April 17, 2018. Nov 14, 2018..
As soon as the council has deported and jailed in Dosso Prince Charles a baby was introduced in the jail to give a seemingly hiddance of the jailing aspect of the house. Fati as that is her cover name was born in 1983 from John Martin and Sophie Humphreys. You have understood the public faces of the mercenaries serve also to hide the imprisonment beside doing it: the two have been matched to give birth to Fati in preparation of the imprisonment. It goes without saying that Fati is not her real name because as we said it, she was born in the US. Moreover, none of her parents is Muslim neither Sophie Humphreys nor John Martin.
Oscar Wild first, Iren Samson and Fati. Iren was simulated sickened by the council
and then burn to make her unenable to walk for later declaring her dead and removed
her from the jail in 2015.
She was brought few days after Charles was deported in Dosso. She was the baby that you see in the picture (Pictures of Charles in Dosso) in 1984. It is worth mentioning that as soon as she was born she undergoes plastic surgery to make her face look as prince Charles in black colour fashion. For example her nose was reduced, still it remains expanded.
Fati in the middle with her mother all around.
As you have seen the pictures were taken under the angle of portraying Iren Samson holding in her arms Fati, baby, and me forced to sit close propping to her laughing as a mother bringing up her children, at the utterly great difference that she was black and the other kid being me is white. It is that idea of giving a seemingly kind of hiddence to the internment that is behind the bringing of Fati.
Fati left and Prince Charles right. See beside the racial difference how faces do not have even the same shape. she had open nose just as her mother.
How was the prince behaviour to her?
She increased the pain of my imprisonment, being held with a baby that had a skin colour totally different of mine, beside the double pain felt of being held by black. This is exactly what I felt. I could not tolerate it I feel jailed in a very hostile environment opposite of everything I identify myself in.
Fati simulated being sick in 2014. This is after she poisoned Charles with the food; the simulation is to cover up the intoxication.
Since Charles direct incarceration has started in Dosso, she has always been kept jailed with her. Through her parents she intended to bring a touch of my mother Elizabeth II in growing and father, King George VI that her father looked like.
Nevertheless, a distinction is needed here, she was not a prisoner no, she was given birth to simulate Charles' imprisonment, she was given by her parents in kind of odd adoption fashion to cover up Charles' jailing. But, by herself she was not a prisoner as not torture as a prisoner. Moreover, she is in contact with her parents expecially John Martin. I have never accepted her, never been close with her, as she is the living personification of the torture I live as a prisoner. I kept the same attitude in Dosso, in Niamey with the different incarceration places. I quite well remembered starting walking well in Poudriere by the end 1986. Nevertheless, in El Hadj Bango's area Charles was not kept jailed with her, she was given to her parents for one year and something. It is in Poudriere she was reintroduced, then she already walked quite well and was aged 3, she had a very slow growth. She could not support the harsh condition of the hostage keeping, with clay rooms without electricity without running water without any comfort of a modern life. She was born in the US after the transportation of Charles.
Her reintroduction increased my sense of distance toward her, I could not imagine who she was, I just saw her. That was my feeling toward her in 1987. It is few months later after her bringing that another kid was brought in the captivity house, that new one is Nafissa, daughter of Jean Bradley and Hannah Sean in 1989. I did not understand what was going with successive bringing of kids. For her bringing, Iren did not even simulated a false pregnancy. She was just brought like this, they think that Charles was enough immature as child to recall that later. Nevertheless, for bringing Amadu months later she simulated a false pregnancy in the perspective of the people inside the house though all are mercenaries. Inside the room, she did not simulated any pregnancy I recall her belly was normal.
Fati in the middle with her parents around; John Martin left and Sophie Humphrys right.
My distant feeling toward her never changed. Later, I saw her false and criminal birth certificate it was written she was born in 1987 in Niamey, the same date she was brought for the second time in Poudriere, whereas then she already walks and I could not believe that. On that false document it was written she was daughter of Oscar and Iren, everything that is false, the jailers pair never had sex, and are by any way married, just together for the purpose of the jailing.
Prince Charles kept jailed in Dosso with Fati by Iren Samson in 1984.
Prince Charles jailed in Dosso with Fati by Iren Samson in 1984.
The harsh incarceration conditions have made her thin, very skinny and skeletal, she looks like her mother, in much more starved way. She share also some characteristics of her father, of Martin she had the amused facial expression in seriousness.
Fati indeed received a bad education, brought up in jail does not go with good education. She repeated many classes of the primary school, hardly did she have the certificate of the national primary school exam. Her secondary school was much more hard, she repeated many beginning classes, before going at the last grade of Secondary school, she failed having the exam for 5 years in row. She ended up abandoning school recently, it was the last two years back. Of course, she was not a bright student, she even hated studying, she always lost her time in idle occupation. Still the council has something to have with repetitive failure at the Brevet.
A proper normal childhood, she almost never know it, how could she when brought up in a prison environment, adolescent she was rapped in the captivity house by Oscar. Indeed he rapped under the eyes of the entire worldly audience who watched the conditions in which the British prince heir to the throne was kept. Worst she was not rapped alone, she was with Nafissa the other girl brought, with time Amadu the next boy bring, rapped her with Oscar. in 2010, Nafissa was impregnate by Oscar and covered up optionally married. She remains alone at the mercy of Oscar, since she was consistently rapped and pealed up abortion after abortion, all did in horrible condition. Many times, she cried, hot tears, which come to nothing.
Prince Charles left first hides prisoner by Fati, Iren, Adamu and Oscar in 2015.
In Jun 13, after Iren was covered up dead and retrieve by the council from the jail, she almost replaced her as false wife of Oscar, who regularly raped her, with even the last kid brought named Adamu. She was almost forced through her serial failure at the secondary school exam to drop out from school that was in 2015. Currently, her work is sexual slave of the jailer, Oscar Wild.
She is not naive as you may think by no way imagine since the second jailer Iren was retrieved from the jail in 2015, she was the one that prepared the food in the house. She consistently intoxicated Prince Charles, by either putting very harmful substance as bismuth that blacken him, or with antibiotic or with any harmful substance that the council and its accomplices deem give her. She tries many times such way to kill Prince Charles, She even put her urine and vaginal secretions in Prince Charles food, she does all of that. Currently, almost every night the council and its mercenaries managed to put her and Adamu in the cell of Prince Charles for among many trying to kill him, when he was sleeping. The key of the door having problem, the all I can do to lock the door is by putting the inside hook. They managed to have one of them hide in the room, when I was sleeping they replace each other. One open the door for the last come in and then closed behind him or her.