Prince Charles was born on August 30, 1981. This is for the fewest of you that were not born when the Prince comes to life, and was kidnapped, deported and kept hostage. Our Kingdom is an old one, the striking majority of our Subjects were born when the King was born. For those great majority it was as yesterday. They laugh abundantly of the council re-edition of our Kingdom history through its leaders to cover up the optional replacement of their Prince heir to the throne. It was to them that are directed the council classical indirect message, o yes the real Prince Charles is not Prince of Wales, he was kidnapped, deported and kept hostage, what can you do? They are the victim of the council mediatic bullying.

     On the other hands for the few that were not born the Queen's life is reedited, and every single clue of the Prince being born in 1981 is hidden. But the true is in every memory, the truth is on every photo, between scenes of every videos. 


                                    Another picture of the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince of Wales that is not in the above video. In the first line there are Prince Diana with a kid in her arms and my mother walking with her clearly pregnant. For example you can see her pregnant breast, and her feet render big by the prenancy. My father is in the picture just on the left back of Diana.

                                          My mother's pregancy appeared more as on the side of the paper; she hold the pregnant belly apperas.

 This video depicted Prince of Wales and Prince Charles' wedding. It was on July 29, 1981 that could not be hidden. The Queen attended this wedding pregnant, I was born few days later, the pregnancy was in its terminal stage and cannot be hidden. O as you can see in the video, she did not even hide, it was clear, it offered to the eyes sight, by the way the 9 months pregnancy of the monarch belly was. It is clear that if she wanted to hide it, he would not attend the wedding because all would see it. But, why hiding her pregnancy when all know it and see in that an exceptional occasion of having a heir to the throne, knowing that they would have a heir to the throne because the majority of our Subjects are informed that the Queen has any child but was about to have her only one son, Prince Charles. It was then, an excited moment to be alive for a British, a moment to live to see the announced delivery of the monarch in few days time. So happy of her pregnancy it is just for matter of reducing the incredible size of her pregnant belly that the Queen held a paper that she stuck to her belly while walking. Still all the pregnant aspects appear on her totally as her big stomach, face drawn by the weight of the pregnancy and of feet that become big.

                     For example here to have the belly relaxes, she removed the bottoms of her dress, she was sitting with the same blue dress.

                                                                   She is first right, here more the pregnancy appears.

In this footage you can see my father, King George VI conversing with my mother. The Prince to born was then a factor of uniting the father and daughter divided by the council for its criminal purpose. That will be for a very short time as two years later, the council would force the Queen to let kidnap and keep hostage Prince Charles and that divided definitely, the Queen and her father. For King George VI it is a matter of laws, principle and love of United Kingdom that Prince Charles, his son succeeded his mother.