BCST against the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

      March 5, 2018.

        The number of the of gusts at the weeding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been reported by the couple. 1,200 people will be attending the wedding on May 19, 2018. BCST has always expressed its deepest opposition to this wedding for many reasons. The first reason, since we heard about the wedding, is we quickly understand the council intention of using this wedding that they intend to make a great show for attempting carrying on their coup on our country its Constitution and laws. Nevertheless, the greatest of our main opposition is that Prince Harry was dead when his engagement was announced. Here there is an ethical problem how can a dead man marry before even entering in considering the other considerations? It is both legally and religiously illegal to marry a dead man. A dead man is dead, giving his identity to get married to another person for getting married is an usurpation of identity a serious legal and religious crimes. 

       Before even the announcement of the engagement, we call the archbishop of of Canterbury not to authorise the wedding, because it is all the way illegal, and the second religious and judiciary figure of our country, the guardian of the observance of our religious and Kingdom laws should not logically authorise the union, between a living person and a dead one, on the principle that the man is dead, and could not marry. Authorising the wedding, is refusing to respect the fact that he is dead, and no one even with less status than the Archbishop of Canterbury can pretend that he does not know that Prince Harry was dead. At our greatest surprise the Archbishop authorised the wedding. That is a serious source of concern for our Kingdom, because it shows if proof needed that there is any law either regalian, Constitutional or divine that is  respected. It shows that the council have one goal maintaining its keeping hostage of a part of our country, and intend to carry on its coup. And it started by tested subjects' reaction with such unprecedented and dangerous move of ridiculing our laws, and Church, the soul of our Kingdom. Great Britain, United Kingdom are divine construction, our greatness is that of God, and its religion being Christianity ( Anglicanism). Everything we have done it is in respecting God, Its laws and recommendations. That is why with Its virtues, we have created capitalism relying on trust, we have discipline our character to materialise the world lost in a mystic and abstract middle age cave, and then create industrialisation. By cultivating God's virtues that we erect as our Kingdom laws, we conquer, rule the world, and bring our light to it.  

     Of course, it goes without saying that the council aiming to transform our Kingdom in country, and Republic has first to destroy the sacredness of the Church, to dissociate our Church and our Crown: secular, popular, sacred base, and supreme Constitutional body and the Parliament the body politics. That goes simply chasing from our subjects' hearts God, Republic goes with laicity. Republic goes with the rule of the flesh over the soul. It goes with the rule of treachery, lying, selfishness over laws, principles and the power of honesty. Indeed the Archbishop, Justin Welby authorised, the wedding, and he could not be obliged by the council as the issue is sensitive. Beside even in that, the council could not oblige him doing such crime because the patriots would not let it do so. Then, clearly he has authorised it, as he is one more corrupted politician nominate at the Head of the Church of God's House Builder, at the head of our Anglican Church. That shows he had a political not a religious conception of his sacred role as Archbishop by authorising the wedding. He lost his power and credibility as head of our Church and we demand Archbishop resignation, as King George VII (BCST, here speaks by the behalf of King George VII, the Head of the Church).  

       In fact, that is not surprising at all, the council not the Queen appointed the Archbishops and the different bishops, because the Queen did as the council asked her to do. Reason, why such thing that never happened in our Kingdom's history are seen: women were appointing as bishops and in the House of Lords ( Wake Up  Britannia, the hour is critical and require our sacrifice to save you that has never been conquered, captive and kept humiliated: the vivacity of our blood needs to be defended). 

     The goal of the council is simple with this campaign it is  appointing women and discrediting the Church. It goes simply with removing the sacredness and seriousness of our Church, pushing our people to hate it and the monarchy being God's de facto House, and God's Deputy through the symbol of the Monarch because both are linked, the Monarch is anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He holds his power from God, and to He he renders account when he does not do it well, reason why he does his work well, knowing that God will judge him based on that.

     The wedding was a mean for the council to advertise  before the death of the Queen, Elizabeth II; its illegal regime as reigning in lieu and place of the Queen, beside the coup attempt purpose. Because since the engagement and the wedding are announced the news regarding the Royal Institution and somehow one of the first point that subjects are commenting in our Kingdom is this wedding to come. The corrupted people and anti legality backing the council, comments it; wherever they have the occasion, to express their loving interests to it. Those people to the mere systematic total destruction of our Kingdom they will clap as they are selfish and egoist, and criminal, for them there is nothing as Kingdom to love, a God to love and serve that made the rules and laws that rule our country, and made the monarch as God's deputy on earth, his or her heir as logically the second deputy on earth, to mean Prince Charles, Those who are legalistic, and faithful Anglicans, Christians and loving their Kingdom comment to condemn the weeding. Then, come November 12, 2017 the death of the Queen, then the council has readjusted a little bit its purposes in this wedding and adding to the reasons, a mean to save their regime that more has a little legality when the Queen is alive, and has any legality when the Queen is dead. From the second she was dead, she should be replaced as our Constitution and God requires it. 

           The wedding of Meghan Markle becomes a mean for the council to hide the total illegality of its regime by using the illegal weeding to busy medias headlines and busy people's mind and made them forget or not to see clearly that the Queen is dead, and she should be replaced by King George VII. 

