Elizabeth Bowes Lyon and King George VI
April 10, 2018.
From Guinea the council did not only hire Oscar Wild to jail Prince Charles. It has also selected a second Guinean, Hannah Sean to play a role in this huge crime against Great Britain, and the world in one word. The advantage of the council in choosing Guineans is that they are kind of half cast Africans. People from mixture of black African Bantu African population and Peul, yellow nomadic Asian origin population. That made the Guineans have the biological characteristics of both races. Logically the sweetest people to perform the role of white people or to represent White by default among African population. They have very yellow skin complexion from their Peul ancestors, and many other Asian characteristic as the height. They do have many African Mandingue characteristics, regarding for example the aspects of their face, and some corporal features. The council choice in putting them forward in Prince Charles incaration in Niger is that a good part of the Nigerien population have Mandingue root. We mean here the Zarma whose ancestors originally came from Mali, Gao, Mandingue logically. A Mandingue of Guinea easily pass unnoticed among Nigerians regarding all their characteristics the aspects of their bodies and their languages. Prince Charles imprisonment hiding was put in logic of in Zarma side, the main jailer, Oscar Wild being a Guinean.
The council's mercenaries in Galveston, Austin greatest hospital in 1979. From left to right, Sophie Humphries, John Martin, Hannah Sean, Jean Bradley, Oscar Wild and Prince Diana or Iren John. It is those mercenaries that simulated the kidnapping of the American kid, Joseph John in Galveson on April 17, 1983.
Hannah was selected by the council for looking like Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, Prince Charles' grandmother. They both have in common the same flat body and face, all in proportional small weight. It is undoubtedly in the imprisonment of the heir to the throne in airport that she played a huge role. She was the one who was covered up as owning the house close to the jail. She was reported it building for her false mother, When in fact, the house is owned by Elizabeth II, she was just pupated building a mercenaries house. But, she did not stayed in the house longer. They cover her up married. In fact, she was married to the same person to whom she was close in the picture, John Martin, they live in airport. Nevertheless, Hannah was covered up married to another mercenary named Issufu Kadaffi.
From left to right Hannah Sean, John Martin, Jean Bradley.
Hannah was covering up working for the Nigerien treasure, and being rich. She was declared doing the pilgrimage in Mecca. The remaining things Charles learned about her is through the other mercenaries. It is from those mercenaries that he heard, Raki as she covered up calling, has done this or that, or Raki is like this or like that.
She has been matched with Bradley to give birth to Nafissa, a girl with the characteristic of Bowes Lyon in African fashion to hide Charles' imprisonment by introducing her in the jail since 1989.