April 16, 2018, Jan 21, 2021.
He is the third baby brought to cover up Prince Charles imprisonment in 1989, after Iren simulated a false pregnancy.
Amadu let and Mohamadu right in 2016 few yards from the hostage keeping house. Mohamadu is in the American System.
Amadu in 2016.
Amadu left and Mohamadou right in 2016 a full view of the last picture.
Prince Charles left, Amadu in the middle, and Adamu right in 2016 . Pay lot of attention the pictures has been reedited to make our faces look alike by the different council's mercenaries around in the tours. Nevertheless, our bodies are real and our feet were not changed.
From left to right, Ashai a friend genderm of Amadu, then Amadu in uniform, Mar a kid in the American System in the house close to the hostage keeping house, then Adamu in 2016.
Prince Charles and Amadu right in 2016. The picture has been reedited still it gives you an idea.
Prince Charles in the hostage keeping house in 2016.
. Amadu the same day in the hostage keeping house.
He is the son of Iren John and Prince Andrew.
Some pictures of Amadu that he sent personally to Charles in 2015 which described quite well his status in the gendermery
It is to be noted that those pictures have been reedited to make him looked like me, Prince Charles. The time he sent the pictures, he just came from Diffa in the Easter Niger; where he stated being sent for mission. He was reported spending months there.
Here is the zone in which he declared serving during his mission there.
Amadu driving a car during the mission. The picture means we may declare him a non combatant gendarm but just a driver of troops.
Amadu holding a riffle almost ready to shoot. The council message here there is an option of having him dead. There it means we may declare him a figthing gendarm.
Amadu keeping the riffle down, meaning they may not kill him.
Amadu fist closed.
Amadu wearing glasses meaning we may declare him not even a gendarm.
Prince Charles in 1983 in Cheam few days before his kidnapping.