    The second reason regarding our opposition to this wedding, is in the principle that Prince Harry is not son of Prince of Wales, and grandson of Queen Elizabeth. And the wedding was used at the beginning by the council to advertise its coup it was preparing to make Prince of Wales or his son, and falsely reported son (William who is not son of Prince of Wales like we have proved it in this website but son of Francois Bingo a Congolese who recently naturalised Canadian) as the next King. The wedding is then a mean to the council to simply do its coup, because none of the people it wants use to replace the Queen has right to the throne: Prince of Wales is not son of Queen Elizabeth II, end of all neither him, nor Prince Harry his son, nor William Bingo who is not even son of Prince of Wales, and does not even have right to be part of the Royal Family have the right to the throne.  The wedding was then an advertisement, a test for the council to see how it can with the power it thinks to have to impose them as the next King. It is a way of preparing the British subjects against an illegal wedding because Prince Harry is not who he is portrayed to be, and then people are misleading to put an illegal enthusiasm, interests, support in things they should hate utterly. The wedding is also on the way a mean for the council to see who among their men who do not have right to the throne, which one people tolerate the most, and then designate him as King. And it is to be mentioned beside even their non having the right to the throne, all are dead now. Still the council intends to make as God's Deputy in Great Britain a dead person. That is remarkably bad is a supreme sin and crime against our Church and Constitution. By all mean we should stop it, as we will do. How can a dead person assuring the supreme function in our country?

     The function of Monarch is fundamental in the socio-political stability of our country, the Monarch is God Deputy in our Kingdom. It is the constancy in a changing world. He is the sun over our shoulder the day, the moon and the stars at the top of our head the night. He is our compass in an illusionary world. The King has the responsibility to regulate and control the politicians ruling which so often makes abstraction of the interests of the Kingdom and the people. 

      Politicians always are at the service of their ideology, their Parties, and their interests, and there is any place safe for the subjects and the Kingdom. The Monarch is the only one who through his function, sacred and supreme function should have enough power to set order, to have the laws that benefit all being applied. He checked if God's and the subject rules, laws and interests are respected. In which world will we live, when the theory of relativity of an anti Christ, anti Constitutional and anti patriotic rule. Because the classical democracy without divine checking is not more no less as the reign of relativity on certainty. As illustration justice is a certain, when a wrong is done on you, you feel and deserve to have justice for the interests of all. Moreover, people right to have respect their happiness is not relative; it is certain. It is not relative, though the notion of happiness depends on person, we will not use the word relativity that mislead everything. Because for all people happiness to be protected and assured, social rules as standard of happiness, as emanating by God needs to be applied. But, imagine if the subjects are let to listen their fleshes and let them dictate them what is their happiness, and no rule is their to prevent them find it well, they will even fight to have crime erected as law for the mere principle of feeling happy of doing what they want as their flesh dictate.  They will have the power to do so if not block by the religious monarchic side, because they will organise themselves in political parties putting forward the joy in doing whatever you want to seduce and convinced the others, to rally them and then changing the rule of the society. I will underline that in our country, homosexuality and the wedding of homosexuals are authorised, how can in  a divine monarchy that be allowed. And we all know quite well that the council is behind it, not the subjects So the lack of supreme and sacred power, opens the door to ill intentioned and criminals people to manage to have power for destroying our Kingdom. Reason, why the function of supreme power is needed in our Kingdom. And we bring to your attention that gays people all around the world has been helped by the council to fight having their right as issue of human rights.

       Since we are in the world of using faith to control and regulate political life and democracy, America is not a monarchy, but still got inspires it divine democracy from us, the British who founded and colonised America. For example the sacred and Christian inspiration of the American Constitution is recognised and written in capital letter in American Constitution. That made in America it is God laws that rule, God laws are used to balance and regulate people tendencies to let their fleshy interests being ruled and destroyed the country. That made the divine laws, God through His laws serve  as supreme power, supreme ruler (monarch). And the American democracy is cited by many as the best form of democracy as it allows the country to be very powerful, forgetting than that the greatest form of democracy is ours from which come the American democracy.

       From Catholic countries, turning Republic or separated the political life and the faith, we are totally different of them. As we already purified the Catholic Church to move to Anglicanism the purest version of Christianity close to God, and removed of man's corruption that transformed it to Catholicism. Catholicism is the transformation of religion as a mean to conquer and exercise power is the problem and we identity early this problem and solve it. The Pope has to rule an empire to do so, he has to change Christianity laws to fit that need.

    In our Kingdom though the Monarch is God's Deputy on earth, and as so anointed by the Church, and though beside all the Head of the Church, it is not the Church that rules as it is not the archbishop that has the Royal power. In the other European Catholic countries turning Republic laicity is for them a mean to express their total independence from the Pope. We already achieved our ideological independence by leaving the Catholic Church and created our own Church. 

      But, in our Kingdom it is a noble who reigns and rules, that makes religion cannot be illy exploited to oppress and torture subjects, but it is used as a character refiner, a super entity free of man's material corruption. We will talk of the rule of the Church when it is the Archbishop that rules as in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, everything made the Church being transformed in tool for conquering and exercising the power. That made of the Pope a politician as any.  Whereas in our case the two are uniting in difference and for the best. Our Church is reason rule faith, it is not emotion and abstraction rule faith. That genius alchemy that gives the best political system possible which has made its proof through its duration, and success it bring to the world. Everything great in this world has been done by us, and it has only been possible with our super best political system. Everything great is created by us. Every important and revolutionary idea is thought by us. That shows the supremacy of our political system. Long live the life, calls for excellency and progress. 

      But, still to be ranked as the first democracy we need to be simply a democratic country, whereas we are a Divine Democracy, Great Britain being ruled by a monarchical constitution (the Constitution being the charters, and Acts).

      To come once again on the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, recently the later was dead that made it is a wedding between two dead people that is preparing. Than now the wedding is twice illegal, criminal as relying on two usurpations of identify. That brings us, to the third reason for which we are against this wedding.

       Moreover, there is another aspects that needs to be considered though the council controlling lot of medias are hiding and made them irrelevant which is Meghan Markle is not a Anglican. We will recall people that the King is the Head of the Anglican Church, and by extension the Royal Family is the Head of the Church because the King is linked to his family, then every member of the Royal Family to be member of it, should be Anglican, and married an Anglican. Normally according to the spirit and laws of our Church, of our Constitution and custom, a Prince that married a non Anglican should be de fact a non member of the Royal Family. That simply means beside the facts that they are both dead, the bride is not an Anglican. O, Daily Express reported that the council is planning to have Markle by the end of this month turns Anglican  (https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/926851/meghan-markle-baptised-prince-harry-archbishop-of-canterbury-wedding-news-latest). It is not of course sincere and one cannot consider that she is a real Anglican. The conversion is just for the matter of being part of our sacred Royal Family,

   The fourth reason for which we are against this wedding, is Meghan Markle is a divorcée, whereas our Church forbids divorce. Logically and normally a Prince that marries a divorcée should lose his title. I will recall our subjects that if Princess Margaret did not marry Peter Townsend it was because he is a divorcée and if she married her, she lost her status of Princess. And she chose to remain Princess by refusing to marry him. If that laws is valid  to Princess Margaret it should be valid as well for Prince Harry. 

      Nevertheless, the council uses its control on some medias to make that irrelevant, we should not accept that, and act for the respect of our Constitution, beside the other considerations that made the wedding totally illegal, unconstitutional and unsound. What is quite remarkable is at the beginning when the engagement was announced the Queen expressed herself against the wedding and de facto opposed to it. Then de facto and logically she should forbids it as she has the duty as guardian of the respect of the respect of our Church and our Kingdom. Instead of forbidding the wedding, she gradually changed her position, as she invited Markle at the Christmas celebration at Sardingham that was a test to see if our subjects would let her support the wedding. And then now she moved to almost formally authorising the weeding as she is planning to do a Commonwealth tour with Markle, that is the logical consequence of the equation, being if the subjects do not react negatively against her being invited as Sardingham the Queen can move to formally authorise the wedding. Then before, which kind of Queen did we have? Surely, a political one, adopting position in function of the subjects' humor and tendencies that she conceived as people reactions. Whereas, the Queen is the Head of the Church, God Deputy on earth, she is not elected, she should not rule according to the subjects fancy but according to God's laws. It is that the subjects by themselves are against the wedding, but the council keeps hide their oppositions, as they do not have a say in a Great Britain, where lot of medias are controlled by the council. Though there are many patriots that report our subjects oppositions (the patriots have lot of medias as well, if not even more), but the council being in logic of coup and military strength that it lost, acts as what our subjects think do not matter, after all in its logic a good part of it are hostages of it.

   The council is preparing the wedding against all our subjects oppositions, and regarding all the unconstitutional, unethical, anti Anglican considerations of the wedding. Charles Gutries and his friends said they will even invite 1,200 persons to the wedding, because it is quite an equation a subject attending such wedding that is against all the laws and values of our country is not worthy of being called a British subjects. He is just a people, an individual, he is certainly not even a person who has some dignity that he wants to be respected and valued. And the size of the number of people that will be invited and the fact that the council is planning to invite both the former American President, Obama who was dead, and the current American President, Donald Trump dead as well and replaced by a double, shows clearly that the council intends to make this wedding a show to the British and the world, that it is above all laws religious just as popular and that it will attempt to carry its coup that we will not and never let them carry one.

             Imagine, the council's current Prime Minister, Theresa May ( The real Theresa May is dead since last year she is replaced by a person carrying a plastics mask of Ms. May. Ihat is the logical consequences of replacing a real person, by an usurper and a person hired, she did not bother herself with laws and rules she did what asked to do by those who her; being the council, we King George VII, BCST speaking at behalf of the King, does not recognise anymore as Prime Minister Theresa May so that she should resign and be replaced by Jacob Reese Mogg.), She asked London councils to lift their charges so that the subjects will express their happiness the day of the announced weeding, that we forbid and forbids and that the council is preparing. Once more, she should resign, we are totally against the weeding,