was surprising whenever, I did not inform the kids days and hours before they did not have the time to prepare them sabotage the learning purpose. Even with that in this era of mobile technology available to all those kids that have them, in matter of seconds they received message intending to inform them what to do to reduce their own understanding by sabotaging the course. In fact many time when I teach them an item and they demonstrated they understand it, when minutes later I asked them the same question or similar question they could not answer as they were asked to do. Moreover, those kids were used to torture the prince by the behalf of the council and its accomplices. They were used to torture and bullied me indirectly, by making traumatizing references to my very painful past. 

  I used very innovative techniques to teach those kids the best English possible, and especially the best that is useful for them. Here is how the teaching and tests were done such way to not only rise the innovative mind in those kids but to give them purpose through them, especially with example of kids of their age having dreams of a successful life.


                                             Who are those kids? 

    They are so often students very hard to be taught, though the most needed of education. They are sons and daughters of the mercenaries the council were using to keep me hostage in the area, airport. A group part of them are orphans took from orphanage and enrolled in the school. A non marginal group of them are group of kids kidnapped from their parents, so are reported dead when alive for the council to bring them and making what it wants, soldier, stealer, raper everything it thinks necessary.  So did not even do the lower intermediary classes at an extent that teaching the English language is very hard, when especially the kid did not do the first or second grade where he is taught the basic of the language as the alphabets. 


  Always seeing how they need education, I did everything to help by motivating them and having their natural and instinctive complicity against their owners will. To arrive that I display a behaviour of understanding them, I do not judge them, I advise them as friends, though many are enough young to be my kid, through their age. By creating natural connexion, and complicity I easiered the learning process. I set and present the course accordingly to their need in terms of English learning, in function of their passions and dreams. Many of them are almost adolescent, the all they want is an innocent and love available world for them to live as every normal kid. They love sport, especially football, they love music as well, especially the American and Nigerian hip hop groups. I elaborated them study text on their passion on sport and music. I even presented course intending to translate their favorite hip hop sound in French. I do also indeed learn how to sing those sounds. It was very funny, and that is their favorite classes, as never did the class and amusement are confounded. The sound I select to teach them is the history of a duo of Nigerian hip hop singers made of two twins named the P Square. I also learn them how to sing on of their greatest sound Story. A sound that talks about how they started their successful musical career.

   Charles even with his very limited means buy chew gum or candies that he placed as award for the kid that do a good action tending to understand the course, it can be when he answered correctly a question, or do an exercise. With this techniques I made my course as a moment of relaxation, of amusement for the non marginal group that want to learn. Indeed at purpose I want the class animating because a language learning class should be lively. The students should be given the opportunity to converse with their mates regarding the course. With Prince Charles, teacher practice before everything and the course is taught under the angle to make them creative and rise in them curiosity.  

    Still it is hard and painful, every day after the few hours of teaching those kids, most of the time I had 4 hours the day, I felt terribly tired and sick. I spent the remaining part of the day in fever, and headache all created by the kid contamination, gazing, disturbing of the class, and noise. To arrange nothing a good part of those kids are pre adolescent who through their age are very instable and have a great rebellious energy.

   In success few months after I started teaching, I was added two more classes a 5em and 4eme, second and third grade classes. I spend all this academic year teaching those classes. The next year in 2013 2014 I was given three classes, a 5eme, 4eme and 3eme. This academic year was of fighting to continue in the same helping perspective of those kids. I know quite well they are all pupated not to follow well the course, but for me every single kid educated or to who I transfer my expertise and knowledge, it is thousands, millions of other changed through the seed of change that spreads in the society in domino effect fashion. 

     My classes were disturbed by the council through the same kids I aimed to educated, especially the 5eme and 4eme students, the most young. Tough it is to teach kids that do not receive any basic social education by being brought up to become what the council and its accomplices want them to be. For some the plan was to make them properly stealers those kids education is deliberately sabotage and they are brought to become stealers. Registering them to school is just a small break in their sad life. Many were not even registered if not in option. In fact the 5eme classes have more around 120 students per classes. You have to see how small those classes to understand how they are crowded and how it is very hard to keep discipline in such class made of kids with difficulty. It is only during the composition that you some of the students, and can have almost the integrality of the students. There are many students who were just recruited for doing only one course and then disappear and you never see him again. He was only registered and used to carry out a given mission in the torture of Prince Charles. He could have been selected because he looks on of the relative of the prince that they want him to forget. It could be just to use the student to send message to the accomplices regarding the hostage keeping or any other matter that concern them.

3eme S4 classed Prince Charles hold in Success during the academic year: 2015-2016.

   The classes of Success are at 95% in hay, the remaining 5% in cement are just high school classes, though the school is a private school. Success is a private school created by the teachers of the public CEG 20, just few yards from the school. In other words all the classes I teach are in hay, and both me and students are highly exposed to the sun rays that infiltrate the classes through the hay roof. The ground not been cemented when the students were walking in the class, or play the soil dust rise and cover the entire class, asphyxiating everyone and giving headache. When it is hot the classes is very hot due to the lack of proper roof, and when it is cold the class is very cold as well as the hay are not enough compact to prevent the outside fresh air to enter. Prince Charles helps those students in a very hostile conditions. Almost of the time, I teach in headache and fever due to the conditions of the classes, the students disturbances and their gazing and burning of the prince with their phones. Indeed almost most of them have cell phones that they use through the infrared to burn the prince.

   In addition both the students and teachers are controlled by the council and its accomplices. They all play the roles assigned to them, and almost always it is torture role. The teacher, old could not be used to disturb the prince as the small poor kids. But, the teachers were manipulated through the created contact with me, to bully or militate indirectly for my torture through their indirect conversation. 



                                                                                Download the test in Pdf: Father of great hope 5éme.pdf

                                                                                Download the 4eme class test: The mother all evils 4émé.pdf

   The only small relief I could have is while teaching the relatively superior classes as 4eme and 3eme made for the essential of adult students, who though all mercenaries are responsible, adult to be fit to be used by the council to disturb me, either by teasing each other, making noise or doing hostile actions that is of nature to prevent the well going on of the classes. Of course, I love teaching in both setting, but naturally I come to love and have relief in teach the superior classes for two main reasons. The greatest reason is through my diploma a Master I with which I started to teach in Success, I am supposed to teach in high school. Beside even the diploma consideration I was also a great artistic and political management who manages everything the world has as political leaders. I manage the presidential campaign of many President ( American among many), and Prime Minister (British among many). I am a great intellectual, a great political manager and philosopher who is made of developing, innovating ideas and concepts that fits well the superior classes program which for the essential focused on the teaching of literary and philosophical concept through the English language. For superior level the essential of the classes are on political, philosophic and scientific text studies. There is very few elementary grammar teaching (in the beginning English teaching in secondary school in Niger, the courses turn around teaching the basic of the languages to the students as the grammar: the different tenses, the alphabet and vocabulary with some useful words that made it is not naturally fits to help the students to acquire life changing notions, and concepts as I have them in teaching superior level. The text being focused on teaching English concepts and the British and English speaking culture is the perfect ground to help those young by giving them life changing notion. But even it is very hard to do, as soon as I started explaining them a notion they started making noise, if they do not ask a very stupid question to show me that they are not sweet for such concept by lack of mastering the French and English languages, as Niger being a francophone country, English is teaching with French. They are even asked to pretend not to understand the French languages and to disturb me when I started providing them original, creative and helpful ideas. The goal being showing me clearly that I am losing their times,the courses meant to torture me, not to have me help those kids with my great knowledge and experience. Still there are many among the students that are collaborative. Those students most of the time are under the control of friendly countries. Remember as we said it Prince Charles, the British Prince heir to the throne is keeping hostage by the council in Niger a former French colonies with the collaboration of many countries. The students that are respectful toward the teacher and the Prince, and collaborative in the teaching process are students under the influence of the British network of influence. The techniques I develop to help those young students is by teaching the entire class through them. I attracted their attention to develop the concepts and have the other students  follow my explanation. To motivate those students I use the reward techniques by giving them extra points or chew gum for being collaborative to their learning process.


  You need to know how much I was paid the hour to know the teaching is really for humanitarian purpose. In Success a secondary school teacher is paid around 1 Pound ( XOF 1250. Hardly at the end of the month with all the classes did I have 50 pounds, with especially the different strikes which are frequent though it is a private school. That money is not even enough to cover my basic need. Still I continue teaching because I did not start doing it for financial reason but only for humanitarian purpose.


   In Success I also taught in 2015-2016 academic year as usually I had two 5 eme classes and a 4eme.But few months after the school start I was obliged to travel for personal reason to Accra. It was hardly that I had those classes this academic year as the council and its accomplices use their power to prevent me teaching in the school. I then brought my CV to Lako another private school of Niamey, but a more serious school than Success was. It is after painful negotiation that I had those classes.

  That year was not different of the others in terms of challenges to overcome for helping those kids.   Success is around 1 mile and half in the East side of the place I was kept hostage in airport.


   My file I gave to teach in the school is under my false and criminal name of Hassane Issoufou. The school is under American influence mainly, though Great Britain and France have lot of influence there. Due to my hostage keeping, any traces of Prince Charles is covered tightly by the council. The school may deny me teaching there. Though this is very unlikely as by no way can the council can have all those countries collaborated to hide history and the good the prince has done to the school and those children. The likely answer can be a kind of 'We cannot confirm or deny that he teaches there', ' not taking phone call when contacted about that', or ' We know Hassane Issoufou but not Joseph John, or Prince Charles',' Pretend not even opening those years, and also more clearly and easily recognised that I teach there in case all those countries agree on that,or let say in case American decides to do so. The students also are under those countries control their answer, cannot be collective but only individual, one can recognise that I teach if the country controlling it decides to follow justice. That is the council and its hostage keeping aims stolen prince Charles of even good his actions. 


   Nevertheless what cannot be covered up are endless scientific proofs we have and posted some among them in this article. They proof clearly that we teach in that schools, you see the students, you hear their voices and there is not bigger proofs than that.

  This remark is just for the matter of additional information for those who want to know the school, or meet the students I teach and how I impact their lives. For example they even nicknamed each other 'Story' after the name of the sound I teach them how to sing. 

   I did not teach them for the purpose of filling my CV, or for the sake of being recognise a glory or a gratitude. I teach because for me, nothing made more sense than helping mankind. A life worth living is a life lived in helping the others. And all my political action is in this logic of doing goods as Prince and King to the British and the world. Those are the ideas that made me and push me doing this humanitarian activity. I regret nothing in it, I love the all of it from the torture and pain endure